Professional Training and Support for Refugee Organisations

Dear Applicant,

Evelyn Oldfield Unit (EOU) – e3 SEC Outreach Engagement and Activities Coordinator

We are writing to thank you for your enquiry and interest in the post of EOU e3 Outreach Engagement and Activities Coordinator.

Please find enclosed:

  • Guidance note for applicants
  • Job description and person specification
  • Application form
  • Equal Opportunities Monitoring Forum
  • Equal opportunities statement
  • Background information about the project (please refer to this document when you response to the person specification)
  • Terms and conditions of employment

You should ensure that your completed application forms are sent in plenty of time to reach the Director, Evelyn Oldfield Unit, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA the closing date on Friday 14 July 2017 at 12 noon.

Please note interviews will be held on Tuesday 18 July 2017.

It is vital that you take care in completing the application form as fully as possible and read all the documents we have sent you especially the job description and person specification. The information in it will guide us in considering whether you have the right skills and/or experience for the job. We cannot make assumptions about your experience or skills – please spell them out, drawing on both paid and unpaid experience. The most important document is the person specification. Please clearly demonstrate how you meet the essential criteria in the person specification. You should go through this point by point and show on your application form how you have the particular experience or ability asked for. You will not be short listed unless you demonstrate how you meet the requirements of each point; therefore we are unable to accept curriculum vitae.

We receive a large response to our job vacancies. Unfortunately we can only reply to those who have been short listed for interview. If you have not heard from us within 3 days of the closing date you should assume your application has been unsuccessful.

Good luck and we look forward to receiving a completed application form from you byFriday 14 July 2017 at 12 noon.

Yours truly,

Mulat Haregot

Director, Evelyn Oldfield Unit (EOU)

Evelyn Oldfield Unit (EOU)


The Job Description describes the duties of the job. It sets out range of responsibilities and tasks.

The PERSON SPECIFICATION describes the person we are looking for by describing abilities, experience and skills needed to do the job. We will be looking at your application form to see how you fit the person specification – the extent to which you have the relevant skills and experience.

  1. Before completing the application form, read the job description and person specification carefully.
  2. Type your application or write clearly in black ink, as it will be photocopied. It may help you to do draft first before filling in the form to avoid mistakes.
  3. The PERSON SPECIFICATIONis what we shall use to decide whether you should be shortlisted for an interview. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ADDRESS EACH REQUIREMENT LISTED UNDER THE PERSON SPECIFICATION. If you miss out any requirements, particularly if they are ESSENTIAL for the job, we shall not be able to invite you for an interview. We cannot make assumptions about your experience and skills – please spell them out.
  4. You will probably need to use additional sheets of paper to provide additional information, please number them and put your name at the top of each page.
  5. Your form should be written in a concise, well-organised and positive way. Use active words such as “I organised …. or I planned …. or I do”.
  6. Make sure that your application is sent in plenty of time to meet the closing date.
  7. Keep a copy of your application form for your reference.
  8. All shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview by letter. It will inform you of the time, location and contact as well as of any test or exercise you may be asked to do.
  9. The recruitment panel is usually comprised of 3 to 5 people including relevant line manager of the post.
  10. The panel will ask questions relating to the job description, person specification and application. They will take notes during the course of the interview. All candidates will be asked the same questions.
  11. If you are not sure that you have understood the questions do not hesitate to ask for it to be repeated or clarified.

Good luck.

Job Description

Job Title: e3 SEC Outreach Engagement and Activities Coordinator

Responsible to:EOU Director


Hours:35 hours per week (until 31 March 2018)

Salary:NJC point 26 (£26,342 per annum inclusive of Inner London weighting) pro rata


Purpose: /
  1. To outreach into the local community to promote e3 English language learning that plays an active role within the local e3 Learning Community.
  2. To co-ordinate outreach engagement activities of e3 English language learning and organizing and commissioning linked e3 social economic and community programmes, and co-coordinating and signposting learners into progression routes delivered by other providers.
  3. To promote the key e3 English language learning values and promoting high achievement and a culture of success, to integrate learners within their local communities across London.
  4. To ensure that e3 learning programmes meet the needs and aspirations of adult’s learners.

Reporting to: / EOU Director and e3 Outreach Engagement and Activities Leader
Liaising with: / e3 partners stake holders including DCLG & LEAFEA other CBEL competition winners and local providers of lifelong learning services.
Responsibilities: /

1.1 To develop and manage English language program for community education for the benefit of the local area. To assess the level of spoken English and support learners to embark on the e3 program, the needs of local people, including the needs and aspirations of people who have not previously had much educational and/or employment success.

1.2 To promote the e3 as an extended, collaboration with other institutions in the Network learning Community, with other organisations in the local area and with other service providers

1.3 To run and co-ordinate the programmes developed and commissioned of the Learning Centre. Including: courses and other activities; scheduling; booking lets; administrative systems, ensuring health and safety requirements are met.

1.4 To develop linkages between the e3 language program me and three progression routes: social, civil and economic.

1.5 To be responsible for involving learners in social, economic community activities.

1.6 To seek and obtain resources for agreed programmers to meet local needs.

1.7 To establish clear and effective communications systems, which assist the development of complementary activities for the local community.

1.8 To develop, co-ordinate, and maintain systems and processes for recruitment, enrolment and assessment for the e3 English language learning system.

1.9 To have an overview of all activity relating to English language learning, commissioning publicity materials and running events such as open days.

Equal Opportunities: / To carry out these duties with due regard to the partners’ Equalities & Diversity Policy and priorities.
  1. Further education qualification or youth or community education qualification or other professional education related qualification
  2. To ability to speak a community languages such as Bengali, Turkish, Urdu or Somali.
  1. Some experience of working in education and/or community related provision
  1. Some experience of engagement and involvement, community consultation and co-coordinating and liaising with a network of organisations and individuals.
  1. Understanding of the ethos, priorities and working practices of adult education and knowledge and understanding of successful community education practice in inner city areas.
  1. Knowledge and understanding of successful strategies to raise achievement, self esteem and aspirations through community education, including the role of English language and pathways to formal education and lifelong learning
  1. Ability to consult and liaise effectively with a wide diversity of community and institutional interests and to achieve consensus and support for activities that promote e3 English language learning programmes.
  2. Ability to create and co-ordinate a dynamic programme of activities with limited resources.
  3. Ability to liaise with e3 staff to create harmonious and productive working relationships that maximise opportunities for community use and enhance the work of the project.
  4. Ability to co-ordinate resources effectively in a complex organization.
  5. Ability to create effective communications systems and publicity
  6. Ability to create effective systems for managing recruitment, assessment, enrolment, attendance, retention and outcomes
  7. Ability to plan, analyse, review and report on overall development of the project to the e3 Steering Group (Management Group) of the Project and to meet the accountability requirements of the funding organisation
  8. Ability to manage accounting, personnel and health and safety systems to meet regulatory, funding and all legal requirements
  9. Ability to contribute to the creation of a success culture, celebrating the ethnic and cultural and linguistic diversity of adults in the community and setting the highest expectations and standards
  10. Ability to promote and develop an ethos of high standards and equality of opportunity for all in all aspects of the project.
  1. The willingness to work out of hours.

This job description allocates duties and responsibilities but does not direct the amount of time to be spent on carrying them out and not part of it maybe so construed.

The Job Description is not necessarily a comprehensive definition. It will be reviewed periodically.


Post Applied for: / Full time e3 SEC Outreach Engagement and Activities Co-ordinator
First Name
Can we contact you on this number?
  • Do you have permission to work in the United Kingdom?
  • Do you require a work permit?
/ Yes/No
(*Delete as appropriate)
National Insurance Number
Do you regard yourself as having a disability?
If yes, what is the nature of the disability? / Yes/No
(*Delete as appropriate)

Please give details of two people from whom references may be sought concerning your application. One of these must be your present/last employer. References will not be taken up prior to interview.

Name / Name
Address/telephone/email / Address/telephone/email
Occupation / Occupation
How is this person known to you? / How is this person known to you?
Time known: / Time known:



Dates / Name and address of school / Qualifications obtained


Dates / Name and address of college/university / Qualifications obtained


Dates / Name and address of organisation/course / Qualifications obtained
Language / Oral fluency / Written fluency / Any qualifications
Name and Address of Employer
Post held
Basic Salary
Date appointed
Brief description of current duties
How much notice do you have to give to your present employer?
If you are not presently in work why did you leave your last employment?

Put most recent employment first (continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

From To / Employer’s name and address / Position / Brief details of duties / Reason for leaving


Why you are suitable for this position – in this section, you have the opportunity to explain why you would be successful in this post - please give details of any previous experience, either work related or general/ life skills / experience which you feel is relevant to this application.

You should relate key bullet points against the person specificationto see what skills, experience and knowledge we are looking for.

If you believe you have the necessary skills and experience make sure you tell us clearly and concisely - the decision as to who succeeds in gaining an interview will be based on this information.

You may continue on no more two additional sheets – please ensure you write your name clearly at the top of any additional sheets.

If necessary please continue on no more two additional sheets


Entitlement to work in the UK
In accordance with Section 8 of the asylum and immigration Act 1996, an offer of employment will only be confirmed upon receipt of original documentation (e.g. National insurance number, P45, valid Passport)
Can you provide proof of entitlement to work in the UK? Yes/No
1. If offered employment, it will be initially for a probationary period of three months.
2. During the probationary period your contract of employment will be terminable by you or by EOU (except in the case of gross misconduct) by not less than one week’s notice.
3. Continued employment is conditional upon satisfactory completion of probationary period.
I………………………………………………………….. (full name in capitals)certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information I have given is complete and correct, and I understand that misrepresentation of facts is ground for immediate dismissal, and renders me liable for prosecution.
I authorise the Evelyn Oldfield Unit to approach former employers & personal referees to verify the information given.
Applicant’s Signature……………………………… Date………………………………………………………

Under the terms of Data Protection Act 1984 and 1998 the information you give us will be kept confidential and will be used only for personnel management.

Please note if you send this form by email, you will be asked to bring a signed print-out if you are called for interview.

Please return the form before closing date (Friday 9thSeptember 2016) ating the job title and reference number in the subject section of your email or by post to: The Director, Evelyn Oldfield Unit, 356 Holloway Road, London N7 6PA.




In order to help the Evelyn Oldfield Unit ensure that its equal opportunities policy is being implemented, would you please provide the information requested below. We would stress that this information will be used solely to monitor the effectiveness of our recruitment policies and procedures. The information will not be used in assessing candidates.


POST APPLIED FOR: / Full Time e3 SEC Outreach Engagement and Activities Co-ordinator
DATE OF BIRTH: / Day: / Month: / Year:
AGE CATEGORY:16-2425-3435-4444+
GENDER / Male / Female
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? / Yes / No

ETHNIC ORIGINHow would you describe your ethnic origin?

WHITEIf YES, please tick one box below
White Other – please specify:
BLACKIf YES, please tick one box below
AfricanCaribbean AsianBritish
Black Other – please specify:
ASIANIf YES, please tick one box below
Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese British
Asian Other – please specify:
OTHER – please specify:


Where did you hear about this vacancy?


1.0Evelyn Oldfield Unit (EOU) wishes it to be known that it is committed to a policy of Equal Opportunities in all areas of its activity.

1.1EOU recognises that in our society groups of individuals have been and continue to be discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, nationality, marital status, employment status, class, disability, sexuality, age, religious belief and political persuasion. As a first step, EOU will aim to ensure Equal Opportunities for all staff and prospective staff on the basis of race, sex, disability and employment status.

1.2EOU is committed to implementing non-discriminatory recruitment and employment practices.

1.3As an organisation established to assist refugee and migrant community organisations who are frequently victims of discrimination, EOU is committed to ensuring that its own structures and practices do not discriminate against any individuals or groups on any grounds irrelevant to the field of activity.

1.4This statement applies equally to all disadvantaged groups in society. EOU’s particular concerns make it imperative that overcoming discrimination against refugees, migrants and other disadvantaged groups be given special emphasis in the implementation of its Equal Opportunities Policy.

1.5EOU accepts that making a policy statement of non-discrimination will not in itself constitute an adequate Equal Opportunities Policy. EOU therefore is committed to active implementation which seek to ensure that refugees, migrants and other disadvantaged groups are able to participate fully in its work and members of programmes at all levels.

1.6EOU is committed to implement non-discriminatory practices in the control, administration and allocation of services and resources over which it has control. It will work to encourage maximum participation in the decision-making process from refugees, migrants and members of other disadvantaged groups.

1.7EOU recognises that training and support must be provided to enable refugees, migrants and members of other disadvantaged groups to participate fully in the development and implementation of its policies and programmes.

1.8To help it fulfill its commitment to Equal Opportunities, EOU will collect and monitor information concerning recruitment, employment and delivery of services as appropriate.

1.9EOU Board of Directors will monitor the implementation of the points outlined above, to ensure that they are actively pursued.

E3 Project Background information

The e3 Project – ‘English through Social, Economic and Community (SEC) action’ creates exponential value by combining;

  • Local community outreach and engagement through a partnership of community organisations embedded within their communities, private sector commercialism, and creative sustainability planning,
  • High-quality English language learning, practice and materials, made cost effective and scalable by practical application of new disruptive technology/innovative e-delivery methodologies,
  • Intensive, personalised support for 1500 adult learners with the lowest levels of spoken English, through sophisticated tracking and monitoring software tools, motivating activity-led learning,
  • Localised project delivery and impact, coupled with a Pan-London nexus, in particular, the London Boroughs of Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest, Barking & Dagenham, Barnet, Brent, Camden, Ealing, Redbridge, and Westminsterand reach, creating momentum through mutual-aid peer citation and social connectivity, providing interactive learning linked to onward progression in social, economic and community accomplishments.

e3 will achieve these targets through a partnership of seven organisations; five of which have the demonstrable knowledge, capacity and experience of delivering complex learning programmes into target communities specified in the CBEL prospectus; Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Somali, and refugee communities. e3 also targets BAMER carers, not in receipt of JSA, supporting people with disabilities Pan-London, who need to learn functional English to help maximise choice and control for themselves and their disabled family members.