Dundee Integrated Children’S Services CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE THEME GROUP MEETING Held on TUESDAY 23.04.13 AT 2.00PM IN conference room a, 18 city square, dundee
Jenni Tocher Director, Social Work, DCC - Chair
Rosie Campbell, Locality Reporter Manager, SCRA
Elaine Cruickshank, Clinical Services Manager (Children & Young People), Dundee CHP
Steven Dalton, ADP Lead Officer
Teresa Donaldson, Manager, Childcare @ Home Dundee/Angus/Fife
Rod Finan, Senior Officer (GIRFEC Implementation)
Sandy Flight, Head of Financial Services, DCC
Kay Fowlie, Senior Manager (Planning)/Child Health Commissioner, NHS
Derek Gray, Area Manager, Aberlour Child Care Trust
Karen Gunn, MCMC Manager
David Lynch, General Manager, CHP (Depute Chair)
Charlotte MacCrimmon, Education Manager (EY & Primary), DCC
Bert Sandeman, Integrated Children's Services Manager
Kathryn Sharp, Coordinator, Violence Against Women Partnership
Morag Dorward, Child Health AHP Lead for Tayside
Glyn Lloyd, Service Manager, Criminal Justice Service, DCC
Donald Mackenzie, Lead Officer, Child Care & Protection Committee
Jane Martin, Head of Children's Services/Criminal Justice, Social Work, DCC
Christine Lowden, Depute Chief Executive, Dundee Voluntary Action
Marie Dailly, Acting Head of Community Learning and Development, DCC
Audrey White, Sports Development Manager, Leisure and Culture Dundee
Lincoln Grandson, Senior Clerical Assistant - Minute
Alison Baird, Accounting Manager, Finance, DCC
Paul Clancy, Head of Education (Secondary and SfL), Education, DCC
Colin Gall, Police Scotland
Carol Goodman, General Manager (Medicine), NHS
Heather Gunn, Service Manager, SPSS, Social Work, DCC
Neil Gunn, Head of Community Learning & Development, DCC
Stewart Murdoch, Director, Leisure and Communities, DCC
Ally Reid, Detective Chief Inspector, Police Scotland
Michael Wood, Director, Education, DCC
Elaine Zwirlein, Director, Housing, DCC
As noted above.
2.1 Minutes of the meeting held on 19.03.13 had been issued previously. Minute was approved.
2.2 Action Points from the last meeting held on 19.02.13
19.02.13 – Action Point 1 – Bert to draw-up a more detailed iteration re GIRFEC structure. Complete.
19.02.13 – Action Point 2a – Stewart Murdoch to liaise with Audrey White re wording of SOA indicator. Complete Stewart has spoken with Audrey and they are happy to leave things as they are. Discussion and feedback to follow.
19.02.13 – Action Point 2b – Kathryn Sharp to provide Bert with information to be included in the Qualities section. Complete
19.02.13 – Action Point 2c – Bert to make changes to SOA and re-issue. Complete
19.02.13 – Action Point 3 – All to consider if there is any data which needs to be captured and feedback direct to Rosie Campbell. No feedback received. New case management system in place. Noted that systems are up and running across Scotland. Complete
19.02.13 – Action Point 4 – Members of “home” team to be submitted to Bert/Pam as quickly as possible. Complete
Note: Jenni asked that for future ICS meetings if people could provide a brief progress report on actions to avoid time taken up with feedback at the meeting.
Discoverin’ Bairns paper was circulated. Main issue was lack of space and the need to secure funding beyond July. The Wellgate Centre was fine but the delay in establishing service led to space originally on offer being reallocated. The satellite site in Douglas is proving to be very successful where we are finding that parents are helping / supporting other parents with very positive feedback.
The approach is seen as a very good way in supporting families with good numbers accessing service at Wellgate Library. There are 70% of parents with one child under the age of five are accessing the service.
Charlotte confirmed that the initiative is meeting a need given the positive feedback in terms of reaching the ‘hard to reach’ parents.
What we needed now was to make the service available to every parent within Dundee.
Bert said that the recent visit to Discoverin Bairns by Mike Foulis and David Dorward went very well with both indicating satisfaction with the service.
Funding is an issue as the service has been, unsuccessful in its latest application leading to a need to re-think how we access future funding.
We were not sure if this was the most appropriate group for addressing funding issues for the project and indeed any service. It was felt that if the new structure and commissioning strategy was in place then the place for this would be the new Pre-Birth and Early Years SPG.
We agreed that we needed a short term fix until the new system is in place and therefore asked that the lead officer provide details of current situation including projected finance gaps to the end of the year.
Action point 1 Audrey Thompson to complete report on progress including any future financial considerations up to the end of 2013
4 ICS PLAN 2013 – 17
ICS Plan was circulated to the group with very positive feedback re content, size, layout, photographs etc.
Bert pointed out that document was the product of a number of processes with significant influence from children and families. Todays draft has been ‘road tested’ with young people in schools and community groups and it is largely agreed that is easily understood by 12 year olds.
It was asked if we could get a picture of a disabled young person and this highlighted an issue where we were very short on pictures from across all sectors. It was agreed if anyone had appropriate pictures with permissions they wold forward them to Pam.
It was agreed to look at developing useful links on the back page and certainly should have the ICS Website as a key kink to all services and perhaps the Family Information Service website as well
It was pointed out that young people were keen to know as to where they should make a complaint and therefore we should keep such a link on the back page
Action Point 2 Comments to Karen Gunn by Friday 31 May 2013.
The proposed structure was circulated to group and Jenni explained how we had reached the current iteration.
The group had a full discussion on the merits/demerits of the proposed approach and concluded that it was going in the right direction. There was agreement on the establishment of the seven SPG’s and the role and task of the same. However, there was some concern noted about the addition of a Joint Management Group, how it could be adding another tier and how it seemed to be selective in who was represented on it. The voluntary sector was particularly concerned that they did not have a place on the group.
Jenni and David explained that a key task for the Joint Management Group was to oversee the day to day tasks of the SPG and for example, ensure on behalf of the whole partnership that the commissioning approach was meeting the stated outcomes in the ICSP. It was accepted that the linear approach within the diagram suggested that this was a hierarchical approach led by part of the partnership and that was not the intention.
It was agreed that the structure task group will re-look at this aspect and come back with a solution.
In relation to the SPG’s there was some concern as to who would take responsibility for leading and deputising. Bert pointed out that he had looked at current groups and as a starting point assumed those currently chairing would continue to do so until the new groups ‘found their feet’ and agreed a new leads/deputes. This issue will also be re-looked at by the structure task group and a solution suggested.
Jenni pointed out that the structure when set alongside the new ICSP and commissioning strategy put us in a good place to address any new measures coming from the Children and Young People Bill. The group asked that a discussion on the Bill be put on the next meeting agenda.
Action Point 3 Jenni, Michael, David & Bert to meet to suggest a way forward this to be subsequently shared with the group.
Action Point 4 Discussion of the Bill to be added to next agenda.
The Commissioning Strategy had been circulated. Bert took the group through the strategy and said it was now ready to be adopted by the SPG’s once in place.
The final meeting of the Commissioning task group had taken place and it is suggested that allowing time for implementation, the task group could come back together to review in 6 or 12 months time. This was agreed.
Christine noted her concern at how the Early Years Change Fund for 2012 had been disbursed without partnership discussion. Bert pointed out that this was the DCC element of funding and similar to NHS, decisions had been made by those organisations based on need.
Bert said he could get a breakdown on how this had been spent but it was agreed that this was unnecessary.
Bert pointed out that once the SPG’s were established and working to the new Commissioning strategy, then we would see clear transparency in funding arrangements.
It was noted that Donald MacKenzie, Rod Finan, Kerstin Jorna and Laura Mill have established a task group to develop an ICS Self Evaluation framework and will report back at a subsequent meeting.
It was also noted that Rod had presented two case studies to the Children’s Services Best Value Review Group where he contrasted previous practice with what happens now with the inception of the ‘Team Around The Child’ approach.
It was agreed that Rod should present this to the next meeting of the group.
Action Point 5 Self Evaluation task group to update on progress at subsequent meetings.
Action Point 6 Rod to present case studies at next meeting.
09.07.13 (changed from 25.06.13), 20.08.13, 22.10.13, 10.12.13