Memo No:930/NDITA/E-30/08Dated: 24.12.2009


NOTICE NO. PQB/NDITA/02/2009-10 of E.O.

Nabadiganta Industrial Township Authority (Under Government of West Bengal) intends to execute the work of “Construction of multi storyed Administrative Building (G+16+2basement floors) on plot NoGN-20 to GN-23 in Sector V area of Bidhan Nagar (Salt Lake) city,” through subsequent time period contracts.

For making assessment of capability of reliable resourceful and vastly experienced Agencies/Firms/Concerns/Public Sector undertakings to undertake the above captioned work, this pre -qualification Bid is invited by the Executive Officer of Nabadiganata Industrial Township Authority,on behalf of this Authority having office at Unnayan Bhaban, 1st Floor,Block-A, Sector-II, Bidhan Nagar(salt Lake) City, Kolkata-700 091.

I. Salient Feature

A:Eligibility of Bid participants:

i)Should be a vastly experienced agency / firm /concern, on similar work, undertaken by them involving construction of high rise buildings (not less than 12 floors above ground).

ii)Should be a renowned and reputed agency/Firm/Concern / Public Sector undertaking having head quarter in India.

iii)Should have sufficient resource of qualified and trained man-power and workforce supportrequired for work as captioned above.

iv)Should have adequate support of sufficient equipment, machineries,fleet of transportation vehicles (manual and automobile), tools and tackles, electronic gadgets, computers and variousother relevant materials for effective execution of such works.

v)Should have sufficient financial capability and solvency, to undertake such work.

vi)Should be registered and licensed agency/firm/concern, with related registering/ licencingauthorities, as per law and rules,

vii)Should be a legally valid agency /firm / concern, on its proprietorship and partnership ofowning.

B:Application for obtaining Pre Qualification Bid document, addressed to the inviting authority, as mentioned in paragraph two (above), along with following enclosures:

i)Experience certificates, work orders duly matched with payment certificates, issued in favour of the applicant by various employers, for similar type of works, during last three years i.e. 2008-09,2007-08, and 2006-07,each case not less than Rs.20.00Crores(Rupees TwentyCrores), and such documents of on going work, if any, during the current year 2009-10.

ii)In case of a corporate body or Firm being an applicant here, authenticated legible photocopy of the certificate of such incorporation and latest registration certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies or Registrar of firms, to be submitted.

iii)Copy of valid legal document on ownership, proprietorship and partnership, to be submitted.

iv)Photocopy of notarized or otherwise legally valid Power of Attorney, authorizing person(s)/representative(s), to participate and involve at various stages of the PQB, to be enclosed.

v)Valid IT, ST, PT and similar tax documents, including Tax Registration certificates, issued by competent authority, to be submitted in photocopy.

vi)Financial capability documents, in bank records (photocopy) for last three financial year (2008-09, 2007-08, and 2006-07),to be submitted along with Auitited Balance sheet for these periods.


  • All copies of enclosures shall be verified with originals by Bid Inviting authority at proper stage
  • Contents appear in various enclosures should satisfy and co-relate the data and information provided by the bidder in relevant portions ofthe Pre- qualification Bid documents.
  • For any discrepancy found, the application and/or the offer document, is liable to rejection.

C:Issuance and submission of PQB documents:

i)The PQB inviting authority, on scrutiny of applications received, shall select eligible cases and allow them to purchase PQB documents, on payment of non-refundable cost of such documents, purchaseable on all working days during Office hours of the PQB inviting authority, by making the payment through bank, being so directed.

ii)The PQB document shall consist :

a)This notice for PQB and Guidelines for Bidders.

b)Scope of Work.

c)Input sheets for the Bidders, to be filled, carefully.

d)General area map of Sector – V, Bidhannagar (Salt Lake) City, showing the proposed site.

iii)Cost of PQB documents: Rs, 2000/- (Rupees two thousand) paidby intending, bidders through Bank receipt challans.

iv)The note of issuance on PQB document shall be given by the PQB inviting authority or his representative, which shall remain intact and shall be verified, when submitted with offers. On showing the receipted Bank challans, PQB papers shall be issued.

v)Submission of completed PQB documents :

a)The PQB document, duly signed with Seal on all pages (including Blank pages, with mentioning with the word ‘BLANK’), providing information as sought on relevant ‘input sheet ‘with attached sheets by the Bidders where required.

b)A forwarding letter stating contents and submission of PQB document, to be attached.

c)The PQB documents, thus ready, with forwarding letter be sealed in an envelope of suitable size and submitted to the PQB inviting authority. The envelope, at front, to contain :

  • PQB Notice no. and date – at top of the envelope
  • Designation and address of the PQB inviting authority – at middle of the envelope.
  • Seal of the Bidder – at bottom left side of the envelope.

d)The insertions made in the offer documents or in attached sheets be made in English language. For any wrong entry, single line striking, re-entering the correct statement adjacently, putting signature ( may be initial), to be maintained . No overwriting or use of correction fluid is allowed.

II.Salient dates:

  • Last date of making written application

to obtain PQB documents:3.00 p.m. on14.01.2010

  • Last date of purchase of PQB documents: 4.00 p.m. on21.01.2010
  • Last date of making enquiries on clarification

of PQB documents etc:4.00 p.m. on25.01.2010

  • Last date of submission of offer and input

containing sealed PQB document: 2.00p.m. on02.02.2010

  • Date of opening of received sealed PQB

documents in presence of intending bidders:3.00 p.m. on02.02.2010

III.Rights of PQB inviting authority:

The Executive Officer, Nabadiganta Industrial Township Authority reserve the right, without assigning any reason thereto which remains binding to all concernedto:

i)Disallow one, few or all applications received for obtaining PQB documents

ii)Cancel any one, few or all offers ( completed and submitted PQB documents)

iii)Bring changes in any one, few or all datelines, duly notified in time.

iv)Split the scope of work, at any stage or stages of processing the PQB documents.

IV :Intention of invitation of PQB :

The PQB offers are intended to select sufficient number of agencies of adequate qualifying eligible status among whom subsequent competitive tendering can be made for finalizing the proper agency/firm/concern, to be awarded with order, to execute and implement the work as in caption.

Each aspects included in the ‘Input Sheet’ has assigned Marks and Minimum Qualifying marks. On the basis of total marks obtained by each of the Bidder, NDITA shall enable itself to evaluate and assess the bidders.

After selection of band of eligible agencies/firms/concerns on the basis of PQB, Tenders thus receivedshall only be considered from them, when various issues, terms and conditions, detailed general and Special specifications, Earnest Money, Security deduction and other governing factors, shall duly be incorporated.

Executive Officer

Nabadiganta Industrial Township Authority

Memo No:930/NDITA/E-30/08Dated: 24.12.2009

Copy for information and necessary action, with request for arranging wide circulation of this Notice, to:

1The Chairman, NDITA.

2The Vice Cairman, NDITA.

3The Chief Engineer, Municipal Engineering Department, Bikash Bhavan.

4The Special Engineer, Urban Development Department, Sech Bhavan.

5The Sub-Divisional Officer, Bidhannagar, Moyukh Bhavan.

6The Secretary, Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority, Prashasan Bhavan.

7The Executive Officer, Bidhannagar Municipality, Pouro Bhavan.

8The Chief Technical Officer, NDITA

9The OSD (T)-I, NDITA.

10The OSD (T)-II, NDITA.

11The OSD (A)-II, NDITA.

12The Notice Board, NDITA.

13Publication in news dailies: (Anandabazar Patrika, Times of India, Ganashakti, Economic Times)

Executive Officer

Nabadiganta Industrial Township Authority

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