Mentor Individual Learning Plan
Mentor: Jeff Anderson Coaching Partner: Alice Pugh Date 10/10/2011
Engages, supports, and advances professional learning / Creates & maintains collaborative professional partnerships / Utilizes knowledge of pedagogy, content, and standardsSupporting Goal:
Assist IE’s ability to lead ongoing inquiries into personal practice / Supporting Goal:
Assist IE’s willingness to take responsibile risks to address complex situations and promote professional growth / Supporting Goal:
Collaborate with IE to seek adapt and modify pedagogical skills and instructional strategies in response to needs
Provide resources via Internet and professional organizations / Plan:
What is working, not work, support forms
Individual action plans / Plan:
Review of lessons – post conference
Next steps proposed
Professional organization memberships
Attendance in conferences
Internet ‘favorites’ / Evidence:
Documentation of NTFs. / Evidence:
Incorporation of ‘next steps’ into lessons with revision by IE’s.
Designs and facilitates professional development / Utilizes assessments to promote teacher learning / Develops as a professional leader
Supporting Goal:
Designs physical environment to match the planned needs. / Supporting Goal:
Supports participating teacher in ongoing self assessment process. / Supporting Goal:
Collaborates wwith others to initiate innovative practices that support the professionalization of teaching.
Follow plans of design team with appropriate input / Plan:
Data driven decision making model / Plan:
Assist mentors with difficult cases via phone, email, direct contact, or mtgs.
Successful inservice logistically / Evidence:
Flow chart of decisions,
Works, doesn’t work forms (NTC) / Evidence:
Log of phone, email, direct contact and meetings.
Mentor’s Professional Goal: Infuse the pacing guide and content directives of the Math Science Collaborative Initiative into my best practices as I work with IE’s to bring the material before their students in meaningful ways.
My goal is supported by mentor standard: Engages, supports and advances the professional learning of each teacher (uses a variety of strategies and resources, including technology, to respond to participating teacher’s professional needs and to the learning needs of all students). Specifically: seeks and shares new knowledge and strategies and resources related to on going learning from the professional community.
Impact on Beginning Teacher Learning:
Development of novel strategies grounded in content and teaching standards as well as the MSCI.
Develop content knowledge at a deeper and readily transferable level.