Biology 250 Microbiology

Stavney Sp99Name

Lecture Exam III

40 points total. Use Scantron form 882-ES and the provided space for the essay questions.

1. What type of structure do the common bacteriophages T4 and  have?

a. enveloped

b. complex

c. polyhedral

d. helical

e. multifaceted biplanar

2. Prions are protein particles that can cause disease. An example of a prion caused disease would be:

a. the common cold

b. ebola

c. Mad Cow Disease or Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease

d. hepatitis

e. shingles

3. A virus that typically infects a human nerve cell can probably also infect:

a. a bacterium

b. a plant root cell

c. a roundworm body cell

d. a yeast cell

e. none of these answers are correct

4. In the bacteriophage lytic cycle, the next step after penetration is:

a. integration into the chromosome

b. copying RNA into DNA

c. assembling completed virus particles

d. breaking out of the cell

e. biosynthesis

5. Which disease is correctly matched with its pathogen?

a. giardia: an apicomplexan protozoan

b. pinworm: a flatworm

c. Aspergillus: a yeast

d. influenza: an RNA virus

e. histoplasmosis: a dinoflagellate

------TRUE/ FALSE (Answer “a” if true, and “b” if false)

6. Viruses cannot reproduce unless they are inside of a living cell.

7. Some forms of cancer are believed to be caused by viruses.

TRUE/ FALSE, continued.....

8. DNA eukaryotic viruses replicate and assemble in the host cell cytoplasm.

9. Animal viruses usually enter a host cell with the capsid intact, whereas bacteriophages leave their capsid outside the host cell.

10. Fungi can grow better than bacteria in very low moisture conditions.


11. Which virus below carries the enzyme reverse transcriptase?

a. HIV

b. influenza

c. T4

d. rabies

e. hepatitis

12. Yeast belong to which Kingdom?

a. Monera

b. Protista

c. Animalia

d. Plantae

e. Fungi

13. An example of a viral cytopathic effect (CPE) is the formation of

a. inclusion bodies

b. endotoxins

c. capsules

d. prions

e. septate hyphae

14. Fungi are classified mostly on the basis of:

a. shape and gram stain

b. spore types and presence/absence of cell walls

c. unicellularity/multicellularity and type of motility

d. presence/absence of cell walls and type of toxins produced

e. gram stain and unicellularity/multicellularity

15. Which organism is a common cause of nosocomial infection?

a. Candida albicans

b. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

c. Taenia tapeworm

d. Streptococcus pneumoniae

e. Rabdovirus (rabies)

16. Which picture in the diagrams above most closely matches the complete structure of the HIV virus that causes AIDS?

a. H

b. I

c. J

d. K

e. none of these is anything like the HIV virus

17. The virus pictured in Drawing J above shows which type of viral shape?

a. helical

b. polyhedral

c. complex

d. enveloped

e. cylindrahedral


Match the description on the left with the pathogen or disease on the right. For answers with multiple letters, like “abd”, fill in “a” AND “b” AND “d” on your answer sheet.

18. An organism that causes newborn “thrush”a. Histoplasma

and often becomes a systemic infection inb. pinworm

AIDS patients c. lung fluke

d. Gonyaulax dinoflagellate

19. A wasting disease caused by Entamoebae. Aspergillis

histolytica, characterized by constant diarrheaab. Candida albicans

ac. hookworm

20. An intestinal disease caused by an organismad. ascaris

with a scolex and numerous proglottid segmentsae. Taenia tapeworm

bc. shistosomiasis

21. An egg-infective helminthic disease where thebd. amoebic dysentery

organism (Enterobius vermicularis) spends itsbe. malaria

entire adult life inside the human trichinella

ce. trypanosomiasis

abc. trichomoniasis vaginitis


22. Microbial antagonism refers to the situation where:

a. two different microbes cause opposite disease effects

b. two microbes synthesize chemicals designed specifically to kill each other

c. invading microbes cannot establish a population because they have to compete with resident microbes

d. white blood cells chase, attack, and eat invading microbes

e. a person is more likely to develop a disease resistant to an antibiotic

23. Which of the following diseases is spread by vehicle transmission?

a. malaria

b. cold (rhinovirus)

c. rabies

d. cholera



TRUE/FALSE Answer “a” if true and “b” if false

24. The incidence of a disease refers to the total number of people who have the disease every year.

25. Normal microbiota are benign, friendly bacteria that can grow anywhere on the human body without causing disease.

26. The incubation period of a disease is the time when the patient feels mild symptoms, like aches and malaise.

27. An endemic disease occasionally makes someone sick in a population but is not constantly present.


28. Infection by the parental route of infection could occur from:

a. eating fish contaminated with Clostridium botulinum

b. getting bit by a dog with rabies

c. inhaling Aspergillis spores from a dirty humidifier

d. working in an enclosed space with a coughing tuberculosis patient

e. eating undercooked pork or bear meat

29. Parasitic organisms with simple or no digestive systems, a primitive nervous system, and complex reproductive processes are likely to be:

a. bacteria

b. helminths

c. algae

d. protozoans

e. fungi

30. The viral DNA that lies dormant in the bacterial chromosome during the lysogenic life cycle is called a(n):

a. prophage

b. provirus

c. Hfr

d. interferon

e. gene

Essay Sheet


First, write your name in the blank on this sheet. Then write the first three letters of your last name AND the test version on the back of this sheet in the blanks provided at the top. Next, complete ONE of the two essays (question 31 or 32). Be sure to cross out any writing you don’t want graded.

31. 10 pts. Describe Koch’s Postulates in detail. Then discuss how the Postulates show that microorganisms can cause disease.

First 3 letters of last name Test version

32. 10 pts. Name and describe at least two protozoan-caused diseases. Include the name of the disease, the protozoan name, the group to which the protozoan belongs, how the disease is transmitted (including any intermediate hosts or cyst stages), and the body systems affected.

Bio 250 Microbiology Exam III pg 1