May 29, 1950
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Orem City Council held May 29, 1950 at 8:00 P.M. in the Orem City Hall. Present were Mayor J. W. Gillman; Councilmen Ralph Knight, E. J. Simmons, Thomas Jacob, Ray Loveless, and Clerk Orland E. Pyne. Councilman Edwards was out of the city. Mayor Gillman was in charge of the meeting. Also present were City Engineer Beckman, Building Inspector Wickman, and City Attorney Wentz.
Chief of Police Sterling Herding was present concerning a contract to besigned by the city between Orem City and the State Road Commission for installation, operation, and maintenance of five sodium vapor lights between 1700 and 1800 Southon the Highway, west side. The City Council has not been contacted with reference to the above installation to date and it was felt that serious consideration should be given the matter.
Dick Barnett and Don Swan, representing the Baseball Club, were present to ask the Council to give them some financial assistance in the operation of the summer baseball program. They stated that they were in need of$100 to purchase supplies. It was moved by Councilman Ralph Knight, seconded by Councilman E. J. Simmons and passed that the City Pay the club $100. This sum is to be taken from the miscellaneous fund. Motion was passed.
Clifton L. Pyne and Kenneth Ercanbrack of the Orem Riding Club were present to report the progress of plans on the coming annual celebration in June. Mr. Pyne stated that the Riding Club had met with the Civic Clubs in the City and they had agreed to cooperate with the Riding Club as far as concessions and such were concerned.
It was moved by Councilman Ralph Knight, seconded by Councilman Thomas A. Jacob and passed, that the Riding Club be given a lease on the land used by them on the city park for a period of the calendar years 1950 and 1951, and that the lease be drawn up by the city attorney.
Mr. Meyers of Lang Company was present to get permission to show film on sanitation fill. He was informed that the Council would meet with him on June 5that 7:00 P.M. and hear what he has to say and look at the film.
It was moved by Councilman E. J. Simmons, seconded by Councilman Thomas Jacob and passed that the gas line plat for extension on 800 West he approved; also that on 3rdNorth.
The State Road Commission has not to date made a decision on the widening of 800 SouthStreet. The Mayor reported that he had made arrangements for a flag to be raised at the cemetery and in the city park. Jesse Cordner has donated a flag to be used at the cemetery for Memorial Day.
It was moved by Councilmen Ralph W. Knight, seconded by Councilman E. J. Simmons and passed that Warburton Company be given permission to set up a concrete processing plant in Orem City, on a temporary basis.
Grant Thorn presented prices on road oil and chips. The city has purchased these materials from them in the past.
HyrumJohnson was present concerning the development of his proposed subdivision on 10thSouth. He has been unable to obtain a bond to guarantee the construction of streets within the subdivision. He was willing to give a mortgage on his home in Provo to the city if they would guarantee to complete the street and do so to the satisfaction of F.H.A.He also stated that he was willing to put up $350 in cash in escrow on each lot in his subdivision until the streets are completed. They said $350 is to be put up when the final payment is made by the loan company on the home, according to Mr. Johnson. The Council promised him a decision Wednesday morning, next. It was felt by the Council that Mr. Johnson should advance $700 for two homes, said money to be placed in escrow to the credit of the City.
It was moved by Councilman Ralph W. Knight that Mr. Johnson be requested to put up $350 per lot in advance on two lots at a time in Geneva Gardens, one on each side of the street, and that as soon as a block of homes have been completed the street construction is to be completed according to the requirement of the subdivision ordinance and based on the subdivision lot plan; also that a time limit of six months be observed after he excavates the basements. Motion seconded by Councilman E. J. Simmons and passed.
City Attorney Wentz presented a Completed license ordinance on electrical, plumbing and heating installation for consideration of the Council. Inasmuch as Councilman Jacob had to leave, it was impossible to pass the ordinance, due to lack of a quorum, so action was postponed until the next meeting.
Attorney Wentz reported on latest developments on the Alta Ditch and Orem City case. A stipulation has been drawn up by Mr. Wentz and is being considered by the Alta Ditch Company, and their attorney.
A letter was received from Rasmussen and Lowe informing the city that a mistake had been made in the description on the deed given to the city for a street by Blair Sorenson and that the deed recorded to the city was useless. Mr. Beckman was authorized to investigate the matter and report to the Council.
A meeting was called for Wednesday morning at 9:00 A. M.
Meeting adjourned.