Senior Lifeguard

A Senior Lifeguard is a seasonal employee who may have more than two years of guarding experience, with 100 or more hours of total poolside guarding time logged within the past two years.Senior Lifeguards must possess and submit to the Board of Trustees proof of current First Aid and Lifeguard certifications, as required by the state. In the absence of the Pool Manager, a Senior Lifeguard assumes all Pool Manager duties. While on duty, a Senior Lifeguard will wear a distinguishing shirt and maintain a professional and attentive demeanor. During poolside duty, a Senior Lifeguard may not visit with friends, or use a cell phone in ANY WAY.

Reporting Structure

A senior lifeguard reports to the Board of Trustees through the President, and is hired on a seasonal basis. The Senior Lifeguard’s daily tasks are performed under the supervision of the Pool Manager, when present. In the absence of the Pool Manager, the Senior Lifeguard is in charge of daily pool operations and confers with the Pool Manager or the President of the Board as needed. For purposes of task assignments, scheduling or changes to an existing schedule, the Senior Lifeguard confers with the Pool Manager. Guarding hours are recorded on an official time sheet and submitted to the Club Treasurer by the Pool Manager.


A senior Lifeguard is responsible to:

  1. Supply the Board of Trustees, via the Pool Manager with current certifications and a current Form W4 prior to the season’s first guarding duties.
  2. Attend and successfully complete pre-season orientation
  3. Attend regular guard meetings.
  4. Turn in time sheet to pool manager on schedule
  5. Participate in mandatory in-service training.
  6. Perform guarding duties including but not limited to:
  7. Ensure pool and swimmer safety
  8. Remain on pool deck at all times while guarding if patrons are in the pool or on the deck.
  9. Man guard tower when ten or more swimmers are in the pool
  10. Arrange for additional guarding support if more than 30 swimmers are in the pool.
  11. Count and log number of patrons in pool and on deck hourly.
  12. Perform administrative duties including but not limited to:
  13. Answer the phone and take messages for guard-on-deck, Pool Manager, Board of Trustees, and other pool volunteers (i.e. Swim and Dive Team Coordinators)
  14. Sign in members and guests.
  15. Ensure that memberships of patrons are current.
  16. Ensure that emergency contact cards of members are current.
  17. Ensure guests have not abused privileges.
  18. Update bulletin board postings.
  19. Straighten up office.
  20. Ensure that guards’ personal belongings are stored out of sight.
  21. Ensure that adequate current-dated sign-in sheets are available.
  22. Sign up swimming lesson students and take payments for the lessons.
  23. Manage monetary transactions, including concession sales and swim lesson payments.
  24. Perform pool duties as detailed on the Hourly, Daily and Weekly checklists, including but not limited to:
  25. Maintain neat and clean office and dressing rooms.
  26. Wash mirrors/windows, sinks, toilets.
  27. Sweep and disinfect floors.
  28. Replenish paper products regularly.
  29. Empty waste bins regularly.
  30. Maintain neat and clean pool deck
  31. Sweep/blow off deck.
  32. Empty waste and recycling bins regularly, and wash them as needed.
  33. Pick up clutter regularly.
  34. Water plants on pool deck.
  35. Control weed growth inside pool enclosure.
  36. Maintain neat and clean pool furniture and equipment.
  37. Ensure attractive placement of chairs and tables.
  38. Pick up toys regularly.
  39. Hose down furniture as needed.
  40. Replace unused items in proper storage area.
  41. Maintain neat and clean storage facilities
  42. Maintain neat and clean public access/patio.
  43. Sweep walkways.
  44. Wipe down picnic tables.
  45. Water and weed plants at entry points to pool facilities.
  46. Maintain general pool cleanliness and safety.
  47. Monitor chemicals in pool.
  48. Vacuum pool on direction from Pool Manager.
  49. Clean pool filters on direction from Pool Manager.
  50. Manage waste, recycling and yard debris pick-up schedule.
  51. Set out bins and cans on curb every Thursday night.
  52. Bring and scrub bins and cans every Friday morning.
  53. Ensure pool covers are removed, stowed and replaced properly.
  54. Promptly report facilities and equipment problems to the Pool Manager or the Club’s President.

Junior Lifeguard

A junior Lifeguard is a seasonal employee who may have less than two years of guarding experience and fewer than 100 hours total poolside guarding time. Junior Lifeguards must possess and submit to the Board of Trustees proof of current First Aid and Lifeguard certifications, as required by the state. While a Junior lifeguard will typically not commit to or be scheduled to work more than 20 hours per week, the Junior Guard may arrange with the Pool Manager to work more hours. While on duty, a Junior Lifeguard will wear a distinguishing shirt and maintain a professional and attentive demeanor. During poolside duty, a Senior Lifeguard may not visit with friends, or use a cell phone in ANY WAY.

Reporting Structure

A junior Lifeguard reports to the Board of Trustees through the President and is hired on a seasonal basis. For purposes of task assignments, scheduling or changes to an existing schedule, the Junior Lifeguard confers with the Pool Manager. Guarding hours are recorded on an official time sheet and submitted to the Club Treasurer by the Pool Manager.


A Junior Lifeguard is responsible to:

  1. Supply the Board of Trustees, via the Pool Manager with current certifications and a current Form W4 prior to the season’s first guarding duties.
  2. Attend and successfully complete pre-season orientation
  3. Attend regular guard meetings.
  4. Turn in time sheet to pool manager on schedule
  5. Participate in mandatory in-service training.
  6. Perform guarding duties including but not limited to:
  7. Ensure pool and swimmer safety
  8. Remain on pool deck at all times while guarding if patrons are in the pool or on the deck.
  9. Man guard tower when ten or more swimmers are in the pool
  10. Arrange for additional guarding support if more than 30 swimmers are in the pool.
  11. Count and log number of patrons in pool and on deck hourly.
  12. Perform administrative duties including but not limited to:
  13. Answer the phone and take messages for guard-on-deck, Pool Manager, Board of Trustees, and other pool volunteers (i.e. Swim and Dive Team Coordinators)
  14. Sign in members and guests.
  15. Ensure that memberships of patrons are current.
  16. Ensure that emergency contact cards of members are current.
  17. Ensure guests have not abused privileges.
  18. Update bulletin board postings.
  19. Straighten up office.
  20. Ensure that guards’ personal belongings are stored out of sight.
  21. Ensure that adequate current-dated sign-in sheets are available.
  22. Sign up swimming lesson students and take payments for the lessons.
  23. Manage monetary transactions, including concession sales and swim lesson payments.
  24. Perform pool duties as detailed on the Hourly, Daily and Weekly checklists, including but not limited to:
  25. Maintain neat and clean office and dressing rooms.
  26. Wash mirrors/windows, sinks, toilets.
  27. Sweep and disinfect floors.
  28. Replenish paper products regularly.
  29. Empty waste bins regularly.
  30. Maintain neat and clean pool deck
  31. Sweep/blow off deck.
  32. Empty waste and recycling bins regularly, and wash them as needed.
  33. Pick up clutter regularly.
  34. Water plants on pool deck.
  35. Control weed growth inside pool enclosure.
  36. Maintain neat and clean pool furniture and equipment.
  37. Ensure attractive placement of chairs and tables.
  38. Pick up toys regularly.
  39. Hose down furniture as needed.
  40. Replace unused items in proper storage area.
  41. Maintain neat and clean storage facilities
  42. Maintain neat and clean public access/patio.
  43. Sweep walkways.
  44. Wipe down picnic tables.
  45. Water and weed plants at entry points to pool facilities.
  46. Maintain general pool cleanliness and safety.
  47. Monitor chemicals in pool.
  48. Vacuum pool on direction from Pool Manager.
  49. Clean pool filters on direction from Pool Manager.
  50. Manage waste, recycling and yard debris pick-up schedule.
  51. Set out bins and cans on curb every Thursday night.
  52. Bring and scrub bins and cans every Friday morning.
  53. Ensure pool covers are removed, stowed and replaced properly.
  54. Promptly report facilities and equipment problems to the Pool Manager or the Club’s President.

As an employee of Norwood Swim Club, I agree to abide by the below Lifeguard expectations. I

understand this is not an exhaustive list of expectations.

  1. Show up on-time, in the proper uniform, and ready to work to all scheduledshifts

a"Early is on-time, on-time is late, if you're late don'tbother"

b.The proper uniform includes a guard shirt, shorts, and sandals (guard swimsuit is optional)

c.Appropriate colors for shorts and swimsuits: red, orange, blue, black, grey, white; no patterns/designs/multi-color; no bikini tops (must be a conservative sport top style if it is atwo-piece)

d.Wear appropriate eye and/or head wear when it is sunnyout

e.Norwood guard sweatshirts/rain jackets/blankets or other personal guard clothing are appropriateduringcolderweather;nootherpersonalclothingisallowed whileon-duty unless approved by aManager

  1. Maintain focus and attention at all times when at work, both in the office and in the guardchair

a.Wheninthe chair,noprolongedconversationswithanyone;eyesshouldbefocused on the pool and deck at alltimes

b.Whenintheoffice,no laptopsorheadphones;nocellphoneuseinfrontofmembers; books, schoolwork, and appropriate magazines areokay

c.There are to be no visitors of any kind while you are on duty; food or clothing deliveries areokaybutshouldbeshortandconcise;nodistractionswhile atwork,includingfriends, boyfriends/girlfriends, siblings, orparents

  1. Maintain safety of all pool users, at alltimes

a.Yourjob is to prevent accidents from occurring, enforcing pool rules consistently is the best way to dothis

b.Ifyouareunsureofaruleor howtoenforceit,clarifywitheitheraSeniorGuardor Manager

c.Respondtoallconcernsfrom members/guestsinatimely manner(stopunsafebehaviors before they cause problems and/orharm)

  1. Treat your job as a job - take itseriously

a.If you are falling asleep or not feeling well at work then you are too exhausted to ensure the safetyofpoolusersandarenotinanappropriatementalorphysicalstatetobeatwork

  1. Keep open lines of communication between managers, other guards, members, andguests

aRecord detailed and accurate messages and pass on to the appropriateperson

b.Findsubsorswitchshiftswhenapersonal scheduleconflictarisesandupdatethe schedule board in the officeimmediately

c.Passonpertinentinfoduringshiftchanges/rotations(suchas whohas/has not passedthe swim test or behavior issues withswimmers)

d.Respond toemailsfromaManagerregardingavailabilityinatimelymannerorelseyou risk not being put on the guardschedule

  1. Attitude:

We are a family friendly pool. Please great members and guest with a smile and when checking in or passing by a friendly greeting such as "good morning"

Cooperate with the pool manager and board member's requests and/or concerns with respect and appropriate follow through.

Should any issue arise or heated discussion occur with a member or guest please be sure to inform the Pool manager.

I have read and understood the above expectations. I understand that any failure to abide by these expectations will result in written action and a progressive series of disciplinary actions.


Norwood Disciplinary Action Process

To be used in the event of failure to meet Guard Expectations.

1st – Written warning

2nd – Written action including two-week suspension, or minimum of four shifts.

3rd – Written action including further discipline, potentially including loss of Senior Guard status or termination of employment.

I have read and understand the Disciplinary Action process.


Norwood Swim Club