Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Number SC 044585
Minutes of Committee Meeting on 13 May 2015
at Lachlan McKeggie's house, Burnfield, 7 Kinbeachie at 7.00 pm
Anne Coombs (EAC) (Chair) Beth Blackburn (BB) Anne Cockroft (AC) David Findlay (DF) Jonie Guest (JG) Bob Jones (BJ) Susan Kruse (SK) Meryl Marshall (MM) James McComas (JMC) Lachlan McKeggie (LMK) Alan Thompson (AT)
1. Apologies
Roland Spencer-Jones (RSJ) Simon Gunn (SG)
2. Minutes of last meeting and Matters arising
The minutes of the last meeting were approved (proposed DF, seconded JMC).
A remit for the Partnership & Liaison sub-committee is outstanding.
Action: EAC
The matter of finding replacement committee members for those planning to stand down at the next AGM is in hand.
Action: EAC
Equipment review/replacement/disposal should be on the agenda for the next Committee meeting, by which time LMK will have completed his review and recommendations.
Action: JMC/LMK
3. Treasurer's Report
DF had circulated his report in advance. We now have 106 members, and increase of 2 since the last meeting.
The matter of allocated funds was again discussed, in particular 'Roads through Ross'. It is understood that a publication is outstanding. Ideally we want to be clear when the project is complete, and if at that time there is any balance of funds, what can be done with them. Agreed to revisit in September.
Action: JMC
4. Secretary's Report
The Secretary's report had been circulated in advance, and was noted by the Committee.
5. Sub-Committee Reports
Activities - (discussed below)
Training - a brief report had been circulated in advance.
A Pottery Workshop (Eric Grant, Tarradale) has been arranged for Friday 26 June at 2:00pm.
(Noted when discussing dates that the Treasure Trove MAD deferred from last season will not now be held; Natasha Ferguson will be running a session with ARCH on 24 June)
Tarradale Survey. Dates still to be fixed. Associated GPS training in a practical one-to-one format will be undertaken in advance of this. BJ will lead (Garmin gps), and AT (Android-based gps).
Standing Buildings Training, MM and Janet Hooper. Dates to be decided, expected to be June or August, avoiding conflict with Cromarty.
The day with Richard Tipping received very positive reviews from all who had attended.
First Aid training day. A repeat of the successful day held last year was suggested. JMC to send note to all members to find out the level of interest. Replies to JG.
Action JMC/JG
IT - RSJ had circulated his report in advance. Website, facebook and blog all being used and progressing well.
The suggestion of establishing an archive of (in particular) pictures of events we have held was discussed. Some experimentation had already been undertaken by the sub-committee members. It was concluded that we should continue to experiment with this, using Microsoft OneDrive, and allowing people (initially Committee members) to upload pictures. The idea is that for each event several people might each upload a few good pictures. Some simple guidelines needed. JMC will progress the experiment.
Action JMC
Projects & Funding
Survey of Lands of Urchany Project (RSJ) - the week of fieldwork is complete, and had been enjoyed by everyone who took part.
Rosemarkie Caves 2015 (SG) - a brief report had been received. The next stage is about to begin.
6. Candy Hatherley's Scotsburn proposal
Candy's outline for a suggested joint project was discussed in some detail. It was agreed that Scotsburn is a very good site and that if a further excavation were to happen there, then NOSAS members would be interested. However it was less clear that it should be a NOSAS project, and the process by which a project becomes a NOSAS project was revisited. The essential ingredient is that any proposed project has a sponsor or 'project champion' in NOSAS. This would need to be someone who was prepared to commit the necessary management and administrative time to plan, get approval, get funding, and manage the delivery of the project, perhaps in conjunction with an external party such as Candy. The matter of possible competition for funding was also noted. It was concluded that EAC should respond to Candy, saying
- that we agree that Scotsburn is a very interesting site
- that any NOSAS project of this apparent scale needs a serious internal (to NOSAS) sponsor
- that the sponsor would need to put forward an outline plan for consideration by the Committee, including proposed funding arrangements
- that from experience, apart from the archaeology, the issues which would need to be addressed include: competition for funding from other projects; management responsibilities in any partnership arrangements; need of many funders for paid for work to be competitively tendered.
Action: EAC
7. Scotland's Archaeology 10 Year Strategy
This document had been circulated at the request of SK, who explained a little about its background and encouraged NOSAS to make an official response (agreed), and members to attend and contribute to the consultation events.
A general discussion took place, at which a wide range of relevant matters were raised. In order to gather the material for an official NOSAS response, AC asked that Committee members should send their comments to her as soon as possible, but by Fri 22 May at latest. She will then draft, circulate and ultimately submit our response.
Action: All/EAC
8. HAF Events 2-18 Oct and Conference 10/11 Oct 2015
It was agreed that NOSAS will have a display at the conference.
Action: EAC
As regards events, MM offered to do a walk; it was thought that RSJ might also do one; AC will write to the membership and aks if anyone would like to do something.
Action: EAC
It had previously been suggested that we might have a meal together (instead of a Christmas event) after the conference. In discussion it was decided that it would be better to have such an event possibly after the first winter walk (November?), possibly at Storehouse. To be clear that members can join the meal without going on the walk if preferred.
Action BB/MM
It was agreed that NOSAS will have a display at the Community Archaeology conference in Pitlochry on 14/15 November. MM advised that speakers were being sought and wondered whether Urchany might be a good subject. To be disused with RSJ.
Actions: MM
9. MAD Programme 2015/16
BB reminded the Committee that she steps down at the AGM.
It was agreed that Strathpeffer should be booked for the usual dates, ie 3rd Tuesday in the month, although at least one on an alternative night would be good if possible.
Action: BB
Winter walks are to be interleaved, ie 2 weeks after a MAD approximately, on varying days.
Suggestions for walks and for MADs are needed.
A members evening talking about what we have been doing would be popular again.
AT suggested the talk on the impact of the Tsumani on Scottish communities which had been advertised last year but never held might be followed up. He will find the speaker's details.
Action: AT
10. Newsletter
AC advised that this is overdue, but that she has sufficient material and will publish shortly.
Action: AC
AC also suggested that it may be time for someone else to take on the Newsletter - any volunteers?
11. AOCB
JMC advised of a walk at Ruthven on 29 May arranged by himself and RSJ and will email to members to publicise.
Action JMC
MM reminded the Committee of the intention to survey at Glenarigolach. This needs to be firmed up, and she will contact Anne McInnes and advise.
Action: MM
JG advised that the aerial photography of the zulus at Findhorn will be going ahead this week.
SK asked whether NOSAS should buy the new book on Caithness by John Barbour and Andy Heal. No-one had seen the book as yet. If anyone does and thinks we should buy it, let SK know.
12. Date and Venue of Next Meeting
Wednesday 8 July 2015 at 7:00pm at Lachlan McKeggie's house, Burnfield, 7 Kinbeachie.