KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I, ------W/O,S/O,D/O------R/O------do hereby appoint, nominate, constitute and authorize ------as my true legal and lawful General Attorny in respect of Property bearing No.------New Delhi/Delhi.

And I hereby empower my said General Attorney to do the following acts, Deeds and things in my name and on my behalf in respect of the following Acts, Deeds and things in my name and on my behalf in respect of the above mentioned property under his own signatures:-

1.  To manage, control and supervise my above said property in all respects.

2.  To get the above said property assessed for House Tax, to pay the House Tax and to get the refund thereof, if paid in excess.

3.  To let out the said property in whole or in part to any one else , to sign the Rent Deed, to execute proper Lease Deed before the Sub-Registrar, to receive the rent , to issue the receipt.

4.  to sell the said property in whole or in part, to enter into Agreement to Sell with any purchaser , to execute the Sale Deed(s) before the Sub-Registrar, New Delhi/Delhi and to get the same registered.

5.  To get the same property mutated and transferred in the name of purchaser(s) and to do all necessary acts, deeds and things on my behalf for the said purpose.

6.  To appoint anyone further as General/Special Attorney in respect of the above said property.

7.  And Generally, to do all other acts, deeds and things which my attorney(s) may deem fit and proper for the management, control and supervision of the said Property.

And I do hereby agree to confirm and ratify that all the Acts, Deeds and Things done ny said General Attorney shall be construed as acts, deeds and things done by me personally, as if I was present.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the Executant, have signed this General Power of Attorney at New Delhi on this--- the day of ------, in presence of following witnesses:

