Study Questions (Chapter Eight, Part II)
- What domestic and international factors contributed to the American economy’s 1970s slowdown?
- What is Vietnamization?
- What was the Nixon Doctrine?
- What happened at Kent State University?
- What did the 26th Amendment do?
- What were the Pentagon Papers?
- What two agreements slowed the arms race between America and Soviets in 1972?
- Name and describe at least three of Earl Warren’s rulings during his time as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
- How did Nixon expand the Great Society?
- What was Nixon’s Philadelphia Plan?
- What acts did Nixon pass in response to Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring?
- What did Nixon do to stop inflation?
- How did Nixon respond to North Vietnamese bombing in 1972?
- What did the American public discover about Cambodia in 1973?
- What was the War Powers Act, and how does it connect to New Isolationism?
- How did the Yom Kippur War impact America’s economy?
- What happened during the Watergate Scandal?
- What was the Saturday Night Massacre?
- How did Gerald Ford respond to Watergate?
- What were the Helsinki accords?
- How do Title IX, the ERA, and Roe vs. Wade connect?
- What did the Supreme Court rule in US v. Bakke, and how does it connect to Affirmative Action?
- What did President Carter accomplish at Camp David?
- What led to the first oil crisis under President Carter?
- What was President Carter’s malaise speech?
- What was President Carter’s proposed Rapid Deployment Force made in response to?
- What happened in Iran on 11/4/1979?
- How did Carter attempt to respond to the Iranian Hostage Crisis?
- Why did Edward “Ted” Kennedy’s campaign fail?
- What were some of the reasons the Republicans succeeded in 1980?
- What were Ronald Reagan’s beliefs?
- What did Ronald Reagan do to the size of the federal government?
- What are “supply-side economics” and how do they connect to Reaganomics?
- How did the economy change from the early 80s to the mid-80s?
- What was Reagan’s Star Wars initiative?
- How did Reagan respond to Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon?
- How did Reagan deal with communism in Latin America?
- What were Glasnost and Perestroika?
- What was the INF Treaty?
- How did Reagan deal with Nicaragua, and how did that lead to the Iran-contra affair?
- What was the Moral Majority?
- How did Reagan’s administration attempt to counter Affirmative Action?
- How did the Reagan administration address abortion rights?
- What was Black Monday?
- What happened in 1989 in Tiananmen Square?
- What happened to the Berlin Wall in 1989?
- What happened to Gorbachev in 1991, and how did that impact the Soviet Union?
- What was the Persian Gulf Crisis, and how did it connect to Operation Desert Storm?
- What were George H.W. Bush’s domestic policies?
- Who ran in the election of 1992?
- What was “don’t ask, don’t tell?”
- How did Clinton’s policies impact the economy?
- What were some terrorist attacks which occurred in America during the 90s?
- What was the Contract with America?
- What is NAFTA?
- What is the WTO?
- What were the two main domestic issues Clinton fought for during this second term?
- What were some of the foreign policy difficulties Clinton faced?
- What was the Lewinsky Affair?
- Who ran for the presidency in 2000?
- What was the Kyoto Treaty?
- What happened on 9/11/2001?
- What was the Patriot Act?
- What was Guantanamo Detention Camp?
- What was the Axis of Evil?
- What led to the U.S. invasion of Iraq?
- What domestic policies in George W. Bush support prior to the election of 2004?
- What caused a loss of faith in the American government in 2005?
- What led to the 2008 recession?
- What domestic policies did Barack Obama support?
- What is the Tea Party?
- What is the information age?
- How did economic disparity increase in America during the 1990s and 2000s?
- What factors impacted the “aging of America?”
- What factors impacted immigration in America from the 1980s to the 2000s?
- What happened to Rodney King?
- What happened in the OJ Simpson case?