Data Management under TRIS (TRansport Information System)
TRIS is an Information System Framework
It implements & integrates the today’s Transport IT systems as sub-systems:
- The legal transport modes’ data collections (Aviation, Inland Waterways, Maritime, Rail, Road Freight)
- The voluntary data collections (Regional, Common Questionnaire)
- Indicators (newly developed from an EXCEL desktop application)
TRIS is implemented in the standard and secured EUROSTAT IT environments.
- Standard EUROSTAT IT environment
2 legal transport modes (Aviation, Inland Waterways)
2 voluntary data collections (Regional, Common Questionnaire) and
- Secured EUROSTAT IT environment
3 legal transport modes processing confidential statisticaldata (Maritime, Rail, Road Freight)
TRIS implements / integrates / harmonises / documents the today’s Transport IT systems with only minor changes under TRIS as TRIS sub-systems. It enables the Transport IT systems to interface with the IT systems, services, components and building blocks available from Directorate B and the Commission IT. Further it enables a continued development of the unit E6 Information Systems into the future transposing & enabling the “VISION for Transport Statistics” while ensuring compliance with the EUROSTAT VISION.
- TRIS 1
It is the first version of the TRIS implementation.
The status of TRIS 1 at the writing of the present call for tender specifications:
AVIATION sub-system
It was the 1st prototype in the EUROSTAT standard IT environment.
It is in final phase of large scale testing in the TRIS test/acceptance environment (schedule for production in 04/2012).
RAIL sub-system
It was the 1st prototype in the EUROSTAT secured IT environment.
The final phase of large scale testing resumed in 03/2012 in the TRIS test/acceptance environment (schedule for production in 07/2012 at the latest because of the installation of Windows 7 on all EUROSTAT PCs under which the SAM version used (6.2.73) is no longer running)
IWW sub-system
It is running in production since 03/2012 in parallel running with the old production environment of IWW.
ROAD Freight sub-system
It is the only transport mode processing micro data which is the reason why it is running in the EUROSTAT secured IT environment.
It is in 1st phase of large scale testing in the TRIS secured test/acceptance environment. There is no schedule so far for production under TRIS, although by end of year 2012 at the latest it should run as a TRIS sub-system in production.
MARITIME sub-system
It is in preparation for large scale testing in the TRIS standard test/acceptance environment. As there are similarities with AVIATION the testing will start as soon as AVIATION is running in production. The testing will be executed in the EUROSTAT standard IT environmentalthough when this TRIS sub-system will move in production it will be executed in the EUROSTAT secured IT environment.
REGWEB (Regional Questionnaire) sub-system
It is in the final phase of large scale testing in the TRIS standard test/acceptance environment and eDAMIS/WebForms development environment (ready in 04/2012 for production).
A coordination effort is needed with member countries’ users to switch production from current IT system to the new one under eDAMIS/WebFormsand TRIS.
WEBCOQ (Common Questionnaire) sub-system
It is a questionnaire which is shared between 3 organisations (UNECE, OSCE, EUROSTAT). This is the reason why this IT system is only partly under TRIS. Basically the data collection and data validation has not yet been implemented under TRIS. Only the data export from the WEBCOQ production database for the import into the EUROBASE dissemination database has been implemented under TRIS.
It is in the final phase of large scale testing in the TRIS standard test/acceptance environment (ready early 2012 for production).
INDICATORS sub-system
This sub-system is not a data collection. It aims to allow monitoring the evolution of the modal shift over time. These indicators (TKm, PKm, VKm essentially) give a more integrated view of European transport statistics, allowing comparison among modes and for the first time bringing in data from another non transport related statistical domain (GDP, from Dir C) in the case of the structural indicators.
The Freight part is in production under TRIS since 2011.
The Passenger part is scheduled to be in production by end 04/2012.
Integration with SDMX
It summarises mainly in the SDMX-ML datafile format implementation under TRIS 1.
TRIS 1 converts arriving SDMX-ML data files in .csv, as it implements the .csv format as a pivot format in its internal workflow.
- TRIS 2
It is the second version of the TRIS implementation.
The status of TRIS 2 at the writing of the present call for tender specifications:
Building upon TRIS 1, TRIS 2 will continue to enable the Transport IT systems to interface with the Directorate B newly made available IT systems, services, components, tools and building blocks converging to and complying with the EUROSTAT VISION. It will continue implementing the VISION as of the evolution of IT architectures and infrastructures. It will further implement a cooperative validation environment with member countries in the EUROSTAT standard and secured IT environments (one of the VISION targets). It allows a continued development of the unit E6 InformationSystems into the future transposing & implementing the “VISION for Transport Statistics” while ensuring compliance with the EUROSTAT VISION.
It will enable like TRIS 1 to implement & integrate as TRIS sub-systems the present & future Transport projects as the following examples:
Aviation air CO2 emissions
It is an extension of the Aviation TRIS sub-system integrating statistical data already collected by Eurostat with other sources of data (typically EUROCONTROL data)
Transport Safety
It will be developed into a new TRIS sub-system and include data collections by and from the transport safety agencies and DG MOVE. For example the data collection from ERA will be used to replace Annex H in RAILtransport statistics Regulation.
Integration with SDMX
It summarises as follows:
TRIS 2 convertsarriving .csv and .ges formated data files in SDMX-ML.
It implements the SDMX-ML format as a pivot format in its internal workflow.
TRIS 2 also targets to process ROAD Freight micro data datasets arriving in .csv under SDMX.
As concerns SDMX metadata it is foreseen to implement under TRIS 2 the processing of Country Specific Notes (2012/2013 timeframe).
Under TRIS 2 the 1st level validations is run under eDAMIS with DSDs & eVE if the arriving data file is in SDMX-ML. But the 1st level validations is also run under TRIS 2 with DSDs & eVE modules if the arriving data file is in .csv or .ges after conversion in SDMX-ML.
Under TRIS 2 the 2nd & 3rd level validations will be migrated to EBB 201X. The targeted version of EBB is the version under development and announced to be SDMX compliant.
TRIS 2 will make possible that 1st & 2nd level validation reports are returned to data providers via the eDAMIS backchannel reporting (2011/2012).
For the longer term a further evolution in a third TRIS implementation could be the access with a thin client (browser) from NSIs.This TRIS 3 version could targetnot only access from NSIs to TRIS the EUROSTAT standard IT environment but also to TRIS in the EUROSTAT secured IT environment,depending on the advances and outcomes of the VIP SICON.
On-going and scheduled actions under TRIS 2
A TRIS 2 prototype and pilot has been developed in 2011. It is based on the TRIS AVIATION sub-system because it is the most advanced TRIS sub-system in the SDMX-ML data delivery migration (as of Working Group Aviation 07+08/06/2011). Depending on the large scale testing in 2012 of the prototype and pilot of the TRIS 2 sub-system AVIATION, the launch of the developments under TRIS 2 for the other sub-systems will be scheduled and started (stretch into 2013).
Figure 1:Genericdata- and workflow of a typical transport mode under TRIS
- Production Environment for Transport statistics
Standard statistical data
It contains existing databases into which new data are imported by following the generic data- and workflow under TRIS outlined in Figure 1 hereafter (for a more detailed view please refer to the chart further in this document). In this case the contractor will access TRIS from a PC in its own premises.
Confidential statistical data
In case of processing of confidential statistical data EUROSTAT will make available a terminal (a configured virtual PC on a physical PC) to access the data in its own premises. The complete data processing of a confidential transport mode is executed by TRIS in the EUROSTAT secured IT environment from the EUROSTAT secured data rooms.
eDAMIS and TRIS data- and workflow
The charts show the data file workflow in eDAMIS, for both the eVE (Firgure 2) and the WebForms (Firgure 3) solutions, in TRIS 1 (Figure 4) and in TRIS 2 (Figure 5). It has to be highlighted that in the TRIS 1 workflow the pivot format is ..csv and that the TRIS 2 workflow is articulated around the SDMX-ML format. The eDAMIS/WebForms solution is used for the implementation of the TRIS sub-system REGWEB.
In TRIS 2, the 1st level validation will be migrated under the validation engine eVE of eDAMIS (the EUROSTATsingle entry point and data transmission system) and data managers in the NSIs will have 1st level validations directly back from eDAMIS or from TRIS via eDAMIS. Also the 2nd level validation reports will be sent back directly to the data managers in the NSIs, without intervention of EUROSTAT, in a tight integration with eDAMIS on EUROSTAT's standard and secured IT infrastructure.
The 3rd level validation will continue to be executed by EUROSTAT.