Yavapai County – Development Services Department
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Addendum March 24, 2010 for Public Works Notes
Addendum March 29, 2010 for Building Safety Notes
Addendum March 31, 2010 for Addressing Notes
I. Opening Statements
1. Introductions of attending staff members
Mike Witt, Building Safety Unit
Boyce Macdonald, Land Use
Tammy DeWitt, Planning
Josh Myers, Environmental Unit
Robert Mumper, Environmental Health
Foster Thrift, Public Works
Mike Flummer, VVFD
Kathy Houchin, Customer Service & Permitting Unit, Facilitator
2. Short synopsis of the intent of the Preliminary Code Review Meetings.
II. Case #: 2010-14 APN: 407-17-033K; 033M; 033N
Review of – “Indian Creek Ranch LLC”
Applicants: Guy Ecklund
Please Note: Comments are based upon information provided by the applicant as of this date. This process is not intended to be a formal review and does not constitute approval of the project. Requirements may be subject to change should different and or additional information be provided in the future.
A. Addressing -. Addressing has been in contact with the owner about an addressing issue for the parcel he is living on. The owner is using 1385 and the county record is 1555 S. Loy Rd. 1385 is not sequentially correct with the county grid or flow with the surrounding parcels' addresses. Mr. Weatherwax has asked to discuss this with Toni when she returns.
Mr. Weatherwax did make contact with Toni and after talking to VVFD, addressing has agreed to add 1385 to this parcel as an additional address. (Amended 03/31/2010)
Please direct any questions regarding addressing to Toni Ketchum or Joan Burton at 928-771-3214.
B. Planning –
1. The proposed use of the property to allow for 2 events a month, for a total of 24 a year, for up to 300 people, requires a Use Permit. This will require a public hearing process to be approved by the Board of Supervisors. The fee for the Use Permit is $1000 plus $100 per acre, due at time of application.
2. Some items you will want to address in the letter of intent: waiver of screening requirement, waiver of paving requirement for parking area, and proposed signage.
3. You will need to contact all the property owners within 1000 feet and the Cornville Community Association for comments. A list of the property owners is included. The contact person for the Cornville Community Association is Nikki Lewis at 639-1360.
4. The property is located within the Cornville Community Plan area. The community plan designates this area as residential. This expansion of use on the property will require a minor Community Plan Amendment to be processed along with the Use Permit process.
Please contact Tammy DeWitt, Planning Unit with any questions or concerns at (928) 649-6205.
C. Land Use –
1. Use. Staff performed a site inspection on 3/10/10. Request per letter of intent requires BOS approved Use Permit.
2. Setbacks. All buildings and structures exist and are permitted.
3. Parking. Parking for 100 cars is available on site in the area and adjacent lawn area so only requirement will be 2 ADA accessible spaces near the restrooms in the Opera House/Hotel area. Waiver of paving requirement would be supported by Land Use.
4. Screening. Per Section 567. Land Use supports waiver of screening requirements do the applicant owned properties that buffer the use from the neighbors.
5. Exterior Lighting. Any new exterior lighting must be permitted and meet all Requirements of Section 603, Dark Sky. Fully shielded fixtures. Cut sheets and total lumen count to be provided at time of building permit application. If no changes to exterior lighting then no requirements at this time.
6. Signage. None requested at this time. Any proposed signage should be added to the Use Permit application and receive BOS approvals.
7. Access. Per Section 502, Public Works to administer any requirements.
8. Other. Applicant should be aware of Section 581 Trash, Garbage, and Refuse Containment. All trash must be contained on parcel.
Contact Boyce Macdonald with any questions you may have at (928) 639-8151.
D. Floodplain Unit –
It appears that no improvements are proposed for the site, in which case the Flood Control District has no concerns. Please note APN 407-17-033N is partially inundated by the Floodway of Oak Creek. The single-family residence is along the edge of the floodway and the structure near the paddle boat pond is in the floodplain. Records indicate these buildings were permitted under current FEMA regulations. Any future improvements to these structures would need to maintain proper elevations. Please feel free to contact Lynn Whitman at (928) 442-5414 with any questions or you may contact Jim Young with the Floodplain Unit with at (928) 639-8151.
E. Public Works –
1. Applicant will need to provide a concrete or asphalt apron from the edge of the pavement to the property line for each access to be used for the project. A separate permit will be required through Public Works for this. Minimum width of the driveway for 2 way traffic is 24’.
2. Section 502 of the Planning & Zoning Ordinance is waived for this project.
3. Public Works comments are subject to field review and could change if physical conditions are not as anticipated.
4. As a result of a field inspection performed by Foster Thrift on March 23, 2010 the existing driveway has a rock wall bridge over the irrigation ditch with a concreted surface from edge of pavement to the property line. Public Works would not recommend any changes. There is an existing secondary emergency access that can be utilized if necessary.
Please contact Foster Thrift or Peggy Goode with Public Works with any questions regarding these comments at (928) 554-8627.
G. ADEQ – Based upon the information provided, ADEQ has no issues with this proposal. According to the information provided, the facility will not serve more than 25 persons per day for more than 60 days out of the year (drinking water), nor will the facility be conducting any construction project of one acre or larger (stormwater).
H. Special Districts – NA
I. Environmental Unit –
1. EU will require the catering of port-a-johns for any large functions on this property.
2. Any new construction may require a review of existing on site waste water disposal system(s) to ensure adequate capacity for permanent improvements.
Please contact Josh Myers, Environmental Unit (928) 639-8151 with any questions or concerns.
J. Environmental Health –
1. Based upon the proposed use, adequate toilet facilities must be provided at each scheduled event. (See Title 9, Article 3. Public Toilet Facilities: at least one portable toilet and one refuse container for the first 100 people, and one portable toilet and one refuse container for each additional 100 people, or portion thereof. The location of the portable toilet(s) and refuse container(s) should be within 200 feet of the special event place.
2. A “Special Event Coordinator Application” should be submitted with Yavapai County Community Health Services prior to each event to assess food and toilet requirements. Food service at private special events (not open to the public) must use a food caterer that is under license with the health department. Any food service for events that are open to the general public will require a “Special Event Food Vendor” license with Yavapai County Community Health Services.
3. The ponds used for paddle boats and canoeing should not be used for any public swimming purposes.
If you have any further questions or need clarifications, please contact Robert Mumper in the Cottonwood office at (928) 649-5078.
K. Building Safety –
The following items are questions and/or concerns that should be addressed prior to submittal of construction plans for plan review. These comments are based on the submitted code review application. This review is on the current adopted Building Codes and is not to be considered as a complete review of plans for Building Code compliance.
Yavapai County has adopted the International Building Codes. Plans submitted must be designed and constructed to the following codes:
2006: International Building Code, International Plumbing Code, International Mechanical Code, Fuel Gas Code, International Property Maintenance Code
2005: National Electric Code
Building Codes as adopted by Yavapai County Ordinances 2007-1 through 2007-9
2006 IBC Occupancy Classification: A-4 and/or A-5
Construction Type:
Occupant Load: based on the 300 MAXIMUM
(Based on submitted plans)
1. Plumbing fixtures as required per the 2006 IPC Table 403.1 shall be provided. Table 403.1 has been amended by Ordinance 2007 to allow water coolers or bottle water dispensers in A, B, and M occupancies with an occupant load of 25 or less. Ordinance 2007-4 also does not require separate facilities for occupant loads of 25 or less. Occupant loads are determined by Table 1004.1.1 of the 2006 IBC. The minimum number of restroom facilities will be based on the proposed attendance number (300) for charitable events. Table 403.1 requires the same number of facilities for the A-4 and A-5 occupancy class. This would be a minimum of 2 water closets in each male and female restroom with a minimum of 1 lavatory in each restroom. A drinking fountain per the adopted plumbing would also be required. The restroom facilities shall be provided by permanent restrooms (1 male and 1 female) on site, which both have to be ADA accessible. This can be a new constructed building for such or remodel of existing restrooms in buildings E (Western hotel) or D (opera house). The total number of toilets for a small event (number of people of 25 – 75 would require permanent restrooms (1 male and 1 female) with a single water closet and lavatory in each restroom. The larger events would require the 2 water closets, which can be provided with additional port-o-potty units (1 must be ADA accessible).
2. Specific information (details) for accessible parking, accessible route into the building and through the building along with restrooms and drinking fountain under the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAAG) shall be included on the plans. This includes the slopes and cross slopes for the accessible route, ramps and parking space(s) along with the material surfaces to be of a hard type which can be traveled by a person in a wheel chair. The required number of parking spaces as required by Land Use for events will determine the number of permanent designated ADA spaces to be provided. This is 1 space for each 25 spaces up to 100 spaces and 5 for 101 to 150 spaces. The required number of ADA spaces shall be permanent and comply as per the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
3. The plans to be submitted for review shall include all related items as per PB-14 for a complete set of working construction blueprints (Policy PB-14 attached). The site plan per PB-14 will be required to show the specific details for the ADA parking spaces and accessible route into the building as noted by item #2 and include specific floor plans of buildings E and D. These buildings if used for indoor events must be assigned an occupant load for which exit requirements will be determined. Plans for a new restroom facility or remodel of the existing restrooms with ADA details and related construction details per Policy PB-14 will be required.
Please contact Mike Witt, Senior Plans Examiner with any questions or concerns at (928) 771-3214.
1) The permitted uses of the structures and buildings on the properties are non-commercial – generally residential and residential accessory uses.
2) The proposed request for 3rd party organizations and charity functions to hold events on the property being ‘ONLY OUTDOOR EVENTS’ with no indoor use of any buildings would not require any review by Building Safety. These events should be provided with restroom facilities (port-o –potty) in number based on the number of people per criteria Yavapai County Environmental Unit. The event organizers should provide accommodations for ADA facilities ((port-o-potty), parking and access to event areas.
3) Any use in connection with events planned ‘INDOORS’ OR USE OF EXISTING BUILDINGS will trigger a ‘CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION from residential to Assembly (A group Occupancy). This will require the ADA requirements as noted in original notes, the review of the building floor plans for exits, which will require signs (permanent), egress lighting and review by the Fire District under the provisions of the adopted Building codes and Fire Codes.
L. Verde Valley Fire District – The Verde Valley Fire District will not attend the Preliminary Code Review meeting but voices their support for this request. The property owners have worked with the District for years to adhere to all safety regulations that have been required.
Contact Mike Flummer, Fire Marshall, Verde Valley Fire District at (928) 634-2578 with any questions.
M. Customer Service & Permitting Unit
Submittal Requirements:
1. Applicant to submit completed permit application packet (which includes an 8 ½” X 11” Plot plan) along with Five (5) complete sets of plans per the commercial plan review criteria.
2. A commercial licensed contractor must be listed on the permit prior to the permit issuance.
3. Any signage (new or change) requires a separate permit
4. Grading may require a separate permit.
Applications are accepted Monday through Thursday during normal business hours.