ApprovedMinutes January 19, 2017

Los Lagos II Homeowners Association No. 1

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

Directors Present: Steve Brooks --President, Kathy Yager--Vice-President,Connie Vergine--Secretary, Dale Edington---Treasurer, andWayne Jones--Architectural Committee Chair.

Directors Absent: None

Also Present: Dan Morrow—Manager. (Dan left shortly after the meeting started due to illness.)

Owners/Visitors Present: Carla and Gary Woolington (23-C), Judy Finck (67-A),Judy Jones (49-B), Rosie Weston (48-A), John and Marilyn Slezak (48-C), John and Bonnie Graham (53-A), JoAnn Saculla (67-C), Sue Heglund(74-A), Jan Sabraski (64-B), Joan Gribben (45-A), Betty and Gerry Hauber (60-C), Ardith Richards (64-A), Joanne and Larry Bartnik (56-C), Lois and Jack Batten (67-D), Diane Bishop (61-D), Roger and Ann Will (H-6), Catherine Wikstrom (36-B), Don and Julie Johnson ((50-D), Crys Pennington and John Hartley (32-A), Bill and Andria Klootwyk (63-C), Ruth Miller (55-A), Edie and Bill Olson ((49-C), Jim and Bev Glampe (47-D), Jack Wilhelmi (65-A), Paul Wigham (62-A), Joanne Seip (69-B), Mary Jo and Ron Mohr (32-B), Andy and Arlene Anderson (70-A, and (48-D), Gloria Schmid (61-C), Noreen Bartram (73-B), Mary Abbamonte (25-C), Char Lawrence (34-D), Mary Jane Cork (74-B), Jane Jackson (45-A), and Nick Crawford (67-B).

1. Call to Order: President Brooks welcomed everyone and called to order the regular meeting of the Board, held at 100 Park Avenue, Lake Havasu City, at 7:00 P.M. He asked those who wanted to speak or comment, to limit their time andsave their comments for the Owner Input portion of the meeting.

2. Introduction of new owners: There were no new Owners attending the meeting.

3. Review of December, 2016 Minutes: A motion was made by Kathy Yagerto approve the meeting minutes as written and seconded by Dale Edington. Motioncarried.

4. Review December Financials—Treasurer’s Report: Dale Edington reported that 17 units have sold and closed as of December 31, giving the Association a $250.00 transfer fee per unit upon closing. The year-endbudget is under budget due to the monies set aside for the roofing. We have carried forth those monies to the proposed 2017 roofing line item in the budget to be spent this coming year. A motion was made by Wayne Jones to accept the Treasurers’ report, and seconded by Connie Vergine. Motion carried.

5. Maintenance Manager’s Report: Dan was not feeling well and not present to give an oral report. His written report is on file.


6. Committee Reports:

A. Architectural Committee: Wayne Jones reviewed the architectural requests. There was one request for replacement of a slider patio door needing approval. A motion was made by Connie Vergine to accept the request and seconded by Dale Edington. Motion passed. The following request was approved as noted below:

Item / Unit/Owner / Request / Approved / Status
1 / Slezak—48C / Gutter on patio roof / Approved 11/16 / Pending
2 / Cahalane—72A / Replace windows and patio door / Approved 11/16 / Pending
3 / Gissendanner—26B / Tile patio / Approved 11/16 / Completed
4 / Heglund—74A / Desertscape/water conservation / Approved 12/16 / Pending
5 / Wilhelmi—65A / Desertscape/water conservation / Approved 12/16 / Pending
6 / Bakker—50B / Replenish grey rock between sidewalk and patio / Approved 12/16 / Pending
7 / 52D—Hintsala / Redo patio floor / Approved 12/16 / Completed
8 / 49D—Frana / Tile patio / Approved 12/16 / Completed
9 / 63C--Klootwyk / New patio door / Approved 1/17

B. Tenant Registration: Kathy reported that she gave updated forms to all the Circle Captains. There will a meeting of Circle Captains in February if one is needed.

C. CC&Rs Committee: Connie Vergine reported that the Board has not yet reviewed the Attorney’s input on the CCRs, which was received by the Board in mid-December. The Board plans to review the attorneys’ recommendations by April 1st, and then put the drafted version on the website. Homeowners can review and comment at meetings to be held in the fall. We plan to have a ballot for Owner approval ready by November. We plan to have the final version filed by January 2018. The Attorney made several changes which she recommended we put into rules. The Rules and Regulations and By-laws will need to be updated over the summer to comply with any changes in the CCRs.

D. Social Committee: Judy Jones reported that the next social event was the Beer, Brats, and Bocce Ball Party at Iversen Park on Wednesday January 25th. The Wednesday night potlucks will begin in February, with social time at 4:30, and dinner at 5:15. All are encouraged to attend. The coffees at the pool are the first Saturday of the month at 10 AM. The Walking Tacos Party is Weds Feb 22nd.

E. Recreational Area Committee: Rosie Weston reported that her committee is just now meetingand welcomes any suggestions or ideas. Please contact Rosie or Ann Will. Ann Will commented that the unfinished sides of the sidewalks are a concern and asked for the time frame of when it will be completed. A Committee meeting will be held at the Pool area for comments and concerns regarding the tennis courts and Rec area. Wayne asked the Committee to submit written plans to the Board for their consideration, and stated that the sidewalks will be completed as time and other work orders allow.

F. Landscaping: Ardith Richardsreported that the next work party is planned for Monday January 30th, starting at 9:00 AM. All volunteers are appreciated.

G. Historian: Frank Livermont was not present at the meeting, and no report was given. Steve asked for someone to fill this position. Hopefully it is someone who is computer literate and can put the files on flash drive or CD.

8. Old Business:

A. Roofing/Fascia project-Wayne/Roofing committee: Jack Batten gave the presentation for this committee. The members are Wayne Jones -Chair, Jack Batten, Jack Wilhelmi, Jack Iversen, and Nick Crawford. The focus is trying to understand what, when, and how we want to buy roofs. Three bids are now being considered, down from six potential bids. Many contractors do not want to work with HOA Associations. Requests for quotes are being sent out this week. Quotes are for cost of shingles, metal vs. painted fascia, removal of the stove chimneys (if Owners request them removed), roof venting, flashing, removal of debris and clean up. We have asked for the work plan, and how fast roofs can be completed. This is likely to be a 12-24 month project limited by our funding and payment, and supplier availability. Wayne thanked Jack for his work and expertise. Wayne announced that a meeting is planned for Homeowners to meet with Mohave Roofing to provide information and answer questions. The other company will be asked to do the same. Owner comments were made regarding: approval of metal fascia, and problems encountered with Mohave roofing during the recent heavy rains with issues of the company not providing the service they said they would do. One Owner wanted his comment on record with the minutes. Wayne responded that what is being done is a temporary measure for now. Everything we’ve called in is a band aid fix, which will become a permanent fix with the new roofing project.

8. New Business:

A. Association Fees: Dale reported that after meeting with the roofing committee, the estimate of the cost means that we need to have enough money to complete this project. Therefore the Board needs to raise the dues 10% effective April 1st. Dale moved that the dues be raised 10% effective April 1st. Wayne seconded the motion. A question was asked what the difference was between an assessment and a dues increase. Motion passed with four votes in favor and one vote against.

B.Insurance: Dale reported that the insurance policy for the Association has been changed with our provider to a new company (Traveler’s Insurance) and the quote is less than the one we received in November from Eagle West, which is no longer serving Arizona. This overage will be reflected in the insurance assessment next January. Dale moved that we accept and sign the new Association policies. Wayne seconded the motion. Motion passed. A copy of the Certificate of Insurance is available to all Owners and also is posted on the bulletin board at the pool.

C. Introduce Candidates for Election to the Board of Directors: Kathy announced that the Annual meeting is scheduled on February 16, at the Realtor’s Hall, 2293 Swanson Avenue. The only business at this meeting is to elect new officers and to discuss accomplishments from the past year and goals for the upcoming year. There are currently three positions open on the Board. Jack Batten was introduced as a new candidate. Wayne Jones, and Dale Edington are incumbents running for re-election.

9. Violations/Communications:

A. Communications: Kathy reported on Communications from the following: 36-B--lost pool keys/thank you (resolved), H-6--Dinking tournament request to be held on Feb 12 from 9:00-3:00 (approved), 23-D questions and requests ( response has been drafted), 29-D--thank youto Dan and Tony.

B. Warnings/Violations: Connie sent violation letters to: 37D --laundry room (resolved) and 43C-- second violation for dog issues (being contested). Kathy sent a violation letter to 29-B—renter eviction (resolved).

10. Homeowner input:The following topics were presented to the Board:

*The ceilings in the carports are starting to fail.

*Exposed Cable, Internet, and satellite wires on the roofs need to be removed. Owners will be required to contact these companies to have exposed wires and cables reinstalled and placed properly. All contractors installing electronics, communication, or air conditioners need to be contacted.

*Ask contractors to use a ladder to go to the correct part of the building.

*Has the Board considered a loan for the roofs? We are looking at our options with the dues, and possibly open a line of credit now.

*Request that the pool temperature be raised to 84-85 degrees.

*Tiles are missing on some roofs in Circle 1 when the foaming was done this past year.

*Laundry room door in Circle 2 needs to be replaced. (Planned for replacement).

*Problems with renters in somecommon laundry rooms.

*Has the Board determined who are considered “family” members?

*Gates to the Pool and Rec area are being left open for outside tennis players, or others which is against the Rules of the Complex, and an insurance issue. Owners must accompany their guests. The tennis courts and pool are for Owner/or their renters’ use.

CCR’s: Owners please submit your concerns in writing or by email on issues you wantthe Board to address or change. This is very helpful when the Board begins the review and final draft of the CCR’s.

11. Adjournment: The next meeting is the Annual meeting on February 16th, at the Realtors Hall on Swanson Ave. The next regular meeting is March 16, 2017 at the Aquatic Center. With no further comments or business, a motion was made by Wayne to adjourn, and seconded by Dale. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Vergine, Secretary

Los Lagos Vistas II