RFQ No:945

Role:Intranet Web developer Melbourne

Closing Date:10am 12th Feb 18

Contract: 1st Mar 18 to 3 months plus extns.

Write a summary of your brief

The successful provider will build a new staff intranet for TEQSA using SharePoint 2016. The new platform will incorporate the following features: document libraries, calendar of events, suggestions box, latest news, custom/smart search function, site map, media clips, and web analytics.

How long is the contract?

1st Mar 18 to 3 months plus extns

Where will the work take place?

TEQSA is located as Level 14, 530 Collins Street, Melbourne. The successful bidder can either work from TEQSA's offices or externally, meeting when required.

Who will the specialist work with?

You'll be working with the Assistant Director, Communications and the Webmaster/Designer (Engagement Group).

What will the specialist do?

Build a new staff intranet using SharePoint 2016 with the following features: document libraries, calendar of events, suggestions box, discussion forum, latest news, custom/smart search function, site map, media clips, and web analytics. The intranet must be adaptable to incorporate future team name changes, brand changes, be easy to maintain, secure and robust.

Any additional relevant information?

TEQSA is a small agency and has limited IT support. Our external website is hosted by govCMS and current Intranet by the Productivity Commission. The successful bidder will need to be able to provide advice on best practice and support, taking these factors into consideration.

Security Clearance



Name / First Name / <response>
Surname / <response>
Gender / <response>
Your mobile number / <response>
Your email / <response>
Date of birth / <response>
Home address / <response>
Availability / <response>
Rate (Excluding GST, Payroll Tax and Agency Fee) / Your Rate Excluding GST, Payroll Tax and Agency Fee>
Citizenship Status / Australian Permanent Resident Work Visa
Security Clearance / Clearance Level: / <response>
Date Granted: / <response>
Department: / <response>
Department contact: / <response>
Referee 1 / Name: / <response>
Professionals relationship to you:
Referee 2 / Name: / <response>
Professionals relationship to you:
Other Requirements / Applicants must have work visa rights


Please respond to the Essential Skills and experience and Nice to have Skills above. Max of 150 words per question. If more you will be asked to edit.

Essential skills and experience

  • Have extensive experience building intranets using Sharepoint 2016.
  • Respond within 150 words
  • Have excellent communications skills including the ability to discuss ideas, problems and solutions with non-IT professionals.
  • Respond within 150 words
  • Be able to create and apply CSS/templates/webskins.
  • Respond within 150 words
  • Have extensive knowledge of HTML and CSS.
  • Respond within 150 words

Nice-to-have skills and experience

  • Building websites/intranets in the federal government sector.
  • Respond within 150 words
  • Have broad knowledge of web accessibility (WCAG 2.0).
  • Respond within 150 words

Business Address: Unit 4, 15 Tench Street, Kingston. ACT 2604, Mailing address: Po.Box 153 Civic Square, ACT -2608,

Ph: 02 6108 3661, Fax: 02 6108 3662, E-mail: , ABN: 92 129 869 174