Health Education & Promotion – 2013 – 14 Mental Wellness Workplan

Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By December 31, 2013, implement a social marketing campaign related to the topic of 20-30 minute naps. / 1.  Assess marketing materials
2.  Create complete marketing plan
3.  Assess necessary IT needs for online materials and web resources
4.  Launch campaign and online materials
5.  Evaluate campaign / 1.  October
2.  September - October
3.  October
4.  November
5.  December - January / Health Educator (HE) & Student Assistant (SA) / Marketing efforts will include Aggie Ads, fliers, Facebook ads, posters, update to HEP website,. Other advertising TBD / Implementation plan, marketing materials, evaluation findings, final report. / 1. 
By March 31, 2014, implement a social marketing campaign related to the topic healthy sleep to UC Davis students. / 6.  Assess marketing materials
7.  Create complete marketing plan
8.  Assess necessary IT needs for online materials and web resources
9.  Launch campaign and online materials
10.  Evaluate campaign / 6.  December - January
7.  January
8.  January - February
9.  March
10.  March - April / HE & SA / Marketing efforts will include Aggie Ads, fliers, Facebook ads, posters, update to HEP website,. Other advertising TBD / Implementation plan, marketing materials, evaluation findings, summary of campaign. Addition of question in 2014 National College Health Assessment to gauge reach of healthy sleep message. / 2. 
By June 30 , 2014, finalize “Social Survival” (healthy relationships) booklet and distribute to the student population / 11.  Edit booklet and publish
12.  Work with Sarah Meredith at Campus Violence Prevention Program to distribute to first year students
13.  Coordinate with student centers (e.g. Cross Cultural Center, LGBT Resource Center, Student Recruitment & Retention Center, etc.) to distribute booklets
14.  Reach out to other student groups / 11.  July – September
12.  August – September
13.  October – December
14.  September - June / HE & SA / 3. 
By June 30, 2014, develop strategies to help to reduce stress among UC Davis students with a focus on institutional practice/policy and/or environmental management. / 15.  Review “Turn the Curve” (TTC) data from 2012-13 for any themes
16.  Plan “Turn the Curve” (TTC) meetings and include campus stakeholders, potential partners and student leaders.
17.  Hold at least 3 “Turn the Curve” meetings with students and/or staff
18.  Use findings from “Turn The Curve” meetings to create action plan and make recommendations for further efforts / 15.  October- November
16.  November – January
17.  January- February
18.  February -March / HE & SA / Summary of literature review, agenda and minutes from Turn the Curve meeting. Detailed summary of findings to support further efforts.
By June 30, 2013, collaborate with UC Office of the President and CAPS on the Student Mental Health Initiative / 19.  Meet and communicate with partners to determine HEP role in Student Mental Health Initiative
20.  Host CAPS Bystander Training for HEP Student Staff
21.  Host CAPS Bystander Training for HEP Volunteers
22.  Assist CAPS with promotion of National Depression Screening Day
23.  Assist CAPS with the development and implementation of mental health social marketing campaign messages and images / 19.  July – June
20.  September
21.  October – December
22.  October
23.  September – June
24.  September - June / HE, Polly Paulson, SA / TBD / Marketing materials, summary of findings from focus groups
By June 30, 2014, update UC Davis Nap Map on HEP website / 24.  Refine tools for volunteers to complete environmental scans regarding nap locations and parameters
25.  Use data from environmental scans to update Map
26.  Update Map on HEP website / 25.  January – February
26.  February – March
27.  April - May / SA / Updated card with top nap spots. Assistance with updating HEP website. / Updated Nap Map / 4. 
By June 30, 2014, collaborate with and provide technical assistance to campus partners providing direct mental health and other services to students. / 28.  Continue campus collaborations (e.g. ARC, SASC, Campus Unions, etc.) to establish needs and incorporate sleep and stress messages on campus
29.  Disseminate stress reduction materials to faculty and/or Teaching Assistants
30.  Continue to foster on-going partnerships with campus units and student organizations to infuse mental wellness messages, resources, materials, etc. / 27.  August - June
28.  August - September
29.  August - June / HE & SA / Written summary of collaborations
By June 30, 2014, increase student access to resources to decrease stress, increase happiness and/or sleep. / 31.  Research and identify stress management online programs
32.  Research and identify happiness resources
33.  Research and identify online sleep promotion programs.
34.  Create online resources on HEP website
35.  Collaborate with Project Happiness to host “7 Doors to Happiness” website on the HEP website
36.  Continue formative research on topic and viability of infusing messages on campus / 30.  October - June
31.  October – June
32.  January - February
33.  January - February
34.  September – October
35.  October – June / HE & SA / Written summary of research findings and documentation of web resources / 5. 

Goals for Mental Wellness

Increase the quantity of sleep and/or occurrence of optimal napping among students, increase students’ ability to cope with stress through increased positive self-regulation and better relationship skills, increase promotion of screening and referral opportunities for clinical mood and anxiety disorders, and design and implement population-level suicide primary prevention efforts with campus partners.


1.  Increase students’ strategies and skills to improve relationships.

2.  Increase the number of students who optimally nap.

3.  Increase the number of students who obtain adequate nighttime sleep.

4.  Increase students’ strategies and skills to reduce stress.

5.  Collaborate with other campus departments to increase awareness and access to screening and referral to services addressing clinical mood and anxiety disorders.

6.  Collaborate with other campus departments to plan and implement comprehensive suicide primary prevention efforts.

HEP:Health Ed:Work Plans:13-14:2013 - 14 Mental Wellness Workplan.docx

[1] Multi-year objectives as listed in Health Education & Promotion 2011-14 Strategic Plan