Vanpool Council Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2016
Meeting began at 2 p.m. EST via conference call.
Lisa Kay provided the following update on the ACT Committees.
David mentioned that about a year ago, Council members were asked if they had interest in helping the Council on various committees. He asked Lisa Kay to provide an update for today’s call. She mentioned that as she reviewed the long list of committees previously proposed, she thought that the Council might want to consider collapsing the list into 3 main committees (which would retain all the functions outlined in the longer list):
1. Communications (newsletters, white papers, phone tree, social media,
2. Directory (Keep list of ACT members and stats up-to-date)
3. Buddy program (members who are new to ACT are paired up with experienced members)
There seemed to be consensus to move forward with these 3 committees. The work plans for each group will continue to be worked on, and if possible, included on the agenda for the in-person Vanpool Council Meeting at the ACT Conference.
The Mobility webinar was very successful and 18 companies provided input.
Michelle provided a Public Policy Update performance measures and vision statements. There are four pillars:
1. Collaboration
2. Commuters
3. Intelligence
4. Outcome & Results
Angie will send out a follow-up email to the Vanpool Council to find out who will be attending the ACT conference and if they would like to be part of the “Buddy Program.”
Dion provided an update on the Enterprise acquisition of vRide. Ryan Johnson will oversee the vanpool business. Both companies will operate independently for now.
As a reminder, we still need volunteers to sign up to be a part of any of the following taskforce.
ACT Policy Cornerstones
Help to define the cornerstone of ACT’s public policy agenda. Attached is the ACT reauthorization taskforce white paper which will serve to guide our thought process. (Total time commitment expected 1-3 hours)
25 by 20 campaigns
The Association for Commuter Transportation calls for the creation of a “25 by 20 Campaign”. The purpose of the campaign is to get 25 local governments to pass transit benefit ordinances by January 1st, 2020. (Total time commitment expected 1-3 hours)
Campaign for Commuters
The Association for Commuter Transportation calls for the creation of a ‘Campaign for Commuters’ to organize the collective energy of commuters in order to advance 21st century transportation policies that are performance based and will optimize our transportation system. (Total time commitment expected 1-3 hours)
Standardized TDM Performance Metrics
The goal of the taskforce will be to make recommendations on a standardized set of metrics in which TDM projects can measured as well as a set of metrics in which TDM programs can be measured by. (Total time commitment expected 5-10 hours)
ACT Response to FHWA CMAQ/System Performance Task
This task force will be charged with providing input to be considered for ACT’s response to FHWA (Total time commitment expected 3-5 hours)