Sayed Ibrahim Abdel-Rahman Hassan


Pharmaceutical Technology & Pharmaceutics

Born January 5, 1951, married, Egyptian


Head, Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut, Egypt

Mobile: +2010 1484015, Residence: (+2088) 2311873, (+202) 37408764

Office: (+2088) 2411273 e-mail: <>

Current Address Department of Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.


Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Industrial Pharmacy), thesis, entitled "A study on solubilization of some diuretics by nonionic surfactants", Assiut University, Egypt, and West Wilhelems University, Munster, Germany, 1979-1984. The practical work and the literature reviews of the Ph.D. have been carried out in Germany, 1981-1983.

Master Degree (M.Sc.) in Pharmaceutical Sciences, (Industrial Pharmacy), thesis, entitled "A study of the interaction between certain pharmaceuticals and certain macromolecules". To fulfill the requirements of the Master Degree, advanced courses in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics, Solution Technology, Tablet Technology, Instrumental Analysis, Physical Chemistry and Statistics were studied in one year. The Master Degree has been granted from Assiut University, Egypt, 1975-1978.

Bachelor Degree (B.Sc.) in Pharmaceutical Sciences, one preparatory year in the Faculty of Sciences and four years in the Faculty of Pharmacy. General Grade: Very Good, Assiut University, Egypt, 1969-1974.

Employment, Teaching and Research Experiences:

Current Job: Department Head, Industrial Pharmacy, Assiut University, Egypt

Previous Jobs:

Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology & Pharmaceutics, King Sauid University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 2008-July 2009.

Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology & Pharmaceutics, Vice Dean for Society Service & Environment Development, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University.

Director of the Drug Research Center, Assiut University. This center contributes to research in pharmaceutical technology fields. It also manufactures pharmaceutical products for Assiut University Hospitals of about one million Egyptian pounds per year.

Vice Director of Pharmaceutical Services Center, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University. This serves as drug information center and is about to be licensed to carryout bioequivalence studies for generic and innovated drug products on the behalf of the pharmaceutical industry as a part of the marketing authorization of these products.

Professor of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmaceutics, Department Head, Assiut University.

Professor, teaching under-graduate and graduate students, supervising M.Sc. students. Addis Ababa University School of Pharmacy, under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1999-Aug.2004.

Professor and Department Head, teaching Pharmaceutical Tech. and Pharmaceutics, doing independent and collaborative research work, member of the committees supervising Ph.D. and M.Sc. works of graduate students and teaching Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics, Assiut University, Egypt and The University of Cincinnati, USA, 1995-1999.

Associate Professor, research and teaching activities in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutics, Assiut University and the Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 1989-1995. Establishment of Pharmaceutics Department and teaching Pharmaceutics in The Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya, 1990-1992.

Assistant Professor, teaching and research activities of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Assiut University and The University of Georgia, Athens,

USA, 1984-1989.

Research Associate and Lecturer, Industrial Pharmacy, Assiut University and The

West Wilhelms University , Munster, Germany,1975-1984.

Courses Taught

General pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics & pharmacokinetics, pharmacy orientation & history of pharmacy, pharmaceutical technology (unit operations, manufacture of dosage forms, cGMP & process validation, super critical fluids, nanotechnology,etc), preformulation, drug development and innovation, drug delivery systems, drug supply management

Books Editing:

The applicant has been a senior or co-editor of books for post- and under-graduate levels on practical and theoretical pharmaceutical technology subjects. Assuit and Al-Azhar Universities !993-1998. In King Saud University, a book entitled "Stability of Pharmaceuticals" is to be published in about six months period.

Scholarships and Fellowships:

Visiting Research Professor, in the University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The applicant has been a team leader to develop innovated and generic solid dosage forms (tablets and capsules) for some drugs under cGMP, eventually, for marketing approval after submission to the FDA, 1998.

Fulbright Grant: Visiting Professor in the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. A research project has been designed by the applicant and has won this grant to perform collaborative work in the USA institution. The work has concerned with the

optimization of drug release from dosage forms using different excipients and techniques, February- July, 1994.

Post-doctoral Fellowship: College of Pharmacy, the University of Georgia, Athens, USA. These studies have dealt with enhancing the dissolution of some poorly soluble drugs by recrystallization in hydrophilic media and formulation in dispersions of soluble macromolecules, one year, 1986.

Scholarship for Ph.D.: for laboratory work and literature reviewing, Institute of Pharmaceutics, the Western Wilhelms University, Munster, Germany. This work has dealt with the solubilization, binding and stability of benzothiadiazine diuretics with nonionic surfactants and other macromolecules, 1981-1983.

Experimental Techniques:

Many techniques have been employed in order to study the physicochemical properties of drugs and excipients and to prepare dosage forms of improved pharmaceutical characteristics. Examples of these techniques are: freeze drying, solid dispersion, tablet

manufacturing and quality control, complexation in the solid state, solubility and complexation in the liquid state, crystal modification and controlled release dosage forms . The research has covered in vitro and in vivo studies of solid, semi-solid and liquid dosage forms. Dialysis, ultrafiltration, molecular sieving, vapor pressure osmometry, electron microscopy, surface area measurements, dissolution and solubility techniques, thermal analysis, chromatography, NMR, IR and mass spectroscopy are among the methods which have been used to analyze and interpret the results.

Training Courses and Seminars:

Since 1975-present, many such courses and seminars have been joined in Assiut University and abroad. For example, in vitro/in vivo correlation trials, FDA regulatory

affairs and guidelines, the principles and means for teaching undergraduate and

postgraduate students, high performance liquid chromatography,

electron microscopy .The theoretical and practical aspects of many analytical methods,

e.g., NMR, IR and Mass spectroscopy, high performance thin layer chromatography, thermal analysis and X-ray diffractometry have been studied and utilized in the

applicants research work.

The work under the sponsorship of generic and innovation drug companies in USA has given the applicant chances to attend and practice courses, workshops and seminars on cGMP, drug regulation affairs, in vivo / in vitro availability studies.

Recently, the applicant has attended workshops in biotechnology, nanotechnology and has lectured in solid dosage form stability protocols and regulatory aspects.

He effectively participated in implementing the quality programs for the undergraduate and graduate teaching, learning and research during his vice deanship.

Published Research Work:

The applicant has published and presented papers in National and International periodicals and conferences. These articles have dealt with many areas in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, e.g., enhancement of dissolution and bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs by, for example, solubilization and complexation, binding phenomena of drugs to macromolecules, sustained release formulation using different polymeric matrices, in vitro/in vivo availability of many drugs form different dosage forms, physical and chemical stability studies of many drugs in different formulations,....etc. Please refer to the list of publications and current research work.


Arabic: Native language English: First foreign language

German: Second foreign language

Scientific Memberships:

Member of t the Egyptian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), Controlled Release Society, and the Egyptian Syndicate of Pharmacists.

List of Publications and Current Research

Scientific Reports Delivered at Meetings:

1. Interaction of free medicament concentration in surfactant solution using

vapor pressure osmometry_ S.I. Abdel-Rahman, P. Rohdewald and A.E.

Aboutaleb. Erester Gesamt Kongress der Pharmazeutischen Wissenschaften,

Munich, Germany, April 17-20, 1983, Cong. Abs. Book p. 182.

2. "Dissolution profiles of salicylamide recrystallized from solutions containing

various surfactants or macromolecules", S.I. Abdel-Rahman and J.C. Price.

First National Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists

(AAPS), Washington DC, USA, November 2-6, 1986.Pharm.Research, 3, 42(1986).

3. "Dissolution behavior of propylthiouracil-polyvinylpyrrolidone solid dispersions",

S.I. Abdel-Rahman, A.M.El-sayed and A.E. Aboutaleb. Feder.Internat.Pharm. 47th

(FIB), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 31-September 4, 1987.FIP 87 Abstract

No 236.

4. " Accelerating dissolution rates of benzothiadiazines", A.M.El-Sayed,

S.I. Abdel-Rahman, H.A.Sayed and S.A. Ibrahim. The same previous conference,

FIP 87 Abstract No 310.

5. "Solid dispersions of propylthiouracil-polyethylene glycols: dissolution and

differential scanning calorimetric studies", S.I.Abdel-Rahman and J.C. Price.

XX conference of Pharm.Sci, Cairo, Egypt, Feb.23,1988, Abs.P.16.

6. "Stability behavior of vitamin C tablets prepared employing readily compressible

L-ascorbic acid granular forms", S.I. Selah, S.I. Abdel-Rahman and A. Stamm.

The same previous conference, Abstracts Book p. 14.

7. "Preparation and release characteristics of directly compressed sustained release

tablets containing nitrofurantoin or phenazopyridine hydrochloride".

S.I. Abdel-Rahman, S.I. Saleh, S.M. Ahmed, A.E. Aboutaleb and A. M. Aly. 2nd

Anglo-Egyptian of Pharm. Sci., Alexandria, Egypt, November 9-12, 1991.

8. "Formulation and release characteristics of some sustained release formulations of

nitrofuratoin". S.I. Saleh, S.M. Ahmed, S.I. Abdel- Rahman, A.E. Aboutaleb and

A.M. Aly. 2nd Anglo-Egyptian Conference of Pharm. Sci., Alexandria, Egypt,

November 9-12, 1991.

9. "Bioavailability of sustained release nitrofuratoin tablets prepared by two different

methods" S.I. Abdel-Rahman, S.I. Saleh, S.M. Ahmed, A.E. Aboutaleb and A. M.

Aly. 2nd Anglo-Egyptian Conference of Pharm. Sci., Alexandria, Egypt, 1991.

10. "Evaluation of ibuprofen-cellulose polymers sustained release tablets" A.A.

Abdel-Rahman, S.I. Abdel-Rahman, A.E. Aboutaleb and A. Stamm. 11th

Conference of Arab Pharmacists Union, Tripoli, Libya, 1991.

11. " Sustained release formulations of phenazopyridine hydrochloride with cellulose

acetate phthalate" A.M. Aly, Ahmed S.M., S.I. Abdel-Rahman, S.I. Saleh and A.E.

Aboutaleb" 1st Egyptian-Italian Symposium on Biotechnology, Assiut, Egypt,1992.

12. "Compexing behavior of 2-hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin with local

anesthetics" S.I. Abdel-Rahman and S.G. Frank, 9th Annual Meeting Amer.

Assoc. Pharm. Scientists (AAPS), San Diego, CA, USA, 1994.

13. "Preparation and evaluation of sustained release systems of vitamin B1”

S.I. Abdel-Rahman, M.O. Ahmed and E.M. Samy, 24th Conf. Pharm. Sci., Cairo,

Egypt, 1994.

14. "Complexation of hydrochlorothiazide and bendrofluazide with b-cyclodextrin in

solution and in ground mixtures" M.O. Ahmed, S. M. Ahmed, S.I. Saleh and

S.I. Abdel-Rahman, 24th Con. Pharm. Sci., Cairo, Egypt, 1994.

15. "Improvement of solubility and dissolution of acetazolamide by inclusion

complexation with different cyclodextrins" S.I. Abdel-Rahman, S.M. Ahmed and

M.O. Ahmed. XXV Conference of Pharm. Sci., Cairo, Egypt, 1996

16 Techniques and mechanisms of enhancing the dissolution of loratadine using

inclusion complexation Sayed I. Abdel-Rahman, Sayed M. Ahmad, E.M. Samy

and A.M.M. Badawy, 3rd Assiut Univ. Pharm. Sci. Conf., Egypt, Assiut, Abs.

Book, No. PHT 5, p 15, March 5-6, 2002.

18. "View on tablet stability" plenary lecture, Sayed I. Abdel-Rahman, workshop on

Theory and Practice in Tablet Technology". Sponsored by Pharmaceutical

Technology Center, KSU, Riyadh, KSA, Feb. 26-27, 2008.

19. Formulation and evaluation of isoxsuprine hydrochloride sustained release tablets

prepared by wet granulation" A. Aboutaleb, Sayed I. Abdel-Rahman and Jelan A.

Razic, 31st International Conf. Pharm. Sci, Cairo, December 23-25, 2008

20. Plenary lectures on different topics in workshops and conferences, e.g., American

Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Conference, Washington DC,

1999, Saudi Pharmaceutical Association Conference, Riyadh, 2008, Future University

workshop 2011, Egyptian Pharmaceutical Conference, Cairo, December 2011.

List of Publications:

17. "Application of ultrafiltration technique for studying solubilized systems",

A.E.Aboutaleb, A.Sakr and S.I. Abdel-Rahman. Arch. Pharm.Chem., Sci.

Ed.,5, 105 (1977).

18. "Investigation of salicylamide solubilized systems by molecular sieve and

ultrafiltration techniques", A.E.Aboutaleb, A.Sakr and S.I. Abdel-Rahman.

Pharm.Ind.42, 24(1980).

19. "Interaction of phenacetin with nonionic surfactants", A.E.Aboutaleb,

A. Sakr and S.I. Abdel-Rahman. Pharmazie, 35, 99 (1980).

20. "Evaluation of encapsulated aspirin tablets", S.I. Abdel-Rahman, H.A. Sayed,

A.M. El-Sayed, E.Hafez and S.A. Ibrahim.

Full paper published in the proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on

controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, Basel, Switzerland, Aug.15-19,1988.

21. "Interaction of some insoluble diuretics with silica and silicate carriers",

A.M.El-Sayed and S.I. Abdel-Rahman.

Full paper published in the proceedings of the previous symposium.

22. "Dissolution behavior of propylthiouracil- polyvinyl- pyrrolidone solid

dispersions" S.I. Abdel-Rahman, A.M.El-Sayed and A.E.Aboutaleb,

Bull. Pharm.Sci. the Egyptian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assiut Univ., 11(2), 261 (1988).

23. "Accelerating dissolution rates of benzothiadiazine diuretics" A.M. El-Sayed,

S.I.Abdel-Rahman and S.A. Ibrahim, S.T.P.Pharma 5(3), 160 (1989).

24 ."Preformulation and evaluation of furazolidone ointments "A.M. El-Sayed

and S.I. Abdel-Rahman, 5th International conference on Pharmaceutical

Technology proceedings, pp.117-126 (1989).

25. "Effect of formulation variables on the release behavior of allopurinol from

suppositories" S.I. Abdel-Rahman, S.Shawky and A.M. El-Sayed, previous

conference, proceedings pp. 134-143 (1989).

26. " Interaction of some benzothiadiazines with b- cyclodextrin" S.I.Abdel-Rahman

and A.M.El-Sayed, 1st Anglo-Egyptian conference of Pharm. Sci., Alexandria, Egypt 91988). Acta Pharm. Hungarica, 60(2-3),69-75 (1990).

27. "Preparation and release kinetics of ethylcellulose-walled microcapsules

containing phenazopyridine in polymethyl-methacrylate matrices" S.M. Ahmed,

S.I.Saleh, S.I. Abdel-Rahman, S.H. Khidr and A.M. Ali, S.T.P. Pharm. Sci., 2(2),

205- 209(1992).

28. "Evaluation of ibuprofen controlled release tablets:1- Eduragit matrix controlled

tablets" A.A. Abdel-Rahman, E.M. Samy, S.I. Abdel-Rahman, A.E. Aboutaleb

and A. Stamm, Eur.J.Pharm. Biopharm. 38 (2), 71-77 (1992).

29."Optimization of Eudragit or cellulsic polymers- ibuprofen sustained release

systems using principal component analysis" A.A. Abdel-Rahman, A.E.

Aboutaleb, S.I. Abdel-Rahman and E.M. Samy, Bull.Pharm. Sci. Assiut

Univ., 15, 63-82 (1992).

30. "Effect of cellulosic polymers on the physical properties and dissolution of

ibuprofen granules" A.A.Abdel-Rahman, A.E.Aboutaleb, A. Stamm,

S.I. Abdel-Rahman and E.M.Samy Bull. Pharm. Sci. Assiut Univ., 15,89-


31. "Bioavailability and in vivo/in vitro correlation of two sustained release

nitrofurantoin tablets prepared by different methods" S.I.Abdel Rahman,

S.M.Ahmed, S.I. Saleh, A.E.Aboutaleb and A. M.Al y, S.T.P.Pharm. Sci., 394,

294-299 (1993).

32. " Preparation and release characteristics of some sustained release formulations

of nitrofurantoin" S.I.Saleh, S.M.Ahmed, S.I. Abdel-Rahman, S.H.Khidr and

A.M.Aly, S.T.P.Pharm.Sci., 3,(5),379-385 (1993).

33. "Preparation and release characteristics of directly compressed sustained

release tablets containing nitrofurantoin or phenazopyridine hydrochloride"

S.I.Abdel-Rahman, S.I.Saleh, S.M.Ahmed and A.M.Ali, S.T.P.Pharm. Sci., 3(5),

386-390 (1993).

34. "Accelerated stability of ibuprofen-Eudragit RSPM sustained release tablets, IR

and DSC solid stability testing" A.A. Abdel-Rahman, A.E. Aboutaleb, A. Stamm,

E.M Samy and S.I. Abdel-Rahman, J. Pharm. Belg. 48(6), (463-470 1993).

35. "Accelerated stability testing of ibuprofen-Eudragit RSPM sustained release

tablets using H -NMR, HPLC and TLC" A.A. Abdel-Rahman,

S.I..Abdel-Rahman, E.M. Samy, A.E.Aboutaleb and A Staamm, Bull. Pharm.,

Sci. Assiut Univ.,16 (1), 1-11 (1993).

36. "Solid stability testing of ibuprofen-Eudragit RESPM sustained release tablets"

A.A.Abdel -Rahman, A.E.Aboutaleb, A.Stamm, S.I.Abdel-Rahman and

E.M.Samy, Bull. Pharm. Sci.Assiut Univ., 16 (1), 12-24 (1993).

37."Evaluation of ibuprofen cellulosic polymers sustained release tablets "A.A.

Abdel -Rahman A.E.Aboutaleb, A.Stamm and S.I.Abdel-Rahman, Bull,