Dear Red Ram,

The football staff is excited and enthusiastic about the upcoming football season.We have some outstanding players returning from the 2014 undefeated team.With the addition of some of the new athletes that will be playing football next season and our returning players, we have an opportunity to continue the winning tradition of J-D football.

Our first practice will be on Tuesday, Sept.1 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. We will meet in the auxiliary gym at the middle school.Bring the rules form signed and write down my cell phone number for you and your parents to use when necessary. Bring cleats (that have been broken in), shorts, and t-shirts to practice.

There will also be practice on:

Wednesday, Sept. 2nd from 3:00p.m. until 5:00p.m.,

Thursday, Sept.3rd from 3:00p.m. until 5:00p.m., and

Friday, Sept.4th from 8:00 a.m. until 9:30 a.m.

The team will then be off from Saturday, Sept. 5ththrough Labor Day.Practice will resume on Tuesday, September 8th after schoolfrom 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please make arrangements for your son to be picked up at 5:00 p.m. each day after practice.To be eligible for the scrimmage and the first game you will not be able to miss any of these scheduled practices.

Calendars have also been included to see the bigger picture.These calendar dates for practices and games can change.

Team rules have also been included.Please read and sign them and have them with you the first practice to turn in.

Please read the information from the athletic office pertaining to physicals.You must have a physical on file before you can play.


Coach Schahczenski

Team Rules on Page 2…

COACHES : Dennis Schahczenski

Jim Tuck

Jamie Archer

Rick Tousaw


  1. The School Interscholastic Code will be followed as to training violations and conduct of student athletes.
  1. Ifyoumiss a practice without a good reason, such as illness, etc., you will not play the next contest.Thesecond practice that youmiss without a good reason you will no longer be a memberof the team.For any reason, except illness, you must tell the coach ahead oftime and get permission tomiss.Ifyou are ill, you or a parent must call the coach (420-4295) and let him know that you will notbe at practice.Ifyou need to leave school during the day, see a coachbefore youleave.

3.Your school citizenship is expected to be excellent.Ifyou are truant or cut a class, you will not play inthe next contest.The second class you cut you will no longer be a member of the team.Ifyou areinvolved in any other major violation of school rules, you will not play in atleast the next contest. A second violation will result in suspension from the team forthe rest of the season.

4.You are expectedto do your best in your classes. Ifyou are reported to be lacking in effort, you can be suspended for one or more contests.There will be a system whereby teachers will report misconduct or lack of effort to the coaches.The coacheswill deal with their team members on an individual basis.

5.Your sportsmanship and behavior on the field is expected to be excellent.This is expected during games and practices.If a player displaysbehaviorunbecoming of a J-D football player he will be removed from the game or the practice until the coach feels he is ready to participate again.If this behavior occurs again the athlete can be removed from the team.Such behaviorincludes profane language, disrespect for other players, coaches, or officials, not playing within the rules of the game, etc.The coaches will deal with their team members on an individual basis. Note: Section III Rule : If a player gets ejected from a game,he will also sit out the next game.

  1. Any equipment or personal items left out should be turned in to your coach or returned to your teammates.

I have read and understand the team rules:


Student SignatureParent Signature