Job Description: Head of Department
A. Job Purpose
To be responsible to the head of faculty for the leadership and management of the department.
B. Major Tasks
1. Fulfil the role of subject teacher and personal tutor.
2. Undertake the leadership and management of the department within the objectives set by the strategic plan.
3. Monitor, review and advise on the quality of teaching, learning and student progress.
4. Represent and promote the department's needs.
5. Carry out other delegated duties appropriate to status within the College.
C. Job Activities
1. Teacher & Personal Tutor
See ‘Professional Duties’ available under ‘additional information’.
2. Leadership and Management of the Department
2.1 Establish, maintain and develop good working relationships with all colleagues in the department.
2.2 Take responsibility for ensuring new staff, including NQTs, are fully supported and that suitable mentoring is made available throughout their probationary period. Provide the appropriate levels of support and supervision for teaching practice students when present.
2.3 Ensure that the courses and specifications offered are appropriate to meet both the range of student ability and progression needs.
2.4 Liaise with the Vice Principal over the planning of the deployment and timetabling of staff.
2.5 Ensure departmental practice promotes and complies with the College’s policy on safeguarding.
2.6 Lead the department in identifying appropriate aims and strategies to promote equality and diversity.
2.7 Ensure departmental returns (e.g. self-assessment, development plans, budget plans, student assessments, examination board entrance/coursework requirements and questionnaires) are accurate and completed by the stipulated deadline.
2.8 Chair regular timetabled department meetings and maintain proper records of the meetings.
2.9 Ensure department staff keep full and accurate records of students' attainment and progress and use these records to shape future teaching and other interventions with students.
2.10 Ensure department staff comply with College procedures on student attendance and punctuality.
2.11 Take responsibility for the oversight of resources and the completion of the variety of administrative tasks which are necessary for the effective operation and welfare of the department e.g. ordering of books, equipment and other materials, health and safety issues, the keeping of an up-to-date inventory.
2.12 Update and maintain high quality displays throughout the department to stimulate learning and promote interest in the department’s work.
2.13 Ensure that the department meets and implements the College's strategic and annual operational objectives.
2.14 Ensure the department meets and implements the targets identified in its development plan.
2.15 Ensure, under the direction of the head of faculty, that decisions made by the Curriculum Committee and/or the Senior Leadership Team are successfully implemented.
2.16 Ensure the department is fully prepared for both Internal and Ofsted Inspections and responds quickly and positively to areas of identified weakness.
2.17 Ensure, under the direction of the head of faculty, that all department staff are aware of the College's curriculum policies and that they comply with other current policies and procedures.
3. Monitoring the Quality of Teaching, Learning and Achievement
3.1 Conduct an annual review of the overall performance of the department, within the context of the College’s strategic, operational and department (development) plans and College policy. Implement appropriate strategies for overcoming any identified weaknesses.
3.2 Oversee the compilation and writing of an annual department self-assessment report, including the use of equality monitoring and value-added data to evaluate student achievements.
3.3 Monitor the effectiveness of the teaching and the use of resources within the department, including compliance with the College's policy on classroom observation.
3.4 Oversee the effectiveness of the department's monitoring of student progress and target-setting to ensure students achieve the highest standard of which they are capable.
3.5 Monitor the students' attitude and learning experiences within the department by the use of formally administered questionnaires, focus groups and, where appropriate, other strategies.
3.6 Take responsibility for identifying initial strategies to deal with both poor quality teaching, and/or inappropriate student learning experiences. Ensure the appropriate line managers are informed.
3.7 Take responsibility for ensuring the department's staff keep up-to-date with both professional and subject developments.
3.8 Ensure the department complies with the College's quality framework and that the department's Quality file is complete and kept up-to-date.
4. Represent and Promote the Department
4.1 Identify and promote the requirements of the department to the head of faculty.
4.2 Take responsibility for updating the department's development and annual budget plan and presenting them to the Head of faculty.
4.3 Assist in identifying the staffing needs of the department within the context of projected student numbers and sets.
4.4 Contribute to the construction of the timetable by assisting in the planning of the deployment of department staff and utilisation of accommodation.
4.5 Identify the staff development needs of the department and present an analysis as part of the action and budget planning process.
4.6 Monitor the quality of student subject reports being sent home to parents.
4.7 Oversee the department's arrangements for marketing the department including at open days and the updating of prospectus content, subject leaflets and other promotional materials.
4.8 Take responsibility for the promotion and presentation of the department to external stakeholders, such as staff and pupils in partner schools, parents and relevant outside agencies.
5. Additional Delegated Duties
5.1 Assist in the appointment of applicants, where appropriate, for teaching and/or technician posts within the department.
5.2 Participate as required in the College's appraisal system.
5.3 Assist in the decisions regarding student applying for admission to the College, as required.
5.4 Write UCAS references and advise students, where appropriate, on higher education and careers choices.
January 2018