High School
“Where Champions are Made”
Olympian High SchoolCourse Syllabus
Instructor / Ola Hadi / Phone / 619-656-2400Room / 604 / E-mail /
Course Rationale:
The California State University and University of California systems’ A - G admissions requirements state four semesters of elective credits are required for admission. The Sweetwater Union High School District requires 44 semester credits for graduation, including approved electives. Psychology is a one-semester standards-based social science course that fulfills both of these requirements.
Recommended Prerequisites:
Course Description:
Psychology is one of the major branches of social science studied in college. This elective course seeks to introduce students to the field of psychology and provide students with a basic understanding of psychological concepts. Students will study major early psychologists and their contributions to the field; attention is also paid to various research methods and how data is gathered through the various methods. Students will also be given the opportunity to apply these newly-acquired concepts in applying them to a variety of topics in the fields of psychology.
The vocabulary in psychology is intensive in difficulty and extensive in breadth, with over 500 new words typically being introduced. For this reason, particular attention needs to be paid to vocabulary acquisition techniques. Whenever possible, diagrams, graphs and charts should be used to reinforce concepts and assist students in the critical analytical skills that define a capable social scientist.
Texts and Materials:
Text: Psychology: Principles in Practice, Rathus, 2007.
Spiral, blue and black pens, optional gluestick.
College Preparation ~ “Habits of Mind” and “College Readiness Literacy Skills”
In conjunction with the government content of this course, an emphasis will be placed on developing college readiness. This will be accomplished by promoting the following “Habits of Mind” for success in college-level course work: 1) building intellectual perseverance, the persistent pursuit of knowledge, by promoting the value of a strong work ethic and cultivating sustained effort through repeated practice, 2) developing metacognition by encouraging thinking about the quality of one’s own and others’ thought processes, practicing intellectual humility, and becoming comfortable with the discomfort of ambiguity, and 3) creating intellectual curiosity by fostering a desire to know and requiring inquiry, investigation, and rigorous engagement.
In order to be successful in college and post-secondary work, students must attain certain literacy skills. The “College Readiness Literacy Skills” that will be emphasized during this course will be: 1) describing using discipline-specific academic language, 2) summarizing by distinguishing the main idea from supporting detail, 3) relating/applying the appropriate tools/processes to new situations, 4) comparing and contrasting in order to support inferences and draw conclusions, 5) combining ideas in order to develop new insights, and 6) justifying according to a set of standards or criteria
Recommended Student Materials:
· Notebook/Spiral
· Classroom Supplies: paper, pencils, pens (black & blue), colored pencils, highlighters, calculator, & ruler
· Occasional Project Supplies: display boards, poster board, construction paper, etc.
Academic Expectations of Me as a Student:
· I will actively participate in my learning: take notes, study for quizzes/tests, participate in class discussions, make connections beyond the classroom, and do homework.
· I understand that the Mastery Model requires that if I achieve less than 70% on any summative assignment, I will attend tutoring and/or make-up sessions to improve their performance to the level of college readiness.
Behavioral Expectations of Me as a Student:
· I will attend all classes possible and be on time.
· I will be a positive, contributing member of this class be being respectful, responsible and considerate.
· I know: “I am responsible for my own behavior and I am to be held accountable for my own actions.”
Homework Policy:
· Psychology is a college preparatory course that requires students to do homework on a regular basis.
· Students should spend a minimum of 20 minutes each day on homework. This time may be used to preview and/or review class materials, perform text reading activities, complete class assignments and projects, or other activities that assist the student’s understanding of the concepts being studied. (Note: Parents should ask to see student’s daily work and homework.)
· Notebook (20%) – includes assignments that are to provide time, practice, and opportunities for learning, along with feedback or checkpoints regarding your progress in the learning process.
Examples will include the introduction to a unit, journals, class notes, warm ups, quizzes, initial attempts or drafts, cooperative learning experiences, and homework. Note: No late work will be accepted unless prior approval is granted by the instructor.
· Assessments (80%) – are to determine your personal achievements/what you have learned at the end of a period of instruction, and these are used to establish grades.
Examples will include assessments like tests, final projects, presentations, formal writing activities, and the final exam.
Mastery Model Principle
All students will be given the opportunity to re-take one summative assessment, after parent notification and having completed some form of remediation, and have the new score replace the former one. Students who score below 70% on any summative assessment will be required to complete this process and re-take the assessment. A date will be determined by the teacher for the re-take within 2 weeks of the original assessment.
Grading Policy:
Grades in a Standards-Based Society
Student grades will be a reflection of their level of achievement toward district and state standards.
A (90 – 100%) – Advanced ~ high level of mastery of the standards,
B (80 – 89%) – Proficient ~ exceeds the standards,
C (70 – 79%) – Basic ~ meets the standards,
D (60 – 69%) – Below Basic ~ below, but progressing toward meeting the standards.
F (59% and below) – Far Below Basic ~ displays minimal to no progress toward the standards
Course Schedule (Pacing Calendar):
There will be only one major summative assessment per unit.
* There are 19 weeks in each semester, not including holidays and breaks.
Chapter Subject Major Assignments
Week 1 / 1 / Roots of Psychology; Research MethodsWeek 2 / 2
Week 3 / 15
Week 4 / 3 / Physiology and Personality / States of Consciousness Essay: Write a five-paragraph essay arguing a thesis about how something leads to Altered States of Consciousness. That something may be hypnosis, meditation, stimulants, depressants, etc. Include at least one written source and two other sources in a bibliography, citing information in footnotes.
Week 5 / 4
Week 6 / 5
Week 7 / 13 / Physiology and Personality / Psychologist Biography Essay: Write a five-paragraph essay DESCRIBING the life of a famous Psychologist. Include information about their background, their famous writings and ideas, and criticisms of their views. Include at least one written source and two other sources in a bibliography, citing information in footnotes. Two very famous psychologists you might choose are Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung (or Alfred Adler, Albert Bandura, Karen Horney, Erik Erikson, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers).
Week 8 / 14
Cognitive Processes: Learning, Memory
Week 9
Week 10 / 6
7 / Intelligence Essay: Write a five-paragraph essay relating what you know about intelligence and mental retardation to a film. Some excellent film choices include Forest Gump, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?, Rain Man, and Good Will Hunting. Please make sure you have parental approval to watch these films. We will view What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? In class. You can relate and apply what you know about emotional intelligence, creativity, genius, etc. using examples from the films.
Week 11
Week 12 / 8
Week 13 / 10 / Human Development / Interview on the Challenges of Adolescence: Take thorough notes during an interview with an adult on topics such as eating disorders, substance abuse, sexuality, and juvenile delinquency; conclude with a summary on whether you think the challenges were greater then, or are greater now. (Approximately 2 pages typed, a 2-4 minute edited video can be done in lieu of the written interview portion, but the paragraph will still need to be completed.)
Week 14 / 11
Week 15 / 12
Week 16 / 17 / Stress, Abnormal Psychology, and Therapy / Final Group Project on Psychological Disorders: Instructions will be provided.
Week 17 / 18
Week 18 / 19
Week 19 / Finals Week / FINAL SEMESTER 1 REPORT CARD