Ch 10: Motion

For this unit, we will be focusing on describing motion, specifically distance vs. displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration. We will we be able to do this in words, mathematically and graphically.

In the end there a mixed format test (multiple choice, short answer, problems, and graphs).You will be able to use a calculator on the test and formulas will be given to you.There will also be a project that includes the knowledge/skills from this unit plus the next two. The project involves a wooden car you build and modify and will be explained on another sheet of paper.


+ if you’re an expert (can explain to someone else)

if you’ve heard of it (and know a little)

0 if you’ve never heard of it

______Reference Point______Distance______


______Average velocity______Instantaneous velocity______

______Acceleration______Slope (of a line)______

Learning Targets (Skills)

_____ Problem solve using formulas for average speed and acceleration (ch 10.1 & 10.2)

_____ Rearrange the speed equation to solve for distance or time(ch 10.1)

_____ Rearrange the acceleration equation to solve for final velocity, initial velocity, or time

(ch 10.2)

_____ Distinguish between speed and velocity(ch 10.1)

_____ Analyze distance vs. time graphs and interpret the motion represented(ch 10.1)

_____ Sketch a distance vs. time graph for a description of motion(ch 10.1)

_____ Translate a distance vs. time graph into the same velocity vs. time graph(ch 10.1)

_____ Analyze speed vs. time graphs and interpret the motion represented(ch 10.1)

_____ Sketch a speed vs. time graph for a description of motion(ch 10.1)

_____ Relate the slope of a distance vs. time graph to speed(ch 10.1)

_____ Relate the slope of a velocity vs. time graph to acceleration(ch 10.2)

_____ Compare the motion of two objects from an analysis of motion graphs(ch 10.1 & 10.2)

_____ Recognize and discuss three possible causes of acceleration(ch 10.2)