Minutes: September 16. 2016


NEOONE as an affiliate chapter of OONE shall be the Regional Organization for nursing leadership in health care that provides for nursing leadership development by:

  1. Providing a forum for the interchange of ideas and dissemination of information and materials relative to nursing leadership.
  2. Identifying and defining nursing practice, nursing education and health care issues;
  3. Establishing and communicating position statements to influence legislative and public policy;
  4. Developing and promoting educational programs/activities to strengthen nursing in education, administration, research and clinical practice;
  5. Supporting systems for the advancement of healthy communities.
  6. Leading the development and implementation of patient care delivery systems that produce high quality, safe patient care through innovations.
  7. Participating in local and statewide community efforts to promote nursing leadership involvement.

2016 NEOONE Goals:

  1. Strengthen Engagement of Nurse Leaders

•Professional development access and opportunity

•Increase chapter membership

  1. Support Ohio Action Coalition

•Continue to educate members on OAC Initiatives

•Utilize various methods of communication

  1. Promote Evidence-Based Practice

•Endorse transformational nursing practice at all levels

•Encourage member participation in poster and podium presentation at local, regional, and state forums

  1. Assure value in NEOONE membership
  1. Welcome & Announcements–Annecalled the meeting to order promptly at 1pm.
  1. Minutes of 6-17-16reviewed and approved. Motion by Nicole Kolacz with second by Kyle Anderson.
  1. Treasurer’s Report - Presented by Susan Clark via power point slide:

Activity with current statement: as of August 31, 2016:

Beginning balance:$13,677.88

Deposits & Additions $ 5892.00

Checks Paid$ 3909.26

Fees$ 0.00*

Ending Balance $15,660.62

*Note: Service fees are waived for balance exceeding $4000.00

Marybeth O’Conner motioning to approve and Nicole Kolacz making a second motion for approval as written.

  1. Committee Reports
  2. NEOONE Engagement (Membership) Update--Susan Clark. Susan presented the 2016/2017 Membership Application. There are currently 123 members with 33 new members. Susan reviewed a slide showing which organizations have members and specialties of those members. 60 of the current members identify themselves as Mid-Level Management (MLM). It was decided to hold further discussion at November meeting re: setting a close out date for membership.
  1. OONE Program—Presented by Jayme Wiggins: This group is responsible for the Annual OONE Fall conference. They are currently meeting monthly until the November in preparation for the conference. The conference will be held November 10-11, 2016. The pre-conference will be on November 9. CNOs will the target of the pre-conference. The conference theme is “Connecting the Why”. Online registration is now open. Anne noted the great representation from NEOONE as we have many podium presentations and posters.
  1. OONE By-laws—Presented by Anne Gunther for Pam Baker: Chapter/affiliate bylaws are being reviewed. Pam represents NEOONE during the review. OONE will be reviewing all affiliate bylaws for alignment with OONE bylaws. These bylaws will be presented at least 30 days prior to conference presentation.
  1. OONE Engagement (formerly Membership)—Presented by Anne Gunther for Sally Hartline: The team is reaching out to AONE members who are not involved in local chapters such as NEOONE. The committee is seeking fundraising and baskets for raffle. Susan Clark made motion for approval for $250 basket donation from NEOONE. Kyle Anderson made second motion for approval. Anne will ask Joy Burch to shop and prepare the basket. OONE Vice President and Secretary nominations have been collected. Anne is running for OONE VP.
  1. Legislative and Practice—Presented by Diane Sprankle. The group continues to work with OAC on the Transition to Practice and Ohio Nurse Competency Model. There is a potential for a “day of dialogue” with nurse leaders and educators.
  1. OONE Evidence-Based Practice—Presented by Anne for Stephanie Boyd: The committee reviewed 5 podium presentation abstracts and 38 poster abstracts in developing the Fall conference lineup.
  1. OONE Communication—Presented by Christine Young: This group maintains and writes the Newsletters and OONE Face book page. You may access OHA website at: Password (needed only for governance link/page) is: nurse 1. Please see the e-mails from Jackie Silvis and Anne Gunther for Newsletters. The group is looking to highlight a leader in each newsletter. Please submit any suggestions to Christine Young or Anne Gunther.
  1. OONE Board Report- Anne Gunther: Notice the new logo for OONE. There was a change from Ohio Organization FOR Nurse Executives to OF. There will be further discussion at the November Board meeting. There has been a unanimous OONE endorsement for Erick Martin running as AONE Region V Director. Anne has assumed co-leadership of the OAC Leadership workgroup. OONE Slate of Officers for 2016 elections has been developed. Lisa Aurilio and Linda Breedlove continue work with ONA on the staffing legislation.
  1. NEOONE President Report—Anne Gunther: The goals of NEOONE were reviewed and updated. Continue to seek CNO involvement from every organization—need to work to get Affinity and Cleveland Clinic Akron General CNO involved with organization. Kim Dougan, from Aultman, will be the NEOONE Aspiring Nurse Leader winner/nominee. Kim will be placed in pool of other OONE nominees with winner to be announced on Thursday of Fall conference. Colleen Cooper and Megan Dorrington, both of Akron Children’s were also nominated. Anne sought motion for approval to pay for Kim’s program registration ($300). Nicole Kolacz made motion which was given second motion by Kyle Anderson. Anne will submit registration to Susan for payment of the fees.
  1. NEOONE Committee Reports:
  2. NEOONE Nominating Committee—Nicole Kolacz. 2017-2019 Office nominations have been received for President-Elect and Secretary/Treasurer. Ballot of nominees will be presented via Survey Monkey in October. Winners will be announced at November meeting.
  1. NEOONE 3rd Annual Education Symposium—Theresa Borodkin. Evaluations of the symposium were very positive. The net gain from conference fees and payments was $172.74. Opportunities for improvement include: electronic pre-payment and on-line registration and evaluations.
  1. NEOONE Communications—Kyle Anderson: E-mail is the primary means we use for communication. Kyle has explored options for technology and made a summary of company named “Birdeye” in Wooster, OH. Some members shared a positive experience with this company. Kyle, Dan Lane, and Kathy Zimmer have met to explore options and make recommendations for Birdeye. Proposal was made to approve financial commitment to develop website and use Birdeye services to do such. Motion for approval made by Diane Sprankle with second motion by Nicole Kolacz. Kyle will work with team and vendor to begin process for website development.
  1. Meeting Dates for 2016:
  • November 18, 2016Host: Akron Children’s Hospital
  1. Facility Sharing -Representatives of the facilities who were present shared current happenings at their organizations.

Meeting adjourned at 2:02pm.

Respectfully submitted: Susan M. Clark MBA RN, NEA-BC, FABC, Secretary/Treasurer