Parkfields Surgery
Patient Participation Results Report
2011/2012 survey on access and reception
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) was established in September 2011 and currently comprises of 9 members. They meet on the second Wednesday of each month. We also have a Patient Reference Group (PRG) with whom we communicate via email and this consists of 25 patients. Profile of PPG and PRG:
We advertised for members for the groups via the website, on posters in the surgery and by talking to patients directly. Our group is representative across the population but we would be interested in hearing the views from our younger patients particularly those 16 and under. In addition we welcome feedback from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.We encourage patients to join either group - further details are on this website.
Seeking our Patients Views
We have been listening to our patients’ comments over the past few months and with the help of our Patient Group and their feedback we produced a questionnaire that addressed your concerns around access and reception. We gave the opportunity for patients to provide plenty of comments within the questionnaire which was available to complete on-line and in the surgery.
Some of our representatives from the Patient Participation Group came into surgery and helped patients to complete the survey and to listen to their views. We found this most informative as we were able to reach a much wider population and it gave patients the opportunity to give their honest opinions and feedback.
Thank you all very much for participating in our Patient Representation Survey. We have had an excellent response with 389 patients completing our questionnaire.
The results have been discussed with the Patient Participation Group in detail and their views sought. We have completed an action plan, which is available both on the website and in reception.
A summary of the questionnaire and the breakdown of results is below:
Q1. Do you find it easy to get through when you are calling the surgery?
Q2. If you do have difficulties getting through on the phone, at which time of day do you experience the greatest problem?
Mornings before 10.00am47%
Mornings after 10.00am9%
Q3. How would you prefer to book your appointments?
In person26%
By phone70%
By email4%
Q4. How do you think we could best improve access to the surgery?
We received many useful comments and they are categorised and analysed within our summary.
Q5. How helpful do you find the Receptionists at the surgery both when you telephone and call in?
Very helpful52%
Fairly helpful40%
Not very helpful3%
Not at all helpful0%
Q6. Your feedback is very important to us and we would welcome any comments on the areas where we can improve. Please record your answers below
We received many useful comments and they are categorised and analysed within our summary.
To help us analyse your answers please tell us a few things about yourself:
Q7. Are you male or female?
Q8. What age are you?
Under 161%
Over 756%
Q9. What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?
White British86%
White Irish0%
Mixed White & Black Caribbean0%
Mixed White & Black African0%
Mixed White & Black Asian0%
Black Caribbean0%
Black African0%
Q10. How would you describe how often you come to the practice?
Very Rarely14%
Communication between the surgery and patients is very important.
Q11. Do you use the surgery website? (
Q12. Have you ever read the Newsletter from the practice?
Many thanks for your time in answering the questions on this survey.