4:00 PM



  1. Welcome
  1. Approval of the September 13, 2012Meeting Minutes
  1. New Committee Members
  1. New Business

New Course Proposals

COE 1303 – EDU5XX Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Pre K-3

COE 1304 – EDU5XX Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: 4-8

COE 1305 - EDU5XX Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Adolescent to High School

COE 1306 – EDU 5XX The Reading Specialist and Intensified Literacy Instruction

COE 1307 – EDU 5XX Assessment of Reading: Clinical Practicum in Reading Diagnosis

COE 1308 – EDU 5XX Practicum in Literacy Instruction: Struggling Readers and Writers

COE 1313 - LIB/ITC 555 Management of Information and Technology Center Environments

Course Proposal Changes

COE 1309 – EDU 502 Seminar in Research Foundations Pertinent to Reading

COE 1310 – EDU 577 Leadership for Reading Educators

VPA 1305 – ARU 536 Curriculum

Program Changes

COE 1311 – Master of Education in Reading Specialist Program

COE 1312 – Reading Specialist Program

COE 1316 – Program 20103/Methods Courses

  1. Graduation Without Certification (attached)
  2. Secondary Education (2) – for fall 2012 graduation
  1. Conceptual Framework Overview (handout)
  2. NCATE – Standards 1 and 2
  3. Art Education Dispositions – J. White (attached)
  1. As May Arise


cc: Dr. Cevallos, President

Dr. Vargas, Provost

Prof. Randy Schaeffer, Chair, UCC

University Senate



Minutes of Meeting

October 18, 2012

  1. Welcome

Dr. Garber called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Present were: M. K. Bergh, T. Betts, T. Blunt, J. Burnett, D. Garber, H. Hamlet, S. Hanzlik, K. Johnson, M. Kiec, C. Kirn, P. Kramer, E. Long, D. Lynch, J. McCarthy, A. Mitchell, W. Rapp, R. Schaeffer, T. Stahler, J. White and T. Yehl.

Guests: M. Laub, M. O’Neil, D. Schoenly

  1. Approval of the September 13, 2012 Meeting Minutes

A. Mitchell made a motion, seconded by R. Schaeffer, to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2012 Meeting. Motion approved unanimously.

  1. New Committee Members
    New members were introduced:
  2. Dr. Thomas Betts, Department of Physical Sciences
  3. Mrs. Tracy Blunt, Principal, Kutztown Elementary School
  4. Dr. Kathy Johnson, Principal, Brandywine Heights Middle School
  5. Ms. Tiffany Yehl, Graduate Student Representative
  1. New Business

New Course Proposals

  • COE 1303 – EDU 5XX Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Pre K-3

J. White, as seconded by M.K. Bergh, to approve COE 1303 Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Pre K-3. Revisions were noted: Motion approved unanimously with revisions.

  • COE 1304 – EDU 5XX Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: 4-8
    H. Hamlet, as seconded by J. White, to approve COE 1304 – EDU 5XX Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: 4-8. Revisions were noted: Motion approved unanimously with revisions.
  • COE 1305 – EDU 5XX Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Adolescent to High School.

R. Schaeffer as seconded by M.K. Bergh, to approve both COE 1305 – EDU 5XX Literacy Curriculum and Instruction: Adolescent to High School. Motion approved unanimously.

  • COE 1306 - EDU 5XX The Reading Specialist and Intensified Literacy Instruction
  • COE 1307 – EDU 5XX Assessment of Reading: Clinical Practicum in Reading Diagnosis
  • COE 1308 - EDU 5XX Practicum in Literacy Instruction: Struggling Readers and Writers
    E. Long, as seconded by J. White, to approve as a block: COE 1306 - EDU 5XX The Reading Specialist and Intensified Literacy Instruction;COE 1307 – EDU 5XX Assessment of Reading: Clinical Practicum in Reading Diagnosis; and COE 1308 - EDU 5XX Practicum in Literacy Instruction: Struggling Readers and Writers. Blue cover sheet on COE 1308 needs letter “i” removed as there cannot be a change in hours on a new course. M. Laub explained that these are courses for the new Reading Specialist program and the credit hours on the new courses differ from that of the old program. Both old and new program courses will be offered concurrently so that students still completing old program can satisfy their requirements. Motion approved unanimously.
  • COE 1313 LIB/ITC Management of Information and Technology Center Environments
    E. Long, as seconded by C. Kirn, to approve COE 1313 LIB/ITC Management of Information and Technology Center Environments. Blue cover sheet needs to be corrected removing change in prefix under letter “f.” Motion approved unanimously with revision.

Course Proposal Changes

  • COE 1309 - EDU 502 Seminar in Research Foundations Pertinent to Reading
  • COE 1310 - EDU 577 Leadership in Reading Educators
    R. Schaeffer, as seconded by H. Hamlet to approve as a block, COE 1309 - EDU 502 Seminar in Research Foundations Pertinent to Reading and

COE 1310 – EDU 577 Leadership in Reading Educators. Minor revisions were discussed for COE 1310. Motion approved unanimously with revisions.

  • VPA 1305 – ARU 536 Curriculum
    J. White, as seconded by M.K. Bergh, to approve VPA 1305 – ARU 536 Curriculum. The course name on the proposal was changed to “Art Curriculum: Standard Aligned System.” The white cover sheet was changed adding a check to the “e” category noting a change in title. Motion approved unanimously with revisions.

Program Changes

  • COE 1311 -- Master of Education in Reading Specialist Program
  • COE 1312 – Reading Specialist Program
    J. Burnett, as seconded by P. Kramer, to approve COE 1311 - Master of Education in Reading Specialist Program and COE 1312 – Reading Specialist Program. The elective section of COE 1311 was discussed. This section will be modified to be more specific. Motion approved unanimously with revisions.
  • COE 1316 – Program 20103/Methods Courses
    T. Stahler, as seconded by E. Long to approve COE 1316 – Program 20103/Methods courses. Motion approved unanimously.
  1. Graduation without Certification
    Secondary Education (2)
  • Secondary Education - Fall 2012 graduation
    T. Stahler, as seconded by A. Mitchell to approve a petition to graduate without certification in Secondary Education effective fall 2012. Motion approved unanimously.
  • Secondary Education - Fall 2012 graduation
    T. Stahler, as seconded by E. Long to approve a petition to graduate without certification in Secondary Education effective fall 2012. Motion approved unanimously.

6.Conceptual Framework Overview

  • KU Conceptual Framework folders were distributed to all. D. Garber gave an overview of the Conceptual Framework. Also addressed was the NCATE language of “Unit” which includes all certification areas: College of Education, Visual and Performing Arts – Art and Music.

7.NCATE Standards 1 and 2

  • J. McCarthy gave a PowerPoint presentation on NCATE Standards 1 and 2 and distributed a handout on Assessments by Specialized Professional Association (SPA) category.

8.Art Education Dispositions

  • J. White, as seconded by T. Stahler to approve the Art Education Dispositions documents: Dispositions Assessment – Art Education and Crafts Department and Professional Dispositions Faculty Assessment. Discussion on Art candidates not using language as modeled by dispositions workshops conducted by COE. Gateways for the dispositions were discussed. It was suggested that Gate 1 needs to be more clearly defined on the documents for example, “All Freshmen Art Education students.”

9.As May Arise

  • B.S. Music Education Mid-Tier Assessment

M. Kiec, as seconded by A. Mitchell to approve the B.S. Music Education Mid-Tier Assessment. The skill sets and dispositions rubric were discussed. A suggestion was made to use a number system in the Pass, Remediate, Dismiss evaluation area. Motion approved unanimously.

  • VPA 1302 – Teaching Art in Alternative Settings (ARU 332)
  • VPA 1303 – Integrated Curriculum in the Art Classroom (ARU 335)
    M. Kiec, as seconded by J. Burnett, to approve VPA 1302 – Teaching Art in Alternative Settings (ARU 332) and VPA 1303 – Integrated Curriculum in the Art Classroom (ARU 335). Motion approved unanimously.
  • Graduation without Certification – Art Education (Spring 2013)
    J. White, as seconded by J. Burnett to approve a petition to graduate without certification in Art Education effective spring 2013. The brevity of the student’s letter of request was discussed. Motion approved by majority, with one opposition.
  • NCATE Updates – D. Garber reminded all of the dates for the NCATE visit in spring: April 21-23, 2013.
  • SPA Process was completed with all SPA’s being recognized.
  • The Institutional Report (IR), responding to Standards 1-6, is in progress with a target submission date of October 25, 2012.
  • The Secondary Education/Special Education dual certification program was approved by PDE on October 12, 2012.

On a motion by C. Kirn, as seconded by J. Burnett to adjourn the meeting was approved unanimously.


Cc: Dr. J. Cevallos, President

Dr. C. Vargas, Provost

University Senate

University Curriculum Committee