Liberty Mountain Drive Ramp and Roundabout
Hurt & Proffitt Project Number: 20150315
September 7, 2017
This Addendum supplements and amends the original Plans and Specifications and shall be taken into account in preparing bids and shall become part of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall indicate receipt of this Addendum and all previously issued addenda on the Bid Form.
The following are questions from for plan clarifications:
1. Question:
In past projects like this one it has been required that pull boxes be placed with each pole base and a concrete collar around that box, this project does not show pull boxes or concrete collars for the bases. Will these be required for this project?
Yes. Pull boxes should be poured at each foundation and included in the cost of lighting.
2. Question:
All signs on Phase I temporary roll-ups?
The temporary construction signs are quantified in the bid form. Please see Maintenance of Traffic; Line Item ID # 24160, Spec. 512, Construction Signs. These are not to be temporary roll up signs.
3. Question:
The permanent sign totals look to be slightly off. Can that be verified?
The permanent sign totals have been revised on the bid form, total square footage is 294 SF. Relocated signs are to be included in the cost of permanent signs.
4. Question:
There are no foundations or posts listed in the bid items for the permanent sign install. On Sheet 21(1), sign Note 13 states it shall be installed on VDOT standard STP-1. Which type?
Permanent sign foundations and posts are to be included in the cost of permanent signs. For foundation type and posts please see VDOT Standard STP-1 Sheet 3 of 12, page 1321.12.
5. Question:
There is no Exit sign on the plan. Is this needed, or is it a relocated sign?
Exit signs located on Sheets 21(4) and 21(5) are to be purchased and installed by Liberty University. The Sign Panel (Liberty University Pay Item) has been removed from the bid form.
6. Question:
· What type of electrical service will be required? Who will be installing and we will need the location also.
· AEP will be providing and installing the electrical service.
7. Question:
There is no Ramp 40 MPH on the plan. Is this needed?
No, the sign within the summary of Sheet 21(1) should be omitted. It is not quantified on the new bid form.
8. Question:
Both "Begin State Maintenance" & "End State Maintenance" are missing from Sheet 21(1). Are these required?
Yes. These signs are required and have been included in the revised permanent sign total of 294SF. Sign specifications are as follows:
END STATE MAINTENANCE, sign code I-V3b, 4.5 SF
9. Question:
What are we to do about discrepancies between bid form and the plans for the following structures:
4-2 Bid Sheet DI-3B L=14’, Plan sheets DI-13 L=20’8”
5-1 Bid Sheet DI-3B, Plan Sheets DI-2B
5-2 Bid Sheet DI-3B, Plan Sheets DI-2B
6-5 Bid Sheet DI-3B, Plan Sheets DI-2C
6-6 Bid Sheet DI-3C, Plan Sheets DI-2C
6-10 Bid Sheet DI-3B L=4’, Plan Sheets DI-2B L=6’
7-11 Bid Sheet DI-3B H=10.52’ Plan Sheets DI-2B H=9.44’
The plans were correct and the bid form has been revised to coincide with the plans.
10. Question:
Does the water casing pipe get included with the 16” DI waterline item?
The 32” steel casing pipe has been added in the new bid form.
11. Question:
On Sheet 3, a 24” steel casing is called out to be extended over an existing 10” waterline. There is no line item on the Bid Form for the work involved to extend the steel casing over the existing 10” waterline.
A new line item has been added to the bid form for the work involved for the 24” steel casing /sleeve extension. Please see Line Item # 40101, Spec. 520, 10” DI Water Main.
12. Question:
The Drainage Descriptions on Plan Sheet 20(1) calls for the storm structures to be cast-in-place, however the Bid Form calls for them to be precast. Which is it?
The Bid Form has been revised to coincide with the Drainage Descriptions for a cast in place structure, per VDOT comments.
13. Question:
I understand we are bidding the project with Liberty supplying 50% of the borrow and we finding and supplying the balance. If the bid price for borrow supplied by Liberty is less than the bid price for outsourced borrow, is there a possibility of Liberty supplying more than 50% of the borrow?
As discussed at the pre-bid meeting, Liberty University may be able to supply more than half of the earthwork needed; however, due to the amount of construction going on there is no guarantee. The contractor should count on being able to supply the remainder if the LU source is no longer available.
14. Question:
Is the stamped concrete in the roundabout standard VDOT A3 or is it colored?
The stamped concrete in the roundabout is to be standard VDOT A3 with no color.
15. Question:
Landscaping bid item LS-2, is this seeding and not sodding?
Yes. The seeding is not sodding. Seeding is to be provided on all disturbed areas not covered by a hard surface.
16. Question:
Is there no lime or fertilizer? (Plan Sheet 2B)
There was nothing quantified regarding lime or fertilizer.
17. Question:
With regard to lighting:
· Is AEP supplying the anchor bolts?
· Will AEP supply and perform all wiring?
· Will AEP will supply all components (SLR3) above the foundation?
· Will AEP or contractor install SLR3 poles and fixtures?
· The contractor will be responsible for supplying the anchor bolts as they are a part of the foundation.
· AEP will supply and perform all wiring.
· AEP will supply all components (SLR3) above the foundation.
· AEP will be installing SLR3 poles and fixtures.
18. Question:
Can you define the bedding and backfill requirements for the HDPE pipe?
VDOT Standard PB-1 was used to quantify bedding as 4” of bedding for storm piping. The bedding material was also given in VDOT Standard PB-1 as Aggregate No. 25 or 26. The quantity on the bid form is for the 4” of bedding material. The HDPE requirement for VDOT requires that the No. 25 or 26 stone be placed in the trench around the pipe to 12” above the pipe. The price of the stone in the trench around the pipe and 12” above the pipe is in the bid item for backfill material, Class I.
19. Question:
Do you anticipate an extension of the bid date?
20. If a contractor desires consideration of a fuel adjustment on selected work items in their bid submission those work items shall be identified by the contractor as follows -- show the Bid Item ID Number, Specification reference shown on the bid tabulation form, and the description of the work item to which the fuel adjustment would be applied. These cannot be changed after the bids are received. This information shall be submitted as part of the bid proposal and signed/date by an authorized representative of the company providing the bid. The fuel adjustment shall meet all of the requirements of the VDOT Special Provisions for Fuel Adjustments and meet the requirements of the applicable VDOT adjustment fuel indexes.
End of Addendum #1