Research and Professional Development Grants 2004-05

Faculty Development Committee

The following is a report of the Research and Professional Development Grants funded during the 2004-2005 academic year. The Faculty Development Committee received 31 applications in the fall and 42 applications in the spring (including 5 Presidential Research Fellowship applications). Below is information on these applications. Grants were funded from a variety of sources including the Chang-Burton Fund for promoting programs related to teaching and/or research pertaining to historically underrepresented groups at Gettysburg College, the Freeman Foundation Grant for Asian Studies, and a CNCS Learn and Serve America grant to support service learning.

Fall 2004

Number of Applications / Number Funded / Amount Requested / Amount Funded
Faculty Res. & Scholarship / 27 / 24 / $83,970.09 / $66,180.00
Curricular / 3 / 2 / 17,142.00 / 2,670.00
Administrators / 1 / 1 / 1,184.00 / 1,180.00

TOTAL $70,030.00

Spring 2005

Number of Applications / Number Funded / Amount Requested / Amount Funded
Faculty Res. & Scholarship / 24 / 19 / $84,043.10 / $57,410.00
Curricular / 12 / 9 / 24,515.72 / 12,689.00
Administrators / 6 / 6 / 4,929.40 / 4,850.00

TOTAL $74,949.00

In addition, this year the Committee considered ten out-of-cycle proposals. To be considered, applicants needed to demonstrate that (a) the opportunity became available after the last proposal deadline and (b) a response was required before the next grant cycle. These proposals were funded using money returned by previous grantees at the completion of projects.

Out-of-Cycle (as of July 31, 2005)

Number of Applications / Number Funded / Amount Requested / Amount Funded
Faculty Res. & Scholarship / 6 / 6 / $18,663.25 / $14,614.00
Curricular / 4 / 3 / 2,831.00 / 2,791.00
Administrators / 0 / 0 / - / -

TOTAL $17,405.00


Robert Bohrer - Support for a workshop to increase the level of communication and help reinforce the value of social science investigatory techniques among students at all course levels in the Political Science Department; Summer, 2005.

Paul Carrick - Funding to help defray the costs of a research fellowship from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, i.e., transportation (plane, car, train), lodging away from St. Andrews and the acquisition of select books, journals, and monographs needed to carry out the book project; Spring Semester, 2005.

Ronalee Ciocco and Alice Huff - Funds to send a team to a conference in order to resolve technical difficulties on campus with the new chat reference service being integrated into library operations and websites; November 6-7, 2004.

Nancy Cushing-Daniels - Funding to help defray additional conference expenses for the 2004-05 academic year; May 2005.

Kay Etheridge - Funding to support investigation of the evolving images of animals as they begin to include elements of their habitats. Request is for travel to do research at museums in Bologna and Paris, attending two international conferences, and a study of a special exhibition on the history of natural history; Spring 2005.

Christopher Fee and James Rutkowski - Funding to support two highly-skilled student workers to participate in a project which was begun in the spring of 2003 with Martin Foys of Hood College. Students will process digital images of the Brussels Cross with the final results a Senior Seminar Class; Spring, 2005-Fall, 2005.

Ann Harper Fender - Funding to help cover the cost of travel, materials, translations, and mailings while in Bulgaria on a Fulbright Fellowship with a project to improve understanding of economics in transition and of an important industry in technological, institutional and economic transition; September, 2004, March-April, 2005.

Nathalie Goubet - Seeking funds for a study on the effects of a familiar odor on pain responses in full-term newborns; Spring, 2005.

Sharon Davis Gratto - Request support for a student assistant to analyze collected data from the three-year Arts-in-Education research project with the Four Nations Ensemble and Eisenhower Elementary School in the Gettysburg Area School District; Academic Year 2004-05.

Stacy Haldi - Funding to help defray the expenses of attending the International Studies Association Conference Annual Meeting in Hawaii for a roundtable discussion on jus and bellum; March, 2005.

Caroline Hartzell and Robert Bohrer - Funds to take students to Belfast for a week during Spring Break as part of the IAC seminar in order to make more concrete some of the abstract issues they will be studying during the semester; March, 2005.

John (Buzz) Jones - Funding in order to seek opportunities to perform original composition Axiom Asunder in concert venues throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland; Spring-Fall, 2005-06.

Laurence Marschall - Seeking funds to defray travel expenses while taking two groups of students to the National Undergraduate Research Observatory (NURO) in Flagstaff Arizona; Spring-Fall, 2005.

Lewes Peddell - Funds to take orchestral conducting lessons with Maestro Stuart Malina who is the principal conductor of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra; Academic Year, 2004-05..

VoonChin Phua - Funding to study Brazilian sexual lives from a cross-national perspective by examining the transnational perspective and comparing Brazilians in Brazil and in the U.S. and also to understand how Brazilians develop their sexual identity, the fluidity of this identity, and how this constructed identity shapes their lives; Academic Year 2004-05.

Sarah Principato - Funds to support summer field work in Iceland in order to collect data that will be used in a proposal to seek external funds from the National Science Foundation and/or the National Geographic society, to sustain connections between Gettysburg College, the University of Iceland, and the University of Colorado, and also to provide a valuable learning experience for an upper level Environmental Studies student; Summer, 2005-Academic Year 2005-06.

Michael Reinhard - Funding to asses the extent to which Congressional policy makers were influenced by conservative social scientists and were willing to evaluate confounding evidence from other social scientists; through Summer, 2004.

Marta Robertson - Funds for Okinawan dance lessons, Japanese koto lessons, conversational Japanese language classes, and dance equipment purchases which will help in developing a new globalized music course and preparation to participate more effectively in these upcoming and future performances; Academic Year, 2004-05.

Ralph Sorensen - Funds to collaborate with Professor Ursula Eichenlaub-Ritter of Bielefeld University in Bielefeld, Germany to study the process of meiosis in mammalian eggs; Spring, 2005.

Maria Spirova - Funds to participate and present a paper at the Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research in Granada, Spain; Spring, 2005.

Sharon Stephenson - Funds for a week long collaborative meeting with Bret Crawford and Eduard Sharapov (DIANNA collaborators) during spring break of 2005 to work on the time signature of the YAGUAR reactor; 2005.

Jocelyn Swigger - Funding for performance opportunities for a recital of art songs with mezzo-soprano Kirsten Solleck and baritone Richard Lippold with plans to perform in NYC and at Gettysburg College; Spring, 2005.

James Udden - Funds for traveling to Taiwan for research at the National film Archives, and also to interview Hou Hsiao-hsien, Mark Lee, and Huang Wen-ying; Summer, 2005.

C. Kerr Thompson - Seeking funds to purchase videos and support research to examine Argentine cinema between 1943 when a coup brought Perón to power and 1955 when he was removed from office. Funds include travel to Buenos Aries; 2004-2006.

John Volkmar - Funds for a research study to collect and analyze survey data from three different groups of westerners in Japan-Tokyo-area women, Tokyo-area-men, and women from outside the Tokyo area and to assess gender-based differences in adjustment, performance, and professional acceptance. Funds include travel to Japan; Academic Year 2004-05.

Mellon Foundation:

Robert Bohrer - Funding for a seminar to focus on issues surrounding post-civil war societies with particular attention to look beyond the issue of "keeping the peace" which is typically what scholarship addresses; Spring, 2005.

Christopher Fee, Martin Foys, and James Rutkowski - Funding to participate in a project which was begun in the spring of 2003 with Martin Foys of Hood College, an expert in the field of the interactive electronic imaging of medieval artifacts, and now with plans to travel to Belgium in early June 2005 to capture digital images of the Brussels Cross with the final results a Senior Seminar Class; Spring, 2005-Fall, 2005.


Christine Ameduri - Funds to attend a week long seminar in Rare Books School at the University of Virginia; Summer 2005.

Matthew Amster - Funding to support on-going ethnographic project in the interior highlands of Borneo focused on transnational migration and mobility along the international frontier between Sarawak, Malaysia and Kalimantan, Indonesia; 2005/06 Academic Year.

Temma Berg - Funds to spend two weeks in England to visit archives and offices to gather information for two projects; Summer 2005.

Michael Birkner - Funding for a project to examine cultural, business and political ties of American relations with Australia instead of focusing on the military connections of World War II, but with the hopes of producing a series of papers and articles to illuminate the Australian-American connection; 2005-06 Academic Year.

Teresa Bowers - Funds to attend the National Flute Associate meeting in San Diego; August 2005.

Heather Clouser - Funds to attend the National Athletic Training Association Convention in Indianapolis; June 12-16, 2005.

Laurel Cohen-Pfister - Funding to attend the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in order to present a 75-minute workshop on "Implementing Electronic Portfolios in the Language Curriculum"; March 31-April 2, 2005.

Bret Crawford - Funds to hire two students to help finish the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection licensing of the proton accelerator laboratory in the Physics' Department; Summer 2005.

Koren Deckman/Michael Wedlock - Funding to hire a student to help develop the actual lab experiments and prepare laboratory documents for students and instructors for a new introductory chemistry course being developed as an alternative tract to Chemistry 107; Spring 2005-Fall 2005.

Joseph Donolli - Funds to attend the Athletic Trainers Meeting, in Indianapolis, IN, for a symposium covering all the competencies of the profession including demonstrations and displays of the new advances in the field; June 12-16, 2006.

Karen Drickamer - Funding to attend the Northeast Document Conservation Center's School for Scanning Conference to be held in Boston in order to update knowledge and skills in choosing content for and managing of digital projects; June 1-3, 2005.

Cynthia Gibbon - Funds to attend a workshop at the national conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries entitled "Information Literacy in the Disciplines: Librarian/Faculty Collaboration for 21st Century Research Skill" which addresses subject-specific information literacy standards and explores instructional approaches tailored to specific disciplines; April 7, 2005.

Steven Gimbel - Funds to collect oral histories for his project on the social and intellectual history of the Logical Positivist movement; Spring 2005-Summer 2007.

Sharon Gratto - Funding to support the costs of taking Level III of the World Music Drumming Curriculum which helps in courses including courses in Music Education methods for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science program; Summer 2005.

Caroline Hartzell - Funds to hire a Research Assistant to help create a data set on the fate of factions following the end of civil ward employing such as Facts on File, the regional Europa Year Books to name a few sources; Summer 2005.

John (Buzz) Jones - Funding for seeking opportunities to perform original composition Axiom Asunder in concert venues throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland included in this project is the participation of Mwangi Githinji and the Gettysburg College World Music Ensemble; Spring-Fall 2005-2006.

Sunghee Kim - Funds to cover travel expenses to attend the Second Symposium on Applied Perception in graphics and Visualization in Coruña Spain and also funding to hire a student assistant to develop and manage the symposium website until the symposium; Spring-Summer 2005.

Sunghee Kim - Funding to hire two experienced student assistants to help refine the eye-feature detection algorithms and create a graphical user interface for the Baby Eye project whose goal is to develop a system for detecting strabismus in infants; Summer 2005-2006.

Nathalie Lebon - Funds for a research assistant and an editing assistant with language skills in Spanish and English to help with a book sponsored by UNIFEM in celebration of the 30 years of the International women's Year, on women's agency and public policy for gender equity in Latin America and the Caribbean; late spring-fall 2005.

Dorothy Moore - Funds to attend the Northeast Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages; Spring 2005.

Midori Morris - Funds to attend the Oral Proficiency Interview Workshop to have sufficient knowledge on the rationales and guidelines to conduct practice interviews in order to obtain a certificate as an official tester to rate the proficiency levels of students when they apply for study abroad programs, job positions or graduate programs;

May 4-7, 2005.

Lewes Peddell - Funds to professionally record the Gettysburg College Wind Ensemble and Symphony Band as a four-year project which could be sent with applications to perform at conferences of different Music organizations in addition to being a catalyst for students involved the band program in the likely transition of the Music Department to a Conservatory; Summer 2005-Spring 2008.

Lewes Peddell - Funding to attend the Conducting Symposium at the University of Colorado as a critical part of achieving goals as a conductor and teacher of conducting; June 13-17, 2005.

Lewes Peddell/Rodney Tosten - Funds to support a talented computer science student to work on the development of PDA-CRDI software and for the required purchase of two IPAQ PDAs; Summer 2005.

Alan Perry - Funds to help with research, while on Pre-Tenure Leave, for the goal of beginning a full-length monograph on Giovannino Guareschi (1908-1968) one of Italy's most successful popular authors, journalists, anti-Communists, and Humorists; Summer 2005.

George Petrie - Funds to attend the National Association of Basketball Coaches Convention in St. Louis, Missouri; March 30-April 3, 2005.

Janet Powers - Reimbursement for a trip to Israel from December 29, 2004-January 10, 2005 to conduct research for a book entitled Blossoms on the Olive Tree; January 2005.