ORK –TR Connectivity form

Production Environnement

Once the fields in salmon color are filled you must send back the form in an editable format.
BME will implement the configuration tasks, will fill all the form fields in BLUEand will take back the form for the connectivity tasks.
Entity Data
0.- Requesttype. Production Environnemennt.
For modifications, it is necessasry highlight the modifcations for its monitoring remarqued in YELLOW / Add ☐ Delete ☐ Modification ☐ / Date


Complete the fields for configuring tehe connectivity
ID of the submitting entity / LEICode / Description
ID of the entity owner of the information / LEICode / Description
ID of the entity owner of the information / LEICode / Description
ID of the entity owner of the information / LEICode / Description
ID of the entity owner of the information / LEICode / Description
ID of the entity owner of the information / LEICode / Description
ID of the entity owner of the information / LEICode / Description
ID of the entity owner of the information / LEICode / Description
ID of the entity owner of the information / Código LEI / Description
1 SFTPConnectivity
  • Connectiontothe BME net
  • Open SSH 7.4 Client (Winscp, Filezilla, etc.)
  • A couple of SSH-2 RSA private/public key must be created, with encodying of 2048 bts.The public key must be sended to BME in a text file format.
  • If the connection is done through the shared net lines for another services, it will be configured a bandwidth no bigger than 0, 5 Mb.
  • EOF format is windows mandatory. (CRLF)

EntityTechnical data
Client SFTP IP adddress (NAT address to be presented to BME)
Filename with the SSH public key
Filenames with the GPG encoding public keys(extension .asc)
Technical Data provided by BME
Protocol / SFTP
SFTP server port in BME / 55222
Internet SFTP server IP address /
User code (LEI code in lower case) / pstr_lei
Subfolder in the BME server where you can download the entity files / /filesout
Subfolder in BME server where you can upload your entity files. / /filesin
ANNEX: During initial period.
Submitting ZIP files instead of encrypted files: YES/NO
If the answer is YES please select format of the files Member is going to receive (select only one of them)
Encrypted ☐
ZIP Compressed ☐