OCTOBER 20-23, 2014


These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

MONDAY, 20-OCT-2014 to THURSDAY, 23-OCT-2014


1.1  Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Task Group was called to order at 1:00pm, 20-Oct-2014 by Bobby Scott, Task Group Chairperson.

It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

Gary / Adkins / Eaton Aerospace
Peter / Bartsch / Premium Aerotec GmbH
* / Stephen / Bauer / Northrop Grumman Corporation
* / Philippe / Beck / Airbus Helicopters
John / Biddulph / Rolls-Royce
* / Mitch / Birzer / Gulfstream Aerospace
* / Michael / Clark / Sikorsky Aircraft
* / Richard / Costantino / Goodrich (UTAS)
* / Michael / Daehling / Cessna Aircraft Company
* / Chris / Dootson / BAE Systems –Military Air & Information (MAI)
Jianfei / Feng / COMAC
* / Jim / Fowler / Pratt & Whitney
* / Steven / Garner / Eaton Aerospace
* / Frederic / Girard / Pratt & Whitney Canada
* / Jim / Graves / Rolls-Royce
* / Luis / Grijalva / Lockheed Martin Corporation
* / Harry / Hahn / GE Aviation
Yusuke / Hamada / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MITAC/MHI)
* / Robert / Hogan / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Marc-André / Lefebvre / Heroux-Devtek, Inc. (Landing Gear Division)
Fred / Lutz / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Donald / Maclean / Raytheon Company
* / Michael / Mitchell / Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS)
Hideki / Nakama / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MITAC/MHI)
Ryuichi / Nakamura / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MITAC/MHI)
* / Dale / Norwood / Parker Aerospace Group
* / Scott / O'Connor / Honeywell Aerospace
Yoshihisa / Oda / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MITAC/MHI)
* / Gary / O'Neill / Parker Aerospace Group
* / Justin / Payne / Cessna Aircraft Company
Vittoria / Pianese / Alenia Aermacchi S.p.A.
* / Robert / Rainone / Goodrich (UTAS)
Carl / Roche / Goodrich (UTAS)
* / David / Royce / Pratt & Whitney / Vice Chairperson
Kurt / Ruoff / General Dynamics
* / Victor / Schonberger / Israel Aerospace Industries
* / Bobby / Scott / Bombardier Inc. / Chairperson
* / Uri / Sol / Israel Aerospace Industries
* / Pat / Thompson / Honeywell Aerospace
Len / Tidwell / Lockheed Martin Corporation
* / Dominique / Tomasso / SAFRAN Group
* / Peter / Torelli / The Boeing Company
* / Louis / Truckley / The Boeing Company
Jon / Voeller / US Air Force
* / Tony / Warren / Airbus / Secretary
* / Jim / Winter / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Sean / Wood / Triumph Group Inc.

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)

John / Abrahams / RTI International Metals, Inc.
* / Mark / Airey / Robert Stuart Ltd.
* / Michael / Ashton / Hexcel Kent
Lisel / Athanasiadis / Labino
* / Andy / Bakewell / E. M. Inspection Co. Ltd.
* / Shawn / Ballou / Wyman Gordon
* / Doug / Barra / X-Ray Industries
Marc / Breit / RIL-CHEMIE
Catharina / Brochu (Daly) / Alcoa
Justin / Byers / Magellan Aerospace, Haley
* / N. David / Campbell / West Penn Testing Group
Wolfgang / Casta / Shellcast Foundries Inc.
Kevin / Curry / Haley Industries Ltd.
* / Douglas / Davies / Alcoa Fastening Systems
Sharon / Davis / Northeast Testing & Mfg, LLC.
Miria / Dominguez / Bowman Plating Co, Inc.
Michael / Dudley / Aerocom Inspection Service Limited
Edward / Engelhard / Solar Atmospheres Inc.
Gary / Fox / Anodyne, Inc.
Mike / Fox / WPTG
Nathan / Gangloff / RBC Aircraft Products Inc.
* / Richard / Gasset / Lisi Aerospace
Susan / Generalovich / Solar Atmospheres of Western PA
George / Gieger / Braddock Metallurgical
* / David / Gray / Mitchell Labs
Tom / Guilliams / Element Newtown
Debbie / Hagar / NORDAM Interiors and Structures
Hugo / Hernandez / Bowman Plating Co, Inc.
Fabienne / Héron / BabbCo
Robert / Hill / Solar Atmospheres of Western PA
Ballard / Hindman / Advanced Coating Technique
* / Helmuth / Hoeller / FACC
Don / Horzewski / Ladish Co, Inc.
Gerard / Hub / G. Cotter Enterprises, Inc.
Steve / Hutchinson / Braddock Metallurgical
Monte / Jackson / Quality Testing Services, LLD
* / Jeff / Jones / Alloy Processing, Inc.
Christopher / Joy / Orbit Industries Inc.
* / Richard / King / New Hampshire Ball Bearings
Don / Klein / Arrow Gear
Richard / Kline / X-R-I Testing
Pawel / Kobiernik / WSK PZL Rzeszow S.A.
Yanick / Lavallee / RTI Claro Inc.
Shelly / Lawless / Meyer Tool, Inc.
* / John / Massie / Turbo Combustor Technology
D.E. "Skip" / McDougall / Hitco Carbon Composites
Johnathan / McFadden / Chromalloy
* / Bill / McKessy / Alcoa Howmet
Zachary / Medeiros / Timken Aerospace
Gene / Miller / Quality Testing Services, LLD
* / Dave / Mitchell / Composite Inspection Solutions
Tyler / Moffatt / Aerocom Inspection Service Limited
Marc / Montreuil / Tecnickrome Aeronautique Inc.
Juan / Moreno / Omni Metal Finishing
Damon / Morse / XRI Testing
Kent / Neville / Aerojet Corporation
* / Julie / Nguyen / Element Materials Technologies
Josiah / Ochieng / The Timken Company
* / Blair / O'Connell / Precision Castparts Corp.
Marcus / Owens / The Timken Company
Juan M. / Perez / Aircraft Xray Laboratories, Inc.
* / Mark / Pompe / West Penn Testing Group
Curt / Powell / PCC Structurals
Ryan / Pratt / Milan Tool Corporation
* / Jonathan / Pugh / Exova UK Ltd.
* / Steve / Radelich / Jorgensen Forge
Jim / Reinhardt / Applus RTD Canada LP
Catherine / Renfer / ESCO Turbine Technologies
Ken / Rettger / LORD Corp.
Doug / Riley / Haley Industries Ltd.
Michel / Robinette / RTI Claro Inc
Christine / Rogers-Lemeris / Triumph Engine Conrols Systems
Tina / Rose / Xray Industries
* / Cindy / Roth / Team Industrial Services
* / Guy / Saenz / Hi-Tech Metal Finishing
* / Frank / Saenz / Hi-Tech Metal Finishing
Tammi / Schubert / LMI Aerospace Inc.
Yuki / Shinagawa / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
Robert / Siegel / Sherwin Inc.
John / Smith / Sandvik Special Metals
Naoki / Sogabe / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.
* / Michael D. / Steele / Northstar Aerospace Chicago Inc
Jackie / Sternot / PAKO, Inc.
Ronald / Stewart / Ellison Surface Technologies
Matt / Tarbay / Solar Atmospheres
Israel / Vasquez / Vastek Consulting
* / Gary / White / Orbit Industries Inc.
Terrence / White / Special Metals Corp.
David / Wilk / Semiray Special Process
Jason / Williams / Aurora Flight Sciences
Brian / Zentis / LORD Corp.
Blanca / Zilli-Huerta / Bowman Plating Co, Inc.

PRI Staff Present

Mark / Aubele
Mike / Gutridge
Dave / Marcyjanik
Stacey / McKinley
Kellie / Roach

1.2  Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) and Meeting Conduct

The Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct policies were reviewed.

1.3  Present the Antitrust Video

The Antitrust policy video was shown.

1.4  Review Agenda

Mike Gutridge reviewed the agenda for the October 2014 Nadcap Meeting.

1.5  Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes– OPEN

The minutes from the June 2014 Dublin Nadcap Meeting were approved by the Task Group with the following amendments:

Align the verbiage in the Clarification Database and the June 2014 Nadcap Meeting minutes in regard to penetrant pooling. The intent of this change is to minimize pooling via reasonable means. Also the minutes were amended to correct various name typographical errors.

Motion made by Mike Clark and seconded by Dave Gray to approve the amended minutes.

Motion Passed.

1.6  Rolling Action Item List (RAIL) Review – OPEN

The NDT RAIL was reviewed.

For specific details, please see the current NDT RAIL posted at, under Public Documents-Nondestructive Testing.

2.0  Review Delegation Status – CLOSED

2.1 Mike Gutridge presented the Staff Delegation status.

Motion made by Mike Mitchell and seconded by Dave Royce to approve continuation of the Staff Delegation for Mark Aubele, Phil Ford, Dave Marcyjanik, Jim Bennett, Andy Statham and Mike Gutridge. Motion Passed.

3.0  Task Group Regular Business Items– CLOSED

3.1 Dave Marcyjanik gave a presentation of the Regular Task Group Business items.

Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Pat Thompson to remove non value added information from the Regular Task Group presentation. The following topics will be removed: Scope Addition Audits, NUCAP Scope Exception Requests (if there are none) and Ethics/Appeals/Extensions (if there are none). Motion Passed.

3.2 Dave Marcyjanik gave a presentation on the voting status of the Task Group members.

3.3 Mike Gutridge discussed the Audit Report Reviewer process for the Task Group Subscriber Voting Members. It appears some current members may lose their ability to review audits for not meeting the minimum requirements of NTGOP-001 Appendix NDT. The requirement states that a NDT Subscriber Voting Member review at least five audit packages or attend at least two teleconference calls in a review period.

It appears that two Subscribers have not voted on any document ballots and are in jeopardy of losing Subscriber Voting membership status as Per NOP-001 which states: Voting Member shall not be absent without approved alternate representation (including a full proxy) from three consecutive regular Nadcap Management Council (NMC)/Task Group meetings.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to assess the Audit Report Reviewer process by the Task Group Voting members. Evaluate if current NTGOP-001 Appendix NDT procedure requirement of attending two teleconferences or review of 5 audits in a review period is still valid. Email anyone that is in jeopardy of losing voting status or audit report reviewer status. (Due Date: 06-Mar-2015)

3.4 Mike Gutridge discussed the requirement for an Annual Internal Audit as required by the NDT Task Group. NMC has indicated that the requirement for an annual internal audit is at the discretion of each commodity as long as it meets the NMC vision requirements. This is different from the pre-audit self-assessment to be performed as a prerequisite to a Nadcap / NUCAP Audit.

Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Justin Payne for the issues around annual /self-audit to be discussed by the AC7114 Sub-Team. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to assign review of annual NDT internal audits to AC7114 Method Team. (Due Date: 06-Mar-2015)

3.5 Mike Gutridge discussed the issue of additional information requests being made after an audit is closed. Subscribers are requested to discuss the details directly with the supplier. If necessary, based upon the information obtained, a Supplier Advisory may be issued. Prior to accreditation being granted, Subscribers may request PRI to verify specific issues. Copies of the data obtained by PRI will not be forwarded, as this may lead to International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) violations.

3.6 The following Supplier Advisories were issued since the last Nadcap Meeting in June 2014.




3.7 Auditor Ron Rodgers was submitted to the NDT Task Group to be approved to conduct Digital Radiography, Digital Detector Array (DDA) and Computed Radiology (CR) audits based upon his experience without additional training or interview. PRI will conduct specific checklist training as necessary.

Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Steve Garner to waive the interview and training requirement for Ron Rogers to perform DDA and CR audits. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to update the auditor records for Ron Rodgers to reflect DDA and CR approval. (Due Date: 01-Dec-2014)

3.8 Mike Gutridge discussed a 90 day extension for the following audits:

Motion made by Mike Mitchell and seconded by Bob Hogan to approve a 90 day extension for audit 154730. Motion Passed.

3.9 The following observation audits took place since the last meeting

Audit 154812 observed by Tommy Howland of Spirit AeroSystems

Audit 158101 observed by Bob Rainone of Goodrich (UTAS)

Audit 159068 observed by Pete Torelli of The Boeing Company

Audit 160661 observed by Joel Mohnacky of Hamilton Sundstrand (UTAS)

Audit 163719 observed by Chris Stevenson of Rolls-Royce

Audit 157603 observed by Justin Payne of Cessna Aircraft Company

3.10 The NDT Task Group discussed the amount of time that should be spent on an Observation Audit. As some audits can last up to 5 days in length, the intent is not to require an Observer to be there for the entire audit.

Motion made by Dave Royce and seconded by Sean Wood to approve that Observers be in attendance for a portion of audit. The duration is to be determined by the Subscriber attending the audit. Motion Passed.

3.11 A discussion took place on NIP 6-01 Appendix NDT

PRI Staff proposed to remove the word “Senior” from the title of the Staff Engineer responsible for auditor staffing. Originally it was meant to comply with the designation approved by the Task Group in accordance with NAS 410. Since that document no longer applies to Nadcap auditors, it was deemed too restrictive as to who can manage the auditor base. This approval should be and can be done by any NDT Staff Engineer.

Motion made by Mike Clark and seconded by Pete Torelli to approve the removal of the word ”Senior” from the description of Staff Engineers in NIP 6-01 Appendix NDT. Motion Passed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to make an editorial change to NIP 6-01 Appendix NDT to remove the title “Senior” from the description of Staff Engineers. (Due Date: 06-Mar-2015)

4.0  Task Group Resolutions– CLOSED

No resolutions brought forward.

5.0  new business – CLOSED

DDA and CR audits require evidence that the process has been approved by the Subscriber prior to the audit taking place. The Task Group was asked what kind of documentation should be expected during these audits. This documentation needs to be verified prior to the auditor going on-site. Approval can be in the form of an email or letter indicating the procedure and process has been reviewed and approved. Once the ASTMs for each have been approved and released, the checklists will be modified as a regular baseline document.