8th Grade Book Report Questions

QUESTIONS: Answer the following questions about your Non-Fiction Book.

1. Important Facts: What are three important facts you learned from reading this

book? Remember do not write your opinion and do not list dates of birth or death

as an important fact.


2. Information: What is the most important thing that you learned about this



3. Surprises: Describe two things that surprised you in this book.


4. Questions: What questions do you still have about this topic? You must write at two questions.


5. Where could you find answers to theses questions? You must have 2 additional Sources. They can either be exact websites or specific book titles.


Name______Date______Due Date______

Book Projects

Directions: Select one project for your book report.

1. Cereal box. They have to cover a cereal box with paper and decorate according to their novel. On the front they have to make up a cereal name that is relevant to their book (ex. for Harry Potter you could have a cereal called Witches Brew). On the back they have to provide a summary of the novel including main characters, plot, setting, and conflict/resolution. On the top, sides, and bottom they have to create little blurbs that tell about the book. Ex. some students put a "nutritional guide" like 10% excitement, 30% suspense. Other kids do a blurb about the author. Some do advertisements. I tell them to use the real cereal box as a guide to help them decide what to put.

2. Create a newspaper for your novel. The title should be something relevant to the book. There should be letters to the editor about events in the story, classified ads, advertisements, weather report, summary of events, etc...

3. Do a report on the authors life. They must read the book and do a 1 page report on the novel. Then they research the authors life and bring in as many books as they can find that the author has written.

4. Puppet show. Create puppets based on characters in the novel and put on a puppet show as a mini-version of the novel.

5. Time capsule. Items in the time capsule must represent items that would be important to the main character of the novel. They have to bring at least 10 3-d items to represent the character. They must describe each item and why it is important to the main character. The time capsule container must be decorated in fashion according to the novel.

6. Dream house. They must build a dream house of one of the characters in the book. This house must be based on what the character in the book likes, dreams of doing, wishes they could have, etc. It has to be detailed. The more detail the better.