Skill Theme (Ex: Throwing) Volleying Skill (Ex: OH Throw) Forearm Passing______
Teacher: ______Grades:___4-5______Date: ______School: ______
/ Bend KneesStrong Platform
Contact on fat part
Lift with legs
Elephant Elevate / For all of these activities the difficulty can be changed. For students with little knowledge of the game of volleyball or skill, the height of the net can be lowered, the court size smaller, the weight of the balls smaller, and the size of the ball bigger. Adjust the set up of the games to fit the needs of the students.
/ Students must figure out how to work together in speed ball to win the drill. / Students must figure out how to keep control of the ball and work together with their partner. / Students must assess their own strengths and weaknesses and find ways to use them to help their team. / Students must work together with their partner and figure out a way to win the drill.COGNITIVE SKILLS
/ Moving your feet to the ball.Solid Platform / Moving your feet to the ball.
Passing with control. / Moving your feet to the ball.
Teamwork / Moving your feet to the ball.
Solid Platform
PSYCHOMOTOR SKILLS / Volleying Over the Net / Volleying with a Partner / Playing Partner Volleyball / Playing Wall Volley
LEARNING ACTIVITIES / Have students get into groups of 2 with one ball. One student is the tosser and the other student is practicing correct forearm passing technique. / Allow the students to find a partner. The partners should start about 5 yards apart and begin forearm passing back and forth. They can move back 5 more yards. The next activity is to pass up to themselves and clap 3 times and then pass it back to their partner. Then they can pass up to themselves and spin in a circle and pass back to their partner. Other activities could be hold up a number, do a dance, etc. / The class is split up into 4 groups. Half of each group is on one side of the net while the other half is on the other side of the net. The students are lined up behind each other. The object of the game is to see how many times each group can pass the ball over the net without letting it drop. / Everyone can work alone with a ball and the wall. The students are just going to practice the technique of the forearm passing against a wall. Their goal is to see how many times they can keep the ball in the air and pass it against the wall without letting it fall.
Speed Ball
Have the students form two lines at the end line of one side of the net. The first two students go to the other side of the net (the winning side). The next two students are in on the side they are on. One student starts the play by throwing the ball over. The other side has to catch the ball and then throw it over trying to hit the ground without throwing it out. If one side does not catch it then they are out and the winners go to the winning side. The game then progresses to one contact over the net and continues to tree contacts. / Partner Mirror
Students will get into partners and stand about 20 feet apart. One partner passes the ball in the air and they do a motion (for example touch their nose). The other partner then has to do that motion. After they pass the ball in the air and then do the motions, then they pass the ball back to their partner. The object is to try to get 10 different motions before the ball drops. They can then switch roles. To make the activity more difficult, you can make it a competition by trying to keep adding motions each time and whoever messes up loses. / Long Court
This game can be played with 2-3 people on one side. The set up is the same as speed ball with 2 or 3 lines on the end line. The ball cannot be played in front of the 10 foot line. The students may only contact the ball using the forearm pass. They have to have 3 hits on a side. The object of the game is to land the ball on the other teams side to score a point. You can start off by practicing and then progress to a competition by the players can only earn points by being on the winner’s side. Play to five points. / Partner Wall Volley
Everyone gets a partner. There is a line on the wall with tape about 5 feet up. The partners have to volley the ball back and forth above the line. The goal is to see how many they can get.
Ducks on a Pond
The teacher tosses a ball to the students in line on the other side of the net. The students have to pass the ball over the net into the pond. They go to where they their ball lands. The ball has to land inside the court (pond). The student stands there and tries to catch any ball that comes their way. The object is to be the last person standing on the other side. The students have to try to hit the ball where no people are so that they do not catch their ball. The teacher can make the activity more challenging by throwing the ball so that they have to move or hitting the ball at them. / Four Square
There are four squares with a letter (or number) in each square. There is a person in each square with a line waiting to go into either square D or 4. The students can only use their forearms to hit the ball in each square. The object is to get other people out of the square so you get to square A or 1. You do not want the ball to hit twice in your square or hit the ball out of bounds. You can also increase the size of four square to nine square. / Tennis Volleyball
This game is similar to set up of long court and speed ball. There are two lines at the end line. The object of the game is to let the ball bounce on the floor and then hit it back on the first contact. There are two people to a team with only one contact. You can use any volleyball skill just try to hit it back over. Their can be a focus on forearm passing though. / Target Volley
On the wall there are hula hoops taped to the wall. The students have to try to pass their ball through the hoop. A progression is to make a course of hoops against the wall that the students can then pass the ball through the hoops like an obstacle course. Then you can time the students to see how well they do. Another progression is to let the students have a bounce during the activity.
ASSESSMENT / The teacher will assess how students work together and how their skills are progressing. / The teacher will assess how the students are keeping control of their passing. / Speed Ball is another activity that will help in playing partner volleyball. Observe the students ability to work together and their good sportsmanship. / The teacher will assess students control and accuracy of passing the ball against the wall.
Task Analysis
Unit: Volleying
Skill #1: Volleying Over a Net
Moving your feet to the ball.
Using legs to push the ball over the net.
Solid platform.
Lift with legs.
Thumbs together.
Skill #2: Volleying With a Partner
Passing the ball with control.
Keep shoulders forward.
Eyes on the ball.
Solid platform.
Do not swing the platform, lift with legs.
Keep the ball in play.
Skill #3: Playing Partner Volleyball
Passing the ball with control.
Passing the ball to partner.
Working together to keep control.
Finding a strategy to win the drill.
Being a good sport.
Being a good teammate. Encourage.
Skill #4: Playing Wall Volley
Control the ball.
Lift with legs.
Solid platform.
Find a spot on the wall for a target.