Mrs. Regentova Evgeniya Mikhajlovna – Key Editor, Federal State Enterprise “Production Cartography Association “Kartografija”. Works at PKO “Kartografija” since graduation from the Historical Department of the M. V. Lomonosov’s Moscow State University. Engineer – cartographer, Editor, Senior Editor, Key Editor. Mrs. E. M. Regentova is highly qualified key expert in the brunch in creation of historical maps and atlases on Russia and the World. She is a member of the National Atlas of Russia Editorial Council, Executive Editor of the Volume 4 “History. Culture” of the National Atlas of Russia.
E. M. Regentova
PKO “Cartografiya”, Roskartographya, Moscow, Russia, E-mail:
Volume 4 “History. Culture” is a component of the National Atlas of Russia.
The volume is intended for wide use in scientific, educational, administrative and other kinds of activity. Its basic purpose is to open consistently a course of historical development of Russia from an antiquity till now, to present the existential information on the cultural and natural heritage of the country.
The volume consists of two sections.
I. The section “History” is grouped in chronological subitems.
1. The subitem “The Most Ancient Tribes and People in Territory of Russia” is devoted to the first stage in development of mankind – to the primitive-communal system covering huge time period – from the moment of occurrence of the person (more than 2,5 million years ago before the formation of class societies). This period is presented by following maps: Old Stone Age (paleolith), Middle Stone Age (mesolite), New Stone Age (neolith), the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Shown are: Allocation of primitive people sites, developing of the territories favourable for people vitality, tools of person work and their perfection in connection with change of people activity character. The communal organization passes to the stage of the class society.
2. Subitem “States and People of the East Europe in the I-st Millennium B.C. to Our Era - Middle of the 1-st millennium”.
Maps for this period reflect the state formations in Black Sea Coast, appeared as a result of the Greek colonization, Bosporus Empire is emphasised as the most powerful economically, moving of Scythians and Sarmatians are given.
The significant place is given to “The Great Resettlement of People” as the result of which the ethnic map of the Europe has changed radically.
On maps the territory which was taken up by east Slavs to VI–VIII centuries is shown, breeding associations of Slavs are given there.
3. The subitem “Old Russian State in IX – the Beginning of XIII Century” reflects process of creation of the Old Russian state. On the map of IX century Ancient Russia are highlighted Kiev and Novgorod, two state centres which have united in the end of IX century in the uniform Old Russian State. Campaigns of Russian princes in X–XI centuries, borders of the state to the middle of XI century are given there, territories of the separate Russian princedoms, which conducted the politician on isolation, are allocated, gradual displacement of the Ancient Russia center to the east, where the Vladimir–Suzdal princedom starts to play a large political role among other princedoms is noted.
4. The subitem “Mongol Tatar Invasion is devoted to one of the gloomiest pages of history of Russia”. On maps directions of Mongol – Tatar hordes into Russia are specified, the destroyed cities, actions of the Russian teams, the largest battles. The struggle against Swedish and German conquerors, the Alexander Nevskiy’s role in Neva 1240 and lake Chudskoe 1242 battles is also reflected there.
5. Subitem “Unification of Russian Lands around Moscow in XIV – the First Half of XV Centuries”.
On maps the main attention is given to the beginning of the Moscow eminence, struggle of the Moscow and Tver princedoms for political domination in Russia, role of Moscow in collecting Russian lands, in the organization of Mamai-khan rout on the Kulikovskoe field in 1380.
6. Subitem “Russia in the Second Half of XV–XVI Centuries”. The maps give representation about territory of The Great Princedom of Moscow to 1462, about territories which were joined to Moscow to 1521, attacks of Mongol-Tatars on Russian lands in XV century, standing on Ugra River and overthrow the horde yoke in 1480.
The territory of the uniform Russian centralized state in the first third of the XVI century. The maps of the second half of the XVI century are devoted to defensive wars of Russian state, campaigns against Kazan and Astrakhan khanates, to joining of their territories to Russia. Ermak’s campaign to Siberia, joining the Siberian khanate to Russia in 1582 are given there.
Struggle for expansion of Baltic possession is reflected in map of the Livon war, terminated in failure, and one of which reasons was internal struggle in the state, caused by introduction of “oprichnina” by Ivan the Terrible.
7. Subitem “Russia in XVII century”.
Maps for this period give representation about territory of Russia in the beginning and in the end of the XVII-th century, administrative-territorial division of the state, economic development, accommodation of manufactories and fine commodity manufacture.
Events of country revolts of I.Bolotnikov and S.Razin, foreign military intervention of the beginning centuries (“Distemper”), wars with Poland, Sweden, Turkey, reunion of Left-bank Ukraine with Russia are shown, as well as defence of the south against the Crimean Tatars attacks, city revolts of XVII century. The map of monasteries allocation is given. The big attention is given to joining of Eastern Siberia and, in this connection, to geographical discoveries.
8. Subitem “Russia in the First Half of the XVIII Century”.
The first half of XVIII century is critical time in history of Russia, connected with an epoch of transformations by Peter I. In maps are reflected: Territorial changes of Russia, the administrative division of the country introduced by Peter I, national structure of the population of the country.
In the field of foreign policy the wars are shown as follows: Northern war of 1700–1721, Persian campaign of 1722–1723, Russian – Turkey wars.
9. Subitem “Russia in the Second Half of XVIII Centur”.
By means of maps the administrative-territorial division, national structure and a population of Russia are revealed. The economic map gives representation about the further development of manufactories and their specialization, distribution of fine commodity manufacture.
Participation of Russia in Seven-year war 1756–1762, Russia – Turkey wars of 1768–1774 and 1787–1791, joining of Crimea, war with France 1798–1800 are shown, the map of national movements of the XVIII century. Separate maps are devoted to geographical discoveries of the XVIII century.
10. Subitem “Russia in First Half of the XIX century”.
Development of Russia in conditions of the obsolete serfdom is reflected.
Maps of territorial changes of Russia, shifts in economic development are presented. Russia spends active foreign policy and on maps the wars with France in structure of the 3-rd and the 4-th coalitions, Russia – Turkey war of 1806–1812, Crimean war of 1853–1856 are shown. The special attention is given to the Patriotic war of 1812. The theme of social movement in Russia is allocated; geographical discoveries of this period are show.
11. Subitem “Russia in the Second Half of the XIX century”.
It reflects historical development of the state after falling the serfdom, which led to acceleration of the organization of capitalist industrial production, to construction of railways, growth of the agricultural production.
Maps give representation of accommodation of the industry and its specialization; in the agriculture the changes in the field of land tenure are reflected.
Changes in public political movement which had joined various layers of the society are presented there. Display of territorial changes of Russia, administrative division and national structure of the population, geographical discoveries is continued.
12. Subitem “Russia in the Beginning of the XX-th Century”.
The basic purpose is to show by means of maps the introduction of the Russian capitalism into an imperialistic stage, process of the economy monopolization, formation of bank groups and their communication with the industry resulted with trusts and concerns emerging. The change in the agriculture, including carrying out Stolypin’s agrarian reform have found reflection there.
The part of maps is devoted to creation of political parties in Russia, activity of “zemstvo”s on places, the Russia - Japanese war of 1904–1905, which led to the social intensity increase in the country and revolution of 1905–1907.
As a result of the antagonism of two military blocks (the Tripartite alliance and the Entente) the First World War was unleashed which course is reflected in special maps.
The section comes to the end with the February and October revolutions led to overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of authority of Soviets.
13. Subitem “Russia in the XX-th Century. The Soviet Period”.
This period is characterized by large-scale changes in the country. On maps the basic marks of history are traced: Disintegration of former Russian Empire, establishment of the Soviet local authorities, Civil war, formation and development of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, restoration of the destroyed facilities in the 20-th, industrialization and collectivization, cultural construction in the USSR in 1920–1930-th, territorial changes and administrative division of the USSR for 1941. The severe test for the country was the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. The maps in detail highlight course of military actions on fronts, work of the home front.
Post-war development has been directed on restoration of the national economy on 1950-th and the further development of economy, agriculture, transport. Economic cooperation with member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was going on. This content is given on a number of maps of the Atlas.
The section is closed by the map “Disintegration of the USSR” in 1991 as the result of which the independent states were formed.
Each subitem is accompanied by the text, illustrations. In the end of section the chronology of the basic historical events and a help material is given.
II. Section “Culture”.
The culture in the volume is considered as the public phenomenon and as a branch of social sphere which development was caused by historical events.
Cultural heritage is one of the major modern resources defining social, economic and welfare development of Russia at a world level. The heritage includes not only the art values, separate architectural or historical -memorial objects, but also law modified environment, the historical environment of cities or rural settlements, a special sort of spiritual and the material assets embodied in folklore, trades and crafts, art values and special forms of display of the alive and lifeless nature, that is all that reflects history of development of the nature and culture, is admitted as valuable from the scientific economic, aesthetic and educational points of view and is considered as national property.
1. The section is opened by maps “Objects of the World Heritage in Territory of Russia”.
Further the section is separated on subitems.
The subitem “Cultural and Natural Heritage of Russia” covers the extensive list of maps. Maps of monuments of archeology from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages, monuments of military history, cult architecture, civil, industrial architecture, monumental art, estate architecture are presented there. The separate map gives historical cities and rural settlements. The maps of art crafts are of the big interest (processing of wood, metal, stone, bone, glass, weaving, knitting, etc.).
The significant attention is given to maps of separate subjects of the Russian Federation with allocation on them of monuments of the World, federal and regional levels of protection with display of different categories, namely: Archeology, history, architecture, monumental art, etc. Maps of subjects are supplemented with plans of cities, plans of the most known memorial estates, museum estates, and national parks. Plans are accompanied by texts, illustrations.
2. Subitem “Modern Culture”.
It is presented by the maps reflecting a network and activity on specialization of establishments of culture – museums, theatres, libraries, archives, and higher educational institutions in sphere of culture. The statistical information on work of the culture establishments is given in the form of cartograms and diagrams.
The subitem is finished by the map “Cognitive Tourism and Excursions” and “Organization of the protection and restoration of objects of the heritage management”.
In the end of section help data are placed.