Affiliate_Room_Request_online_form_04-9-13 rev.doc
Affiliate Room Request
& Marketing Submission
Unity Westlake / West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church / Unity MedinaYour Name: / Letters after Name:
Today’s Date: / Email:
Your Website: / Phone:
Room/Space Preferred–USC Westlake only
Unity Hall (Sanctuary) / Spirit Room / Rear Section Unity Hall
Community Room / Chapel / Off Campus (see below for address)
Session Type and Needs - see affiliate website for Session Type guidelines
Meeting / Private Session / Seminar/Workshop / Class/Lecture / Special Event
Yoga/Movement / Healing Clinic / Series – NO individual/single dates
Unity Equipment Needed
6’ Tables / 60” Round Tables / Small Stacking Tables / Chairs only / Lectern
Flip Chart Stand* (bring your own paper) / Kitchen Use / TV
Projector (portable) / Sound System / Hire for Set Up
Session Information
Session Title: / (if each session has unique title, list titles and dates in Marketing section below)
Date(s) (list exact dates):
Frequency: / one time / weekly / monthly / bi-weekly / other
Day of Week: / Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
Total Time Needed:
(include set up / take down) : / Start a.m. p.m. / End a.m. p.m.
Actual Session Time: / Start a.m. p.m. / End a.m. p.m.
CW Affiliate Room Request 2015
Affiliate_Room_Request_online_form_05-02-15 rev.doc
Registration & Marketing InformationClass Category for listing on the CW website (select only ONE)
Yoga / Personal Growth / Body/Energy / Animal Wellness / Money/Financial
Registration: (Provide detailed explanation below)
Pre-registration REQUIRED (NO walk-ins) / Walk-ins Welcome
Cost/Charge (for ticket, seat, or space at your class/event)
Pre-Registered: / Walk-in (day of session):
Entire Series Pre Registered: / Entire Series First Date (walk-in):
Registration Website URL - (Provide URL if you have a separate online registration page)
Promotional Website URL – (Provide URL if you have separate promotional/detail web page for this event – if not, Promotional URL will be session listing on the CW website)
Registration Contact – (Provide information below ONLY if registration is done by phone or email)
Contact Name: / Phone:
Registration, Pricing, Payment, Discounts, etc. EXPLANATION
(Clearly explain registration and pricing options/details, price breaks, discounts, etc. below in addition to information provided above. The more information you provide the better our chances of listing your session correctly.)
Examples: Early bird registration dates, availability of coupons, bring a friend, discounts for Affiliates,
discounts for a series, refund info, etc.
Marketing Text/Copy
Unique Session Titles (provide each session title and date)
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Date: / Title:
Class Listing on CW Classes/Events page
(Brief summary statement – view current listings for examples)
CW website class listing description (full description that goes on the full class listing in the category selected above)
Unity Bulletin Insert Summary
(Brief summary statement to be included in Unity Sunday bulletin up to one month prior to your session. Limit to 50 words)
Promotional Email – Constant Contact
(Brief summary statement that captures the reader’s attention and motivates them to seek more detail. Limit to 2 sentences OR 4 bullet points)
- Class / Event FLIER: If you have a Class/Event flier that you submit for printing include it as an ATTACHMENT in .doc or .pdfformat ONLY for website purposes.
- Headshot image of facilitator may be included also (submit headshot once only)
When this form is completed:
- Save this document using Save As…
- give the file a new name (name of class and date is best)
- email the saved document (as an attachment) to:
USC Administrator:
ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION- Kathy Lowery from USC Administration will contact you when your requested room has been reserved.
- Once your date, time, and room are secured, the following marketing is automatically started
- On line calendar listing for both USC and CW viewing
- Centered Wellness Public Website listing-view existing listings on site for ideas on how to best present your information
- Listing In Unity Sunday Bulletin Insert Summary in hard copy
- CW Constant Contact to the public-sent out monthly
- Optional Wall Posting at Unity Spiritual Center Requirements (click here for print request form
- The CW webmaster will notify you via email when your class/event is listed on the CW website category page you indicated above.
CW Affiliate Room Request 2016