IPL Project
Glenn Orleski
Info 511
Research Questions TBA, article 12040153: (INACTIVE)
Subject: LIT: I'm looking for a book that I read while in college, but can (no need by)
Posted: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 13:18:41
5: CLAIMED Thu, 16 Jul 2009 17:23:58
by Glenn Orleski ()
6: Re: LIT: I'm looking for a book that I read while in college, but can (no need by) (sent to patron) Thu, 16 Jul 2009 20:33:24
by Glenn Orleski ()
Needed by: no need by
I'm looking for a book that I read while in college, but can'tremember the exact title or the author. The author was British,the title was something along the lines of "The Power of Words"or "The Politics of Language" and it concerned discourseanalysis, rhetoric, the politics of word choice, and metareadingetc. The cover was green (probably not that helpful, is it?). Ithink it was published between 1995-2005. I'd like to read thebook again and it's driving me crazy that I can't think of thetitle!
from: @gmail.com
confirm: @gmail.com
location: Sacramento
area: Literature
reason: For personal use
school: No
sources_consulted: Google Books, my college library's catalog
Greetings from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for yourquestion about the mystery title of a book about discourseanalysis.
I believe the title of your book is either “Language and Power”or “Discourse and Social Change”. Both books are written byNorman Fairclough, professor of linguistics at LancasterUniversity.
Fairclough, N. (1989) Language and Power. London; New York:
Fairclough, N. (1992) Discourse and Social Change. Cambridge, UK;
Cambridge, MA: Polity Press
I found the first book by searching the “tags” field on Librarything. I entered the phrase “discourse analysis, politics”(quotation marks are not necessary when you actually type it in,but the comma is needed in between the two terms).
Since the title found was so close to your description I decidedto check the author’s name on Google to see if he was fromEngland. Norman Fairclough’s faculty page for LancasterUniversity was the first result.
Thought I was in the clear until I remembered your description ofa green book cover. My first result matched the title ideas youprovided, but I couldn’t find any green cover editions. So tocover all our bases I checked the covers of Fairclough’s otherbooks using his Library Thing author page. I found a green coveredition of his book titled “Discourse and Social Change”.
In order to double check the book information I searched for thetitles on Worldcat and found similar information.
One final note, a user generated book tagging system was thereason I chose Library Thing for this search. The multiple tags that users can attach to their books provide a bigger target tohit with a subject search.
I hope I provided you with the book title you were looking for.
Please don't hesitate to contact us again if you need moreinformation
Thank you for using IPL.
The first question I chose to answer was also one of my simplest questions. As a result, I only spent around an hour searching. I settled upon using Librarything right away. The website had recently been covered in class and I felt this was the perfect opportunity to test the practical uses that tagging offers. Since I didn’t know much about the book myself I simply trusted the users subject descriptions of the book and conducted my tag search accordingly.
I felt fairly confident that I provided the book that the patron was looking for, but I wish that I received some sort of positive feedback so that I could be sure. I would hate to think that I offered book titles that were completely off base and the user just didn’t bother responding back in any way because they were disappointed with the response. One thing that I failed to do was to include the disclaimer that Librarything contains user generated information from non-experts.
Research Questions TBA, article 12040165: (INACTIVE)
Subject: ENT: There was a Visa check card commercial where the guy tries t (no need by)
Posted: Thu, 16 Jul 2009 21:23:04
CLAIMED Fri, 17 Jul 2009 07:28:32
by Glenn Orleski ()
5: Re: ENT: There was a Visa check card commercial where the guy tries t (no need by) (sent to patron) Fri, 17 Jul 2009 15:24:52
by Glenn Orleski ()
Needed by: no need by
There was a Visa check card commercial where the guy tries towrite a check and the clerk asks for his ID which the guy doesnot have. He comes back into the store with 8 people and showshow they are all related including the clerk so the clerk shouldtake his check with no ID. The ad then says how much easier aVisa check card would have been. Where can I find a video ofthis commercial online or to buy?
from: @aol.com
confirm: @aol.com
location: ID
area: Entertainment/Sports
reason: general interest
school: No
sources_consulted: none
Greetings from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for yourquestion about finding a video of the Visa check card commercialyou described.
I was able to find two links to the video you requested. Thefirst link is from the website bestads.tv. The video appears tobe a bit higher quality and is better for use in a professionalsetting than the second link I provided, which is from spike.com.This second link contains some mildly suggestive references onthe page, but I provided it just in case the first link dies.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened
version for your convenience.
The commercial situation you described, where one person issomehow related to everyone around them sounded like the “sixdegrees of separation” phenomena to me. Knowing this I typed thefollowing search phrase into Google - “six degrees of separation”visa commercial.
(Quotation marks should be included)
The first result I found was a Wikipedia entry on the “SixDegrees of Kevin Bacon” game. The game takes the classic sixdegrees premise and applies it to Kevin Bacon’s relations toother actors. The entry mentions that Bacon “appeared in acommercial for the Visa check card that parodied the game.”
A community of users maintains or edits this source. Becausemembership in this community may include non-experts, informationtaken from this source should be verified using other, morereliable sources
Knowing that the star of this Visa commercial was likely KevinBacon I did a Google search similar to the previous one and wasable to find the first video link. This time I replacedseparation with Kevin Bacon. The exact search used was “sixdegrees of Kevin Bacon” visa. (Quotation marks should beincluded) In order to find the Spike TV video I just added the termcommercial to the end of this search.
Thank you for your question about finding an online video of thiscommercial. I had completely forgotten about this Kevin Baconcommercial before I started researching your question. Niceblast from the pop-culture past. I hope the videos provided areuseful. Please don’t hesitate to contact us again if you needmore information.
Thank you for using IPL.
LOG 2.
This was another one of the more cut and dry questions I answered. I received an early break in my search by attaching the six degrees phrase to visa commercial in order to find the Kevin Bacon connection. So once again research for this question was fairly minimal and most of my time was spent composing my response to the IPL user.. All in all the research took about 45 minutes while my written response took at least that amount of time. Due to finding the early link between Kevin Bacon and the commercial description in the question there wasn’t a lot of wasted searching.
I felt very good about how my answer to this question fell into place. The commercial concept sounded familiar to me, but I hadn’t realized there was a celebrity involved until I actually began the research. There isn’t anything that I can think of doing differently. The question was able to be tied up nice and neat by providing exactly what the user was looking for.
Research Questions TBA, article 12040709: (INACTIVE)
Posted: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 01:22:37
5: CLAIMED Thu, 30 Jul 2009 09:57:51
by Glenn Orleski ()
6: Re: SCI: WHAT IS THE WHOLE PROCESS OF FINDING ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITY (need by 08/1/2009) (sent to patron) Thu, 30 Jul 2009 23:08:43
by Glenn Orleski ()
Needed by: 08/1/2009
from: @yahoo.in
confirm: @yahoo.in
location: delhi
area: Science
school: No
Response 3.
Greetings from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for yourquestion about the use of bar pendulums in finding accelerationdue to gravity. I was able to find two sources of informationthat will help you with this process.
The first source I found is a pdf document found on the MaitreyiCollege web site. The document explains the bar pendulumexperiment process in great detail. I’ve included links to thepage in pdf and html formats.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
I found a second source of information in a Google books previewfor Hannah Sathyaseelan’s work titled Laboratory Manual inApplied Physics.
Sathyaseelan, H. (2002) Laboratory Manual in Applied Physics. New
Age International
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
I searched the following terms in Google to find the firstresult, “bar pendulum acceleration” (quotation marks are notnecessary when you actually type it in)
By reading the first source I found that a bar pendulum is justone type of compound pendulum. So to find the second source Iadded the term compound and included the phrase “acceleration dueto gravity” in a search of Google books.
"compound bar pendulum" "acceleration due to gravity” (includeboth phrases with quotation marks in search box)
Thank you for your question about bar pendulums. I hope thesources provided are useful. Please don’t hesitate to contact usagain if you need more information.
Question #3 was likely one of my toughest questions as far as findingresources was concerned. As a result I spent more time going through multiple results than I had on the first two combined. Gauging exactly how much time is a little difficult though since I didn’t exactly sit down and work on these questions in one sitting until I was done. I work remotely from a laptop sending standing information on New Jersey businesses back to my office so the research for these questions was intertwined with my work activities. For a rough estimate I would say I conducted an hour and a half worth of researching before I began writing up my formal response.
I had difficulty matching the bar pendulum terminology and as a result had to try and brush up on the subject a little to make sure that bar pendulum and compound pendulum were somewhat interchangeable terms. The users question was fairly specific that they would be using a bar pendulum though. For this reason I wanted to make sure the information that I found mimicked what they would be doing as closely as possible. But most experiments and results that I found didn’t deal with the simpler bar pendulum that the question asked about.
I tried limiting the search to .edu results to weed out some of the results, but ended up with results that were very technical and I feared they would be overly complicated for the user. Despite my best intentions I still feel that I ended up with two overly technical explanations of the experiment. I was trying to find a simple graphic representation of demonstration of a pendulum experiment, but a lot of the simpler experiments dealt with a ball on a string type of pendulums instead of bar pendulums. This is my biggest disappointment that I wasn’t able to provide a broader expertise level in the sources provided.
Consulted the IPL physics sub-heading and didn’t find this specification type of pendulum demonstration.
Research Questions TBA, article 12040994: (INACTIVE)
Subject: SCI: 1)What is Protozoans? 2)To what phylum do protozans belong? (need by 08/12/2009)
Posted: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 20:53:27
4: CLAIMED Fri, 07 Aug 2009 08:51:56
by Glenn Orleski ()
5: Re: SCI: 1)What is Protozoans? 2)To what phylum do protozans belong? (need by 08/12/2009) (sent to patron) Fri, 07 Aug 2009 21:27:06
by Glenn Orleski ()
Needed by: 08/12/2009
1)What is Protozoans?
2)To what phylum do protozans belong?
3)What is the ancestry of protozoans?
4)What is the phylogeny of protozoans and how it is different
from porifera?
from: @student.usp.ac.fj
confirm: @student.usp.ac.fj
location: USP-Laucala Camp., Fiji Is
area: Science
reason: I will use this this information by utilizing it in my
education progress.
school: No
sources_consulted: I am sorry! I did not consult any sources yet.
Response 4.
Greetings from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for yourquestions about Protozoan. I was able to find five resourcesthat should help you to answer these questions.
To start, I was able to find a concise entry on Protozoa from theColumbia Electronic Encyclopedia that helps answer your first twoquestions. I used infoplease.com to find the entry.
“Protozoa, formerly, the name of an animal phylum comprising a
large, diverse assortment of microscopic or near-microscopicone-celled heterotrophic organisms (protozoans). The term“protozoan” (or the collective plural “protozoa”) continues to beused informally; the organisms are now more commonly placed inany of five phyla in the kingdom Protista.”
I was able to find another entry on Protozoa by using the onlineedition of The Dictionary of Cell & Molecular Biology by JohnLackie. The dictionary requires registration for frequent use,but can be used once every 90 days by non registered users
“A very diverse group comprising some 50,000 eukaryotic organismsthat consist of one cell. Because most of them are motile andheterotrophic, the Protozoa were originally regarded as a phylumof the animal kingdom. However it is now clear that they haveonly one common characteristic, they are not multi-cellular, andProtozoa are now usually classed as a Sub-Kingdom of the KingdomProtista. On this classification the Protozoa are grouped intoseveral phyla, the main ones being the Sarcomastigophora(flagellates, heliozoans and amoeboid-like protozoa), theCiliophora (ciliates) and the Apicomplexa (sporozoan parasitessuch as Plasmodium > Plasmodium).”
Answering questions 3 and 4 is a bit trickier as I am not wellversed enough in the subject to answer specifically, but I haveprovided as much information as possible below. Also, if youcould provide more details on what you mean by “ancestry” inquestion three I will try to provide more information on thatquestion.
I was able to find classification and phylogeny information onProtozoan and Porifera in lecture documents for a MarineInvertebrate zoology class taught by Jason Rogers. Rogers is theMarine Science Instructor at Cape Fear Community College and thepresentations are linked below in pdf and power point versions.
Link to all class lectures
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
These last two links are from his lectures on invertebrateclassification and relationships. At the end of the documentthere is a useful diagram that breaks down the multiple kingdomand classification systems that are used.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
The page below from ETI Bioinformatics contains a link to theWorld Biodiversity Database that provides additional descriptionand classification information for the Phylum Porifera.
This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortenedversion for your convenience.
Finally, the link below, found at The Tree of Life Web Project,hosted by The University of Arizona College of Agriculture andLife Sciences and The University of Arizona Library, provides agraphical look at the Phylogenetic Relationships of organismswith nucleated cells known as Eukaryotes. Porifera or spongescan be found by clicking on animals in the tree.
Finding sources used
Source 1.
I found the Infoplease information by clicking on theencyclopedia link on the left side of the Internet Public Librarypage, selecting the info please page, and searching using theterm PROTOZOA.
Source 2.
I found the online version of The Dictionary of Cell & MolecularBiology by first searching using the following terms in Google,BIOLOGY DICTIONARY site:.EDU GOOGLE .
The site:.EDU entry limits the pages returned to college anduniversity page, providing more scholarly results.
This search led me to the following collection of BiologyDictionaries provided by Washington University Libraries.
Browsing through the dictionaries led me to the Dictionary ofCell and Molecular Biology.
Source 3.
I found the Cape Fear Community College lectures by entering thefollowing search in Google, PROTOZOANS PHYLUM site:.EDU.
Source 4.
The World Biodiversity Database was found by clicking on theScience subject collection on the left side of the IPL home page.Next, I selected the life sciences sub-heading. The database wasthe last resource at the bottom of the page.
Source 5.
I began my search for the last source used, the Tree of Life WebProject, by entering the following search into Google.
BIOLOGYencyclopedia site:.EDU
This led me to the Biology pathfinder for Oakland University
At the bottom of the page under internet resources I found a link
to the Tree of Life Web Project.