
Curriculum Vitae

Name: Alla Talal Yassin

Work: Instructor

Place: UOITC

Language:Arabic, English, Polish, Persian

Published Books:

  • Cellular Manufacturing System (CMS), Alla Talal Yassin, 1st edition, 166 page, ISBN: 978-600-179-004-1,AndishiaNoo publisher, Tehran, Iran, 2010. (Arabic Ver.)
  • Reconfigurable Manufacturing System RMS,1st edition, Abbas Mogbel Baerz, Alla Talal Yassin, Adel Azar, and Seyyed Esfehany, Turkish publishing,estanbul,Turkia,2012.(English Ver.)
  • Educational institution Quality,AllaTalalYassin, Saad Al-Enizy, Aisha Hammody Hashim (Chapter :,( Arabic Ver.)

Under Publishing Books:

  • Mass Customization Cycle through System Dynamics Modeling, Abbas Mogbel Baerz, Alla Talal Yassin, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of:AVAkademikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG , Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany, / ,HandelsregisterAmtsgerichtSaarbrücken HRA 10356 ,Identification Number (Verkehrsnummer): 13955, Partner with unlimited liability: VDM Management GmbH ,HandelsregisterAmtsgerichtSaarbrücken HRB 18918, Managing directors: Thorsten Ohm (CEO), Dr. Wolfgang Philipp Müller, Esther von Krosigk, Germen.
  • System Dynamics application Models in industrial management, Alla Talal Yassin , Publisher not specified.
  • EndNote For Researchers, Alla Talal Yassin,1st edition, Publisher not specified.

Published Articles in Iraq:

1-Employing "Mobile Agents (MAs)" In the Internet services , Authors: Alla Talal Yassin , Naeem ThYousirAL-Rubaie Journal: Baghdad College of Economic sciences university مجلة كلية بغداد للعلوم الاقتصاديةISSN: 2072778X Year: 2008 Issue: 16 Pages: 339-361 , Publisher: Baghdad College of Economic Sciences كلية بغداد للعلوم الاقتصادية ,

2-Assessing the quality of Product using statistical quality control maps: a case study"
, Authors: Sahab Dia Mohamed--- Alla Talal Yassin --- .Abas Mukbel baarz
Journal: Diyala Journal For Pure Science مجلة ديالى للعلوم الصرفةISSN: 83732222 Year: 2012 Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 20-32
Publisher: DiyalaUniversity , جامعة ديالى .

3-Abbas Mogbel Baerz, Alla Talal Yassin, Adel Azar, and Seyyed Esfehany, Validation problem aspects in System Dynamics Simulation Model (SDSM): a case study in Consay Company,BaghdadUniversity, 9-10/1/2013.

4-Dr.Sabah Al-Najar, Alla Talal Yassin, Cellular Cell Design and Simulation, A case study in Al Tahadi – workshop in Al-Nassir Mechanical industry, Issue:51, Management Research, Bagdaduniversity, Management and Economic Scientific Journal,2005.

5-Dr.Alla talalYassin, Nada SbiihMuhamed ,Proposed an electronic form to "total quality in education" for university faculty performance , University of Babylon , First Conference of Quality in Higher Education (FCQHE) ,6-7 MARCH 2013, Arabic Ver, oral presentation.

6-Dr.Alla talal Yassin, Quality circles and improvement teams analyzing and design using SD Approach for education institution, University of Babylon, First Conference of Quality in Higher Education (FCQHE) ,6-7 MARCH 2013, Arabic Ver, oral presentation.

7-Dr. Alla talal Yassin, Aisha Hammody Hashim, Evaluate the "Quality Assurance and Accreditation" for educational institutions and programs by using electronic form, University ofKufa, The 4th conference for quality and academic credit 2-3/4/2013 Arabic Ver, oral presentation.

8-Dr. Alla Talal Yassin, Aisha Hammody Hashim, Intellectual Capital dimension important measurement in educational institution, 14th scientific conference 24 April 2013,Baghdad,Al Mamon University College, Arabic Ver, oral presentation.

9-Dr. AllaTalalYassin, Hieder Al-Asady, Aisha Hammody Hashim, "A review of manufacturing system paradigms", First International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law & Administration , UniversityofDuhok , 11-13/ 5 / 2013, English Ver, Oral presentation.

10-Dr. Alla Talal Yassin, Aisha Hammody Hashim, "A system dynamics model for analyzing the Iraqi knowledge societyCenters developing factors" , 5th International Scientific Conference (8th Scientific) of the Faculty of Management and Economic , UniversityofKerbela, 7-8/5/2013, Arabic Ver, oral presentation..

11-Dr. Alla talal Yassin, Aisha Hammody Hashim, "The impact of educational technology (Multimedia Technology) in the department of Industrial Management student achievement -Baghdad University-College of Economics and Administration". 2thInternational Scientific Conference (6th Scientific) of the Basic Education Faculty, University of Mousel, 7-9/May/2013. Arabic Ver, oral presentation.

12-Dr. Alla talal Yassin, "Team (6 Sigma) building for select Critical to quality in the educational institution", 2thInternational Scientific Conference (6th Scientific) of the Basic Education Faculty, University of Mousel, 7-9/May/2013, Arabic Ver, oral presentation.

13-EptesaamKadhumMuhawee* , **Dr. Alla Talal Yassin , Environmental Pollution Prevent by Using Nanotechnology, Environment College, Basra. (Full paper), 6th National Conference on Environment and Natural Resources.

14-Dr. Alla talalYassin[1], EptesaamKadhumMuhawee, Using system dynamics model for Road Map of "Green government departments", Environment College, Basra. (Full paper).

15-Dr. Alla talal Yassin, Aisha Hammody Hashim, "Using system dynamics model analysis for Dimensions of inadequate of population data on sustainable development in Iraq, موتمر الاحصائيين العرب.2013.

16-Dr. AllatalalYassin, Dr.Abdallahhekmietalnakar , Aisha Hammody Hashim ,Roadmap "six hats" for open learning programs appropriate to labor market by System dynamics: university professors Views, مؤتمر التراث.

Articles Published Aboard:

1-Alla Talal Yassin, " Challenges and Success Achievement Factor For Virtual Organization Concept ",, December: 2008.

2-Abbas Mogbel Baerz, Alla Talal Yassin, Adel Azar, and Seyyed Esfehany, "Responsiveness of Inventory Order Cycle Policies (IOCP) with Unpredicted Events Occurrence through System Dynamics Modeling: A Case Study in Consay Company",International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technologyvol. 3, no. 1, pp. 61-66, 2012,IJIMT 2012, ISSN: 2010-0248
DOI: 10.7763/IJIMT.2012.V3.197

3-Abbas Mogbel Baerz, Alla Talal Yassin, Adel Azar, and Seyyed Esfehany, Mass Customization Cycle (MCC) through ETLC System Dynamics Modeling: A Case Study in Consay Company", 2012

4-Abbas Mogbel Baerz, Alla Talal Yassin, Adel Azar, and Seyyed Esfehany, "The models of system dynamics (SD) Interventions on Capacity Scalability Policies in RMS research (1990-2002) for 29 researchers: An academic literature review and classification" , International Journal of Engineering Research and Development e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN : 2278-800X, Volume 4, Issue 9 (November 2012), PP. 01-05.

5-Alla Talal Yassin,Performance Strategy to Evaluation Employer Performance, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development ISSN: 2278-067X, Volume 1, Issue 10 (June 2012), PP.01-08 .

6-Alla Talal Yassin, Assessing the Responsiveness of E-commerce in Data Mining, Accession Number: ICEME2012C10013, ISBN-13: 978-981-07-4086-3 , Publisher: IACSIT Press , Volume: Vol.52 , Page(s):121-125 ,DOI: 10.7763/IPEDR. 2012. V52. 25, Hong Kong.

7-Dr. Alla Talal Yassin,Improving vocational training through Knowledge Capsules roadmap , ICCI, Iraq , Proceedings of The First International Conference on Applied Sciences Gaza-Palestine, 24-26 Sep 2013 ICAS-XX.(Full paper).

8-Dr. AllatalalYassin, yamen , الية الروافع المعرفية في تحسين جودة الموسسة التعليمية

9-Dr. AllatalalYassin, yamen,خطوات تحسين تصنيف المؤسسة التعليمية : الاسس والمعايير العالمية

  • Abroad Conferences:
  1. 1st JCIMT, Journal Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology, Chennai, India, March 10-11, 2012, , paper no. : CM018(as a Researcher).
  1. 2ndJCIMT, Journal Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology, in Singapore, July 23-24, 2012,IEDRC, paper no. : CM235 (as a researcher).
  1. 3rd International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME 2012),Conference,27th to 28th October 2012 , Hong Kong, China.
  1. International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2013), Macau, China. Jun 17-19, 2013, (as a membership in program committee).
  • Conferences in Iraq :
  1. 1stConference of Research Quality, Universityof Baghdad, 9-10/1/2013 (Participateto discuss a paper).
  1. 1stConference of Quality in Higher Education (FCQHE),University of Babylon, 6-7/ March 2013. (Participate to discuss a paper).
  1. 4th Conference for Quality and academic credit, University of Kufa,2-3/April 2013. . (Participate to discuss a paper).
  1. 14th Scientific Conference,Al Mamon university college, Baghdad,24 April 2013.. (Participate to discuss a paper).
  1. 1stInternational Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law & Administration, UniversityofDuhok , 11-13/ 5 / 2013.
  1. 5thInternational Scientific Conference (8th Scientific) of the Faculty of Management and Economic , UniversityofKerbela, 7-8/5/2013.
  1. 2thInternational Scientific Conference (6th Scientific) of the Basic Education Faculty, University of Mousel, 7-9/May/2013.

As a Member:

1-As a Member of IACSIT: international association of Computer Science and information technology, assigned to be the committee of the relevant IACSIT conference, as well as invited to be the reviewer of the relevant IACSIT conference. .

2-As a Member of CSI : Computer security institute ,

3-As a Member of Ezine, Expert Author from 2008 ,

4-As a Member of academia: IJERD : InternationalJournalofEngineeringResearchandDevelopment,

5-As a Member of System Dynamics Society :

6-As a MemberofPOMS: Production and Operation Management Society ,

7-As a Member of IJESIT , International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (Online),, 3660, East bay Drive Apartment #116 Largo, FLORIDA, US, 33771, Branch Office: INDIA, E-mail: ,,.

8-As an member inEditorial Boardfor GJCIT in of the Journal of Business Management and Administration Research (JBMA),Peak Journals Limited ,11815 Garden Terrace Dr Dallas Tx 75234,USA, Email:,.

9-A Member in GAN (Global Arabic Network), .

10-A Member in Research Gate with a Score (3.98) until (5/3/2013).

11-A Member in EDAS Conference and Journal Management System ,EDAS identifier 941485 .

As Associated Editor :

  1. As Associated Editor in IJIIEE:International Journal of innovative information and electrical engineering,
  2. As Associated Editor in IPIST: International proceedings on information science and technology, , ISSN (Print) 2325-4661, ISSN (Online) 2325-467X.
  3. As Associate Editor in ITIST: International transactionon information scienceand technology, 2325-6575.

[1] Alla Talal Yassin :The correspondence author