LSAT and Logic Games Resources:

The LSAT exam has been in its present form formany years—so most commercial prep books that use actual LSAT questions are fine. The following are presented FYI only, and are not in any order. There are many other resources available that may be as good or betterthan those listed below. The LSAT is so critically important you should take some time to thoroughly research what is available, and find resources that match your learning style.

Remember that the HPPLC office has copies of all past disclosed LSAT exams, which you can borrow in person at no charge (ask the receptionist—no appointment needed).

HPPLC also sponsors a 20 hour LSAT Prep workshop for $200 (get on the Prelaw Email List at receive announcements), and occasionally we have lists of reasonably priced LSAT tutors in Bloomington. If interested, email us for their contact information.

It can take several months of serious preparation to be ready for the LSAT. We suggest you budget at least 4-6 months into your schedule, and take at least 10 full-length exams as part of your preparation. You may not need that much time, but don’t be surprised if you could benefit from even more. We suggest you test the waters by taking a full length, timed diagnostic exam early in your junior year at the latest. Don’t worry about preparation—just take the plunge. The results will help you determine how much additional serious preparation time you will need, and it will also reveal any section that is weaker than the others. Tip: start early by working only on your most difficult section.

I. Specialized Preparation Material:

  1. **LSAT Logic Games Bible by Powerscore. This book comes very highly recommended from students at all ability levels nationwide as well as IUB. Their Logical Reasoning Bibleand Reading Comprehension Bible have also received great reviews.
  1. Manhattan LSAT Strategy Guides. This series has received top reviews, especially their RC and LR guides.
  1. Cambridge LSAT prep series: designed especially for self-study with focused drilling exercises—also gets great reviews.
  1. Dell or Official "Logic Problems" books: designed for hobbyists. While the problems are not exactly like the LSAT logic games, they are similar enough to give some great practice, especially at finding all the inferences from a particular set of statements. These books might be particularly useful if the LSAT is a long way off and you’d like a head start on this section.
  1. Start reading a major publication daily: e.g. Scientific American, WSJ, the Economist, NYTimes, etc. Focus on speed and retention.

II. General LSAT Prep.

  1. Princeton Review’s Cracking the LSAT
  2. Kaplan LSAT Prep Books
  3. Master the LSAT
  4. Examkrackers
  5. andnumerous other publications…..check online for user reviews. Please let us know if you find a particularly useful resource!