2. Reason for Submission
Redescription New / 3. Service
HQ Field / 4. Empl Office Location / 5. Duty Station / 6. OPM Cert #
Reestablishment Other
Explanation (Show Positions Replaced) / 7. Fair Labor Standards Act
Not Applicable / 8. Financial Statements Required
Exec Pers Financial Disclosure
Employment & Financial Interests / 9. Subject to IA Action
Yes No
10. Position Status
Excepted (32 USC 709) / 11. Position is
Managerial / 12. Sensitivity
Noncritical Sens / 13. Competitive Level
SES (Gen)
SES (CR) / Neither / Critical Sens
Special Sens / 14. Agency Use
15. Classified/Graded by
a. US Office of Pers Mgt b. Dept, Agency or Establishment c. Second Level Review d. First Level Review
Official Title of Position / Pay Plan / Occupational Code / Grade / Initials / Date
Training Technician / 1702 / GS / 11 / eas,rvl,krh / 02 Sep 10
16. Organizational Title (If different from official title) / 17. Name of Employee (optional)
18. Dept/Agency/Establishment - National Guard Bureau
a. First Subdivision - State Adjutant General
b. Second Subdivision -Army National Guard / c. Third Subdivision - Brigade/Group/Troop Command
d. Fourth Subdivision -
e. Fifth Subdivision -
19. Employee Review. This is an accurate description of the major duties and responsibilities of my position. / Employee Signature /Date (optional)
20. Supervisory Certification. I certify that this is an accurate statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position and its organizational relationships, and that the position is necessary to carry out Government functions for which I am responsible. This certification is made with the knowledge that this information is to be used for statutory purposes related to appointment and payment of public funds. False or misleading statements may constitute violations of such statutes or their implementing regulations.
a. Typed Name and Title of Immediate Supervisor / b. Typed Name and Title of Higher-Level Supervisor/Manager (optional)
Signature / Date / Signature / Date
21. Classification/Job Grading Certification:I certify this position has been classified/graded as required by Title 5 USC, in conformance with USOPM published standards or, if no published standards apply directly, consistently with the most applicable standards. / 22. Standards Used in Classifying/Grading Position
USOPM Job Family Position Classification Standard for Administrative Work in the Human Resources Management Group, GS-0200, Dec 2000; USOPM Position Classification Flysheet for Education and Training Technician Series, GS-1702, Oct 1991; USOPM General Schedule Supervisory Guide (GSSG), dated Jun 1998; and USOPM Introduction to Position Classification Standards, Aug 2001.
Typed Name and Title of Official Taking Action
roger m. parrish
Human Resources Specialist (Classification) / Information For Employees. The standards and information on
their application are available in the personnel office. The
classification of the position may be reviewed and corrected by
//Signed// / Date
02 Sep 10 / the agency or OPM. Information on classification/job grading appeals is available from the personnel office.
23. Position Review / Initials / Date / Initials / Date / Initials / Date / Initials / Date / Initials / Date
a. Employee (Opt)
b. Supervisor
c. Classifier
24. Remarks:
Released from NGB-J1-TNC, CRA 10-1014, dated 02 Sep 10
25. Description of Major Duties and Responsibilities (SEE ATTACHED)
NSN 7540-00-634-4265 Previous Edition Usable 5008-106 Optional Form 8 US Office of Personnel Management (USOPM), FPM CHAPTER 295 [Equivalent]
This position is located in the operations section of a Brigade/Group/Troop Command Headquarters, of the Army National Guard (ARNG). The purpose of the position is to develop and oversee the execution of the command’s operations, training and safety plans and policies. Provides staff planning and assistance to ensure that required training, physical security, safety and readiness objectives are achieved and deployment planning and preparation requirements are accomplished. Training activities at this level are concerned with the training military personnel in a wide variety of occupations including clerical, trades and labor, administrative, technical, and/or professional skills. Supervisory duties are performed less than 25 percent of the work year.
(1) Formulates, oversees and evaluates the overall training programs for the command. Develops short and long term training plans that support the commander’s training guidance. Issues instructions and procedures to subordinate organizations for the conduct of activities which meet the commander’s training guidance and directives of higher headquarters. Establishes and ensures the conduct of a training evaluation program for subordinate organizations. Conducts and/or coordinates staff assistance visits and command level inspections in the area of training, physical security and readiness. Evaluates the mission essential task lists of subordinate organizations to ensure conformity with higher headquarters, commander’s guidance and intent, Army doctrine, and regulatory requirements. Recommends modifications to the command’s mission essential task list. Reviews training evaluation and inspection reports to identify systemic problems and trends. Determines and formulates needed revisions or improvements to training activities. Reviews training plans and schedules of subordinate organizations for approval and revision as necessary to ensure compliance with yearly training guidance. Provides technical guidance and assistance to subordinate commanders or other operations and training personnel pertaining to scheduling and conducting training. Directs the scheduling and ensures the execution of special training courses on a variety of subjects (i.e., communications procedures, leadership courses, marksmanship training, etc). Coordinates with external training, evaluation and assistance organizations for the conduct and evaluation of Army training to include Field Training Exercises (FTX), Command Posts Exercises (CPX), etc.
(2) Develops and prepares annual operational and training budget requirements. Sub-allocates funding to subordinate organizations in accordance with annual funding allowance and established priorities. Approves requests for reallocation based on the commander’s guidance and priorities and changes in scheduled training events. Evaluates, develops, and maintains command level policies commensurate with training directives issued by all echelons of command and the commander’s guidance.
(3) Evaluates organizational readiness reports and prepares recommendations for improvement/modification to organizational training programs. Analyzes proposed changes and determines effects on organizational readiness and the ability of organizations to accomplish assigned missions. Develops and reviews requests for changes to future authorization documents. Coordinates with other staff elements and subordinate organizations for the review and analysis of force modernization and future organizational structure and allowances.
(4) Develops, reviews and adjusts command level deployment and contingency operation plans. Provides technical guidance and assistance to subordinate units in the development of deployment and redeployment plans for use in responding to local/state/national emergencies, homeland security missions, and anti-terrorism/force protection.
(5) Directs scheduling and coordination for the use of training sites and facilities. Ensures coordination with logistical personnel for the availability of required equipment and supplies for training activities. Reviews and forwards requests for the local procurement and acquisition of training aids, manuals, or other instructional material not available within normal supply channels. Maintains liaison with personnel at local, state or federally operated training sites. Identifies the requirement for, directs, and/or approves organizational requests for initiation, coordination and maintenance of usage agreements for local/private training areas. Conducts or directs preliminary environmental impact assessments for training sites/areas and requests formal assessments through channels to state level environmental personnel.
(6) Develops and implements Risk Management plans and programs for the command. Reviews Risk Management assessments, plans, and policies of subordinate units and provides guidance and recommendations in accordance with the commander’s guidance and regulatory requirements. Develops safety/accident prevention policies and ensures implementation. Conducts safety inspections and assistance visits to subordinate units. Conducts or assists in the conduct of investigations of accidents and safety violations and recommends corrective actions. Analyzes trends within the command and makes recommendations for changes to policies and activities to minimize risks of training activities and increase individual safety awareness.
(7) Plans, organizes and assigns work to employees engaged in training, security and readiness at the command level. May participate in the selection of hiring new employees. Revises assignments or details employees to other duties as necessary to meet changing work situations, deadlines, or priorities. Establishes performance standards and evaluates employee performance. Prepares formal requests and recommendations for promotions, reassignments, etc. Recommends recognition for outstanding performance and prepares performance improvement plans for marginal and sub-standard performance. Provides initial approval/disapproval of leave. Receives, resolves or participates in the resolution of grievances, or forwards to higher level management for resolution. Acts to resolve disciplinary problems, or forwards to higher level management for resolution. Supports the command’s Equal Employment Opportunity Program. Ensures compliance with equal employment/sexual harassment/workplace violence policies and regulations. Ensures position management principles are adhered to and position descriptions are accurate for fulltime members within the operations section of the command. Provides technical guidance to subordinate unit training and readiness personnel.
(8) Plans and organizes the work of the subordinates. Assigns work and provides guidelines on methodology and scope of required performance. Interviews and selects employees, sets performance standards, and formulates appraisals of performance. Initiates personnel actions, adjusts informal complaints, and recommends disciplinary action as required.
(9) May serve as the security coordinator for the command. Provides guidance and assistance in implementing and following security measures for such items as documents, arms and ammunition, installation, and communication/automation equipment (COMSEC/COMPUSEC). May be designated as Custodian or Alternate Custodian of Classified Documents, COMSEC/COMPUSEC account Custodian/Alternate, and/or Physical Security Manager as required by regulations and local situations. May functions as the primary advisor and coordinator for anti-terrorism/force protection (AT/FP) measures and ensures all AT/FP requirements are accomplished. Ensures that procedures outlined in respective security regulations are complied with.
(10) Performs other duties as assigned.
Factor 1 – Knowledge Required by the Position:
-- Knowledge of a wide range of military training and operations management regulations, policies, procedures and concepts for the purpose of developing, evaluating, overseeing, and providing comprehensive guidance, policies, and plans for units and elements within the command.
-- Knowledge of training and operations functions to establish, direct, and conduct subordinate unit inspections and assistance visits, analyze results, identify trends, and recommend corrective actions to ensure compliance with regulations, policies and guidance.
-- In-depth knowledge of military training and operations of the organization sufficient to assess the effectiveness of planned and completed training activities in meeting mission essential tasks. Provides technical advice and assistance to staff and subordinate organizational personnel in the planning and execution of required individual and collective training.
-- Knowledge of the budgetary process sufficient to determine necessary funding required to support scheduled and planned training and operational support.
-- Knowledge of regulatory limitations on funds transfer and flexibilities available to enhance organizational readiness.
-- Knowledge of individual and collective deployment readiness requirements sufficient to develop, evaluate, and provide comprehensive technical guidance for organizational deployment plans.
-- Knowledge of operational aspects of the unit sufficient to evaluate proposed changes to organizational structures and the effects of these programmed changes on readiness levels and the ability of the unit to accomplish assigned missions.
-- Knowledge of training activities sufficient to assess facilities, training areas, and range requirements to ensure the suitability of available training sites.
-- Knowledge of the environmental impact of training activities sufficient to determine the limitations of available training areas and the feasibility of their use for planned training.
-- Knowledge of risk management programs and procedures to develop, review, and provide guidance to organizational units to minimize the level of risk for activities and individuals.
-- Knowledge of physical security requirements sufficient to function as the security coordinator for the command to provide oversight and guidance and ensure proper security control measures have been planned and executed.
-- Ability to communicate through both oral and written communications sufficient to communicate ideas and guidance utilizing presentations, briefings, and correspondence.
-- Knowledge of human resource management and work center requirements sufficient to function as a supervisor of the operations section of the command element.
Factor 2 – Supervisory Controls:
Work is performed under the supervision of the full time command’s Officer in Charge (OIC), who provides to the incumbent, the command’s policies, goals, and objectives. The incumbent is relied on to plan, organize, and determine the work methods and techniques required to achieve goals and meet the needs of the unit. Technical guidance and assistance is received from the OIC and/or from the training officer at higher headquarters. Authority is delegated to the incumbent to independently carry out all assignments to include making necessary contacts and providing authoritative explanation of rules, regulations, and procedures. Work is reviewed for compliance with instructions and policies, for adequacy and soundness of decisions, and for overall attainment of objectives.
Factor 3 – Guidelines:
Non-specific guidelines such as interdepartmental, agency or installation manuals, regulations, and directives are available for routine training and operations. However, for non-standard training and operations matters, guidance is formulated through precedence, detailed research, and/or verbal or written communications with subject matter experts from higher headquarters. Judgment, knowledge, and experience are used when adapting guidelines in resolving issues.
Factor 4 – Complexity:
Work involves managing organizational training resources; researching, analyzing, planning, and evaluating organizational training and operations for optimal readiness; providing technical guidance, assistance, and oversight to organizational units accomplishing operations and training activities and planning. The employee establishes, adjusts, and assures the accomplishment of command priorities in response to scheduled and unscheduled requirements. The incumbent uses experience to make decisions based on available resources, changing OPTEMPO, training and operations policy changes/modifications, organizational priorities, and regulatory guidance. The incumbent is required to provide recommendations and decisions based on analysis of the particular training or deployment problem or situation. Plans activities and operations which sufficiently accomplish requirements, and adjusts plans in accordance with changes in priorities, policies, and available resources.
Factor 5 – Scope and Effect:
Responsible for planning, organizing, managing and ensuring the administration of the training and operations programs for the command. Advises the Officer in Charge (OIC) or Commander on all training and operations matters. The incumbent manages the training and operations of subordinate units and ensures that command training and operations systems are achieving optimal operational readiness levels. Results of the work significantly affect the operational readiness of the organization and subordinate units’ and their ability to successfully accomplish assigned missions.
Factor 6 - Personal Contacts &
Factor 7 - Purpose of Contacts:
Personal contacts are required with senior management officials of higher, adjacent, and lower organizations within the local National Guard. Makes direct and regular contacts with other Department of Defense military training centers or installations to facilitate individual and collective training requirements. The incumbent is periodically required to attend meetings and accomplish contacts with public officials, civic organizations, local news media, and representatives from other federal and/or state agencies (FEMA, FBI, DHLS, etc.).
The purpose of contacts is to communicate, evaluate, clarify or resolve problems related to training and operational issues.
Factor 8 - Physical Demands:
Work is sedentary. No special physical demands are required to perform the work.
Factor 9 - Work Environment:
Work is performed in a typical office setting. Special safety precautions are not required.
Incumbent may be required to prepare for and support the mission through the accomplishment of duties pertaining to military training, military readiness, force protection and other mission related assignments including, but not limited to, training of traditional Guard members, CWDE/NBC training, exercise participation (ORE/ORI/UCI/MEI/OCI/IG, etc.), mobility exercise participation, FSTA/ATSO exercise participation, SABC training, LOAC training, weapons qualification training, participation in military formations, and medical mobility processing within the guidelines of NGB/ARNG/ANG/State/TAG rules, regulations and laws.
These tasks have no impact on the classification of this position and should NOT be addressed in any technician’s performance standards.
A. Title, Series, and Grade: Training Technician, GS-1702-11
B. References:
1. USOPM Job Family Position Classification Standard for Administrative Work in the Human Resources Management Group, GS-0200, dated Dec 2000.
2. USOPM Position Classification Flysheet for Education and Training Series, GS-1702, dated Oct 1991.
3. USOPM Introduction to the Position Classification Standards, dated August 2001.
4. USOPM Position Classification Guide, General Schedule Supervisory Guide, dated Jun 1998.
C. Background Information: This position is located in a Brigade/Group/Troop Command of the Army National Guard. This position description was updated as a part of the development of position descriptions for all unit level requirements and to reflect current duties and assignments.
D. Pay Plan, Series, Title, and Grade Determination:
1. Pay Plan: The duties in this position are primarily of an administrative nature and as such, are subject to the General Schedule (GS) pay plan.