2010 Aerosol Update
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Thursday, April 29, 2010
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Goddard Visitor Center
1:00 / Welcome and Introduction / Rob Levy1:10 / Enhanced surface warming and accelerated snow melt in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau induced by absorbingaerosols / Kyu-Myong Kim
1:22 / Comparative analysis of MAIAC and operational MODIS aerosol retrievals over India / Alexei Lyapustin
1:34 / Satellite observations of enhanced pre-monsoon aerosol loading and tropospheric warming in the Gangetic-Himalayan region / Ritesh Gautam
1:46 / Validation strategy for aerosol retrievals of the future / Lorraine Remer
1:58 / MISR Aerosol Air Mass Type Mapping -- Validation and Applications / Ralph Kahn
2:10 / BREAK
2:25 / MODIS and CALIPSO observations near clouds / TamásVárnai
2:37 / Interactions between aerosols and deep convective clouds / Tianle Yuan
2:49 / Some peculiarities in Level 3 daily aerosol data / Gregory Leptoukh
3:01 / Aerosol Simulation Capabilities in GEOS-5 / Cynthia Randles
3:13 / Aerosol, Cumulus Congestus and Madden-Julian Oscillation / Xiaowen Li
3:26 / Aerosol effects on twentieth century climate in the GISS model / Dorothy Koch
3:38 / BREAK and poster setup
4:00 / POSTERS
4:00 / POSTERS
1 / Impact of Ship Wake on Ocean Reflectance / C. Gatebe
2 / MODIS Deep Blue: Validation of recent products and future plans / C. Salustro
3 / Controls on Saharan dust transport in the Caribbean during TC4: An Integrated Modeling and Observational Study / E. Nowottnick
4 / Investigation of tracer emission and transport during ARCTAS / H. Bian
5 / Retrieval of Dust Particle Parameters from Multi-wavelength Lidar: Measurements Using a Model of Randomly Oriented Spheroids / I. Veselovski (D. Whiteman)
6 / Assessing the sensitivity ofaerosol direct forcing estimates on the details of spectral averaging of aerosol optical properties / L. Oraiopoulos
7 / Developing a web-based system for inter-comparison and cross-validation of Level 2 aerosol products between multiple satellite sensors and AERONET / M. Petrenko
8 / Collection 5.1 Terra/MODIS Deep Blue Aerosol Products:
Implementation of Cross-calibratio / M.J. Jeong
9 / A Reassessment of the net climate impacts of aviation / N. Unger
10 / Chemical Weather Forecasting for NASA Mission Support / P. Colarco
11 / UMBC Measurements of Air Pollution (UMAP) / R. Hoff
12 / ARSET (Applied Remote Sensing Education and Training) / R. Kleidman
13 / Dark Target aerosol retrievals from MODIS: What have we learned in 10 years? / R. Levy
14 / Differences between Terra and Aqua AOD in Collection 5: A story of calibration? / R. Levy
15 / Deployment of NASA/GSFC SMART-COMMIT Mobile Observatory: Measuring an Asian super dust storm in 2010!! / S-H. Wang
16 / MODIS aerosol products in Collection 6:
Moving towards multisensor fusion and interdisciplinary / S. Mattoo
17 / Goddard Satellite Data Simulation Unit: Multi-Sensor Satellite Simulators to Support Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Satellite Missions / T. Matsui
18 / Estimation of black carbon depositions over Himalayas from an observation and models and its possible impacts on snow albedo reductions / T. Yasunari