St Bart’s News!
“Excellence in all, for all”
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Wednesday 26thOctober 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians,
School closes this Thursday and re-opens on Monday 7th November at 8.50am. If you have paid for a full week of school dinners by cheque, you will be in credit by one day and you can deduct this from your next payment.
STAFF - Mrs Shaw
As you will know, Mrs Shaw is a very valued member of our teaching team and her reputation goes beyond our school. We have been approached by the Local Authority to 'loan' her to another school from after half term and up until Easter 2017. This is a fixed term arrangement and she will be back at the start of the Summer Term. In the meantime Year 1 will be taught by Miss S Diamond. Parents/Carers of Year 1 children will have received a letter tonight giving more details.
STAFF - Miss Spencer and Mrs McCann
Miss Spencer leaves us tomorrow to take up a new post at a local Nursery, we will miss her and we wish her every success.
Mrs McCann one of our school kitchen staff retires tomorrow and again, we will miss her and wish her the very best of health in her retirement.
As part of the transition in to juniors, after half term Year 3 will no longer be escorted to the doors at the end of the school day. Please ensure you are at school for 3.30pm to collect your child. If for any reason you are going to be slightly late, could you please contact the school office to let us know – Thank you.
Just a reminder that all photograph orders will be collected on Wednesday 9th November, please ensure all orders are returned before this date to avoid late payment charges
As you know we take road safety very seriously, please can we remind all who bring their children to school by car to avoid using Ash & Oak Street at the beginning and end of the school day. Please try to 'park and stride' rather than drive by school at such a busy time. We have received several reports of 'near misses' which clearly cause us all great concern.
We have had a few queries regarding coats missing from the cloakroom. Could you please check all items of your child’s clothing during this week and return any items not belonging to them back to school as soon as possible to enable us to return them back to their owners.
We will be sending home a pack of smarties for each child and asking if you can return the pack filled with as many 20p’s as possible. The money raised will be donated to the Bethany Choir to help fund their education. We will be holding a NON-UNIFORM DAY on Wednesday 9th November (which is the first Wednesday back). Please
We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to our local Tesco & Morrisons for the kind donation of Smarties to help with our fund raising for Bethany Choir!
Unfortunately the dairy have been unable to provide cartons of milk on Wednesday and Thursday this week so if you pay for your child to have milk in school you will be issued with a credit for two days.
As mentioned in previous newsletters, we have booked for our Nursery, Reception, Y1 and Y2 to go and see The Magical Story of Aladdin at Darwen Library Theatre on Friday 16th December. A letter will be going home today with more details and payment will be required when we return after the half term break.
If your child would be interested in music lessons, please email for more details. Lessons are 30 minutes every Tuesday morning and cost £5 a session. They are taken in small groups of fouror there is the option of one to one lessons.
- DISCO – Thursday 27th October. Infants 6-7pm & Juniors 7.15-8.15pm.
Tickets can be purchased on the door if your child is undecided.
- PARENTS’ EVENING – Tuesday 8th & Wednesday 9th November.
If you have not received an appointment for your child, please email m.gaston (as above)
- HAPPY BAGS – Please return your ‘Happy Bags’ for collection Wednesday 16th November.
Extra bags are available from the main entrance