Excel - Intermediate
Policies and Procedures
Tanya Majewski, Instructor
Welcome and Have A Great Year!
Topics Covered:
~ Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart
~ Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries
~ What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets
Remember that computers use is not a right. It is a privilege that can be revoked. The computers are not yours so do not treat them or use them in the same manner that you might use your own. They are not to be personalized for you. Many people use them so do not change settings.
Do not share your login name or password with anyone. Do not use other users' logins and passwords.
Avoid excess printing. It is expensive and a waste of trees. When doing research, take notes on the material and record the URL for future use.
Use your school account for saving and maintaining files. Do not save files to the hard drive of an individual computer!
Good attendance is key to learning. You are required to be in your seat when the period starts! Unexcused absences result in a 50% deduction on the project due that day. (Refer to pg. 25-26 in Student Handbook)
Classroom Materials:
A pocket folder is strongly suggested and a writing utensil
Treat them like any other teacher. If I receive your name from them you will be referred to Mr. Narges for detention.
Classroom Behavior:
The quality of the classroom experience lies in the cooperative effort between students and teacher. In order to maintain a positive learning environment, we must respect each other’s right to learn/teach. If there are problems the follow steps will be taken:
~ I will talk to you in private about the situation and ask you to correct the problem.
~ If the problem persists, I will file a discipline referral and you will be sent to the office.
No games! Every computer is monitored!
My Schedule: (First Semester)
Period 1 – Adv. WordPeriod 5A –Lunch5B Adv. Word
Period 2 – ExcelPeriod 6 – Resource
Period 3 – PrepPeriod 7 – MultiMedia
Period 4 – Adv. WordPeriod 8 –Excel
Contact Information
Email me:
Phone ext:414
Grading Policies
CHS Grading Scale100%A+
99 – 94%A
93 – 90%A-
89 – 87%B+
86 – 84%B
83 – 80%B-
79 – 77%C+
76 – 74%C
73 – 70%C-
69 – 67%D+
66 – 64%D
63 – 60%D-
59 – BelowF / WITC Grading Scale:
95 – 100%A
93 – 94%A-
91 – 92%B+
87 – 90%B
85 – 86%B-
83 – 84%C+
80 – 82%C
78 – 79%C-
76 – 77%D+
72 – 75%D
70 – 71%D-
0 – 69%F
WITC Transcripted Credit:Students will receive one credit in MS Excel A, from WITC if you receive a C- or better according to WITC Grading Scale. You will receive a college transcript in the mail!
Grading Procedures:
35%Daily Assignments
15%Final Assessment
Make Up Work: Students are responsible for obtaining assignments when absent. Students must see Mrs. Majewski to pick up missing work the day you return to class and make arrangements for completion. Excused Absences ~ makeup days equal the number of days missed plus one day.
Cheating/Extra Credit:Cheating on any work for this class will result in a grade of “0”. Extra Credit will be offered on occasion, and counts towards your daily average. Extra credit may never allow any average to exceed 100%