Sample Interview Confirmation to Candidates


«Title» «FirstName» «Surname»







Dear «Title» «Surname»

Re: [insert role/s and organisation name]

Further to our telephone conversation, I am pleased to confirm that your interview for the above role will take place at [insert time] on [insert date] at [insert venue].


When we spoke, you confirmed that you did not require any particular arrangements or adjustments to be made for your interview.


When we spoke, you asked that [insert details of particular arrangements/adjustments to be made]. I can confirm that these have been accommodated.

Directions to the venue location are attached. Please report to reception on arrival and ask for [insert name of contact and telephone number]

We expect that the interview will take around 45 minutes / an hour. The panel will be made up of:

·  [insert name, post, organisation ] as Panel Chair

·  [insert name, post, organisation ] as Panel Member

·  [insert name] as External Panel Member

Given the significant public profile and responsibility they hold, it is important that those appointed as members of Clinical Commissioning Groups maintain the confidence of the public, patients and NHS staff at all times. Therefore, if there are any issues in your personal or professional history that could be misconstrued or cause that confidence to be jeopardised, it is important that you bring them to the attention of the panel. They will wish to explore any such issues with you before they make any recommendation on the appointment.

We will let you know the outcome of your interview by letter/telephone as soon as possible [after the governing body meet on [date]].

Yours sincerely