Tamanend Middle School 2007-2008
Secrets for Success
1.BE PREPARED for CLASS EVERYDAY! This means coming to class
ON TIME,with ALL necessary materials, ready to work
“ Being prepared means not having to make excuses.”
2.Participation in this class is essential!
“ I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most
people never listen.” - Ernest Hemingway
“Don’t stand on the sidelines and just watch, get involved!”
3.All work should be turned in on time or else…you will lose all
Available credit for homework assignments and 10% per day for major
assignments. Work may not be counted late if you have a plausible,
written excuse. I am the final judge! If you are absent, you will have time
to make up the work, but YOU are responsible for getting the missed work.
“ ’I tried, but it didn’t work’ is a lot better than ‘ I wish I had tried.’ “
- from Things you will Learn if You Live Long Enough
“Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and
triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory.” - Anonymous
- RESPECT is the cornerstone of this class. I expect nothing less!
“ To honor compassion. The ability to acknowledge and understand other lives
is the greatest goal of any person.” - Jason Alexander
“In order to respect others, you must first begin by respecting yourself.”
“Respect is merely an extension of honesty.”
“You never really understand a person until you step into his shoes and walk
around awhile.” - Atticus Finch from, To Kill A Mockingbird
- RESPONSIBILITY is a terrible thing to waste. Exercise it!
“DON’T BLAME! You are responsible for your life.”
-from Cheatnotes on Life
“It is easy to take responsibility for what we do well, but strengthen your
character and build your integrity by owning up to your failures as well.”
“TAKE RISKS! You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage
to lose sight of the shore.” - from Cheatnotes on Life
“ When you cease to dream, you cease to live.” - Malcolm S. Forbes
7. CHECK the Ninth Grade website regularly! There is a direct
link here to your assignments (E-Notes II).
Ninth Grade website:
Mr Sterner’s e-mail address:
Unit/Theme / Literature / Writing / Oral / IntegrationsReality & Perspectives / Of Mice and Men
The Wave
Short Stories & Poetry / Personal/ExpressivePersuasive
Research Process & Paper / Debate
Literature Circles
Sm. Group Discussion / Propaganda
What it means to be
an American
Relationships and
Leadership: Tough Decisions/Compromises /
A Separate Peace
Lord of the FliesThe Miracle Worker
Short Stories & Poetry / Character Sketch Analysis
Style and Conventions / Persuasive Speech
Sm. Group Discussion / Business & Industry
Westward Expansion
Conflict & Taking A Stand /
Inherit The Wind
Romeo & JulietTwelve Angry Men
/ Literary AnalysisCreative/Narrative
Persuasive / Acting/Drama
Dramatic Monologue
Sm. Group Discussion / Evolution
Reform, A Changing World
Truth, Justice, Tolerance: What it means to be an
American / Multicultural Literature
To Kill A Mockingbird
Night Poetry
/ Literary Analysis (Theme)Poetry
Personal/Expressive / Debate/Discuss
Role Play/Acting
Sm. Group Discussions / Immigration
World at War
Civil Rights
Course of Study
- You will also read self-selected literature/novels throughout the year and maintain a reading log.
Food For