Martin Luther King Middle School

Mr. Paul Brown, Principal

Mrs. Barbara Shea, Assistant Principal

Mr. Frank Walker, Assistant Principal

Sixth Grade Earth Science

Course Syllabus

First Semester


Course Instructor: Ms. Shekela Edwards

Email Address:

School phone number: (404) 802-5400

Cell phone number: (678) 698-9140

Course Description:

Earth Science is the study of the Earth and the surrounding universe. This course is designed to offer students an overview of six major areas of Earth science (geology, meteorology, astronomy,oceanography, energy resources, and human impact on Earth). Emphasis is placed on the understanding of scientific concepts and how these concepts can be used and related to everyday phenomenon. Students are challenged to look at science as a way of knowing and understanding the things that happen in the world, their lives and their environment.

The SixthGrade Earth Science curriculum is aligned to meet all of the requirements as outlined by: Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) and Atlanta Public Schools.

Goals of Course:

The goals of this course are to increase student knowledge in the major areas of Earth Science, to build an understanding of the scientific method; increase skills in observation, problem solving, reading, writing, and mathematical applications in science and cooperative learning.

Instructional Strategies:

The teaching of science is a dynamic practice. It must entail various instructional strategies that take into consideration cultural diversity, different learning modalities and student’s construction of reality. This course includes discussion, laboratory experiences, lectures, cooperative groups, presentations, field trips and computer assisted instruction as tools to facilitate learning for all students. The instructional strategies utilized in this course are designed to challenge the highest levels of learning and creativity.

Major Topics of Instruction (first semester):

  • Safety and science process skills
  • Earth Materials: Composition and Structure of the Earth

S6E5: Students will investigate the scientific view of how the earth’s surface is formed

  • Earth in Space

S6E1: Students will explore current scientific views of the universe and how those views


S6E2: Students will understand the effects of the relative positions of the earth, moon and sun.


In order to successfully meet all of the above requirements, students are expected to have the following materials daily:

  • Earth Science textbook
  • One 2” binder with loose leaf paper
  • One spiral notebook (70-100 pages)
  • Writing utensils: pencils, blue or black ink pens
  • Composition notebook (black & white)


Homework is a key component of our educational process. Assignments may be overnight or long-term. Students will receive homework every night.


There will be a minimum of two major projects per semester. Projects are counted as test grades.

Grading Scale:

The student’s continuous and final evaluation will be based on the following:

Tests, major projects25%

Classwork/Participation 35%


Performance Assessments10%


Academic Grading Scale:

A 90-100



F69 and below

Absence/Make-Up Policy

Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to request make-up work. The student must complete makeup work within the time specified by the teacher. The same amount oftime will be given to make up work as the student was absent unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon. The student will receive the actual grade on the make-up work if the absence is “excused”. Make-up work for “unexcused” absences may be reduced by ten points. Make-up work submitted late will receive a zero.

Additional Opportunities/Parental Conferences:

Tutorial sessions are held every Wednesday from 3:45-4:45. Student/Teacher/Parent conferences are available at this time. It is advised that parents call to schedule a conference.

Classroom Management:

In order to maintain an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning, students will adhere to behavior guidelines as outlined in the Atlanta Public Schools and King Middle School handbooks.Behavior problems will not be tolerated.

Sixth Grade Earth Science

First Semester


Maintain the other pages of this syllabus in your binder to refer to throughout the semester. Please sign and return this page to Ms. S. Edwards as an acknowledgment of the receipt of thiscourse syllabus.

Student’s Name: ______

(Please print)

We acknowledge receipt of the syllabus for the first semester of 2012-2013Earth Science course.

Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______Date: ______