Northland Swim Conference

Board Meeting

February 09, 2009

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order – Randy Timmerman called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.
  2. Roll Call – Randy passed around the attendance sheet; he also requested email addresses
  3. Vote – 2009 Northland Conference Board - the entire Board from 2008 was re-nominated to their positions:
  • Randy Timmerman – President
  • Paul Long – Vice President
  • Donice Yeater - Vice President, Awards
  • Lee Wolfe – Treasurer
  • Alicia Cook - Secretary

The entire slate was motioned, seconded and voted in unanimously.

  1. Minutes of January 2009 meeting – noted a correction to the spelling of the proposed Meet Director’s name to Lisa Cocks. There was then a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
  2. Officer’s Reports
    1.Drains – Randy cited an article from the 1/20/09 Wall Street Journal. The article stated that new drain covers for pools, spas, etc. are now mandated by law. He recommended that swim clubs and Homes Associations check to ensure that their pool drains are in compliance.
    2.Contract –Parks & Rec representative, Eden, indicates that the contract for Conference is nearly ready, with the agreed upon terms.

3.Meet Director – Computer Director. The position is to be combined. Tim Busenhart is to be replaced by Debbie Maynard and Lisa Cocks. They will be co directing Conference and handling the Computer Director responsibilities. Their fee is $1,950.

B.Vice President – nothing to report

C.Vice-President of Awards – Donice reported that Riss Lake, Brooktree, Old Pike and Walnut Creek still need to turn in their ribbon counts, as well as their needs for DQ slips and Across the Board pads. She requested that the information be provded to her by the end of the week.

D.Treasurer – Budget and Fees – Lee Wolfe reviewed the budget. It was proposed to set the per swimmer fee at $6. There was a discussion about hospitality for the officials at conference. Randy would like to budget $200 for it, rather than having to get it donated. There was also some discussion of eliminating the Club advertising fee and increasing the per swimmer fee. Another item discussed was the outsourcing of the conference T Shirts. Randy said he would have Lisa Cocks look into it as well as the sale of the heat sheets.

Randy indicated that there would have to be a vote on the Meet Director/Computer Director position. There was a lively discussion about the value we would be getting, as well as what the actual duties would be. When it came down to it, it was acknowledged that there were no viable alternatives. Ultimately, there was a motion, which was seconded to hire the Meet Director/Computer Director team. There followed a voice vote, and the motion passed unanimously.

E.Secretary – nothing to report
F.Referee’s Report - Coaches meeting will be scheduled.

Stroke & Turn Sessions:

3/22 at Walnut Creek

4/19 at Sherwood1p -3p:Stroke & Turn; 3p-4p: Starters

5/17 @ Coves

G.Computer Director

H.Rules Committee –

It was motioned, 2nd and approved to keep the same qualifying times for conference;

It was proposed that during the Conference Championship Meet, the Medley Relay be moved from the beginning of the session to the end.

The following Rules changes were presented and discussed. The Team Representatives were advised to take the proposals back to their clubs for approval. The rule changes will be voted on at the March meeting.

1. L Rule Change Proposal

Current: The Northland Conference will be divided into two divisions, a large division and a small division, for the purpose of awarding team trophies only. The size of each team will be determined by the number of “registered” swimmers on a team as of July- 4th of the current season. The divisions will be determined by an average of the number of registered swimmers. Large division teams will be those that are greater than or equal to the average. Small division teams will be those that are less than the average.

Proposed: The Northland Conference will be divided into two divisions, a large division and a small division, for the purpose of awarding team trophies only. The following process will be used to assign teams to the two divisions:

1.Determine the rank order of teams based on the number of swimmers entered in the Championship Meet as of the entry deadline from largest to smallest.

2. The general rule (when a single median team can be identified):

a) the largest 5 teams will be assigned to the large division

b) the smallest 5 teams will be assigned to the small division

c) if the middle team (i.e. the median team) has more entered swimmers than the average number of entered swimmers for all teams, the middle team will be assigned to the large division. If the middle team has the same or fewer entered swimmers than the average number of entered swimmers for all teams, the middle team will be assigned to the small division.

3. If there is a two-team tie for the fifth spot in this ranking list, then the 2 tied teams, along with the four teams that are larger, will be assigned to the large division (6 total teams). The remaining 5 teams will be assigned to the small division.

4.If there is a two-team tie for the sixth spot in the ranking list, then the 2 tied teams, along with the four teams that are smaller, will be assigned to the small division (6 total teams). The remaining 5 teams will be assigned to the large division.

5. If there is a tie involving 3 or more teams including the team in the sixth spot in the ranking list, the League President will use a random method of his choosing to assign some of the tied teams to the large division and some to the small division according to the following guidelines:

a) If the number of entered swimmers for each of the tied teams (i.e. the median value) is greater than the average number of entered swimmers for all teams, the big division will have 6 teams and the small division will have 5 teams.

b) If the number of entered swimmers for each of the tied teams (i.e. the median value) is less than or equal to the average number of entered swimmers for all teams, the large division will have 5 teams and the small division will have 6 teams

2. G and K Rule Change Proposal
Current In individual events, no more than six swimmers per event per team will be competing for points. For relay events, no more than one relay team per team will be competing for points. Each team may initiate the scheduling of exhibition swims/exhibition heats as long as the meet time line is observed (e.g. 4 hour dual meet rule). Exhibition swims will count toward championship meet qualification, not meet points. All exhibition swimmers must be designated on the heat sheet by the letter "(X)" which must be marked in the balloting section of the sheet before the heat is swum, for qualification only.Exhibition swims will not count for meet points.

Proposed:For relay events, no more than one relay team per team will be competing for points. Each team may initiate the scheduling of exhibition relaysas long as the meet time line is observed (e.g. 4 hour dual meet rule). All exhibitionrelays must be designated on the heat sheet by the letter "(X)" which must be marked in the balloting section of the sheet before the heat is swum. Exhibition relays will not count for meet points.

  1. Club Announcements – Jim Gach mentioned that there will be a Spring Tuneup clinic at the Gladstone Pool. More details to follow.
  2. Old Business
  3. New Bidness
  4. Adjourn – Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Alicia Cook

Secretary, Northland Swim Conference