The Goforth Gazette

September 6, 2011

From the Teacher:

·  We are beginning to transition into a regular schedule and will continue to transition for the next week or so. Students are adjusting very well to 2nd grade!

·  Boxtops: Don’t forget to send in Boxtops and Campbell’s soup labels to school. These earn money for our school.

·  Please check your child’s communicator and planner nightly. Homework and spelling words will be written in your child’s planner. Planners need to have the number of minutes read written and your signature nighty!

·  Spelling: On Fridays, your child will take a spelling pre-test. There will be 12 words. If they get at least 10 correct, they will be given a challenge list of words for the next week. They will be studying the same phonics concept, but with more difficult words. Words will be written in their planners each week and will also appear on our class webpage. All students will have a spelling contract for the week’s homework. They should choose 4 assignments for the week (3 this week). These are all due on FRIDAY. Spelling tests will be on Friday.

·  Classwork: Please note that you may not receive lots of school work returned home. This is because we

are trying to conserve paper and are using the smartboard and in class journals as much as possible!

·  Library: Students will go to the library as a class each Friday. You should be seeing two library books come home per week. These are great for their required 20 min. per night reading. They will also be able to check out classroom books in the next week or so.

·  New Enhancement Schedule: Day 1-PE, Day 2- Art, Day 3- PE, Day 4-Music, Day 5- Science, Day 6- Digital lab

·  Reading Contest: Your child received a “reading for victory” sheet in their communicator Friday. Please record how many minutes your child reads each night on this AND their reading logs. This is a contest for individuals, classrooms, and our school. Thanks for your help!

Last Week:

We continued to work on establishing rules and procedures. This is so important in regards to the rest of the school year! We had our first birthday celebration on Tuesday and we had stuffed animal day for earning our 1st golden horseshoe! We began reviewing addition and subtraction in math. In social studies, we learned about citizenship.

What are we learning?

Reading: short vowel review; character/setting; Story: Iris and Walter.

Math: basic addition/subtraction strategies

Social Studies: Citizenship

Writing: prewriting; complete/incomplete sentences

Coming up:

·  September 7- Fall pictures

·  September 8- PTO meeting 6:30 pm

·  September 9- CYAA Fundraiser turn in

·  September 14- Early Release Day (dismiss at 11:00 am)

·  September 28- Progress Reports

·  September 30- PTO movie night (7:30 pm)