ISS Curriculum Guide

2nd Grade – Math

Top 10 EC / ISS Learning Targets
(NCSCOS) / Priority
E, M I, N / Knowledge Targets / Reasoning Targets / Performance/ Skill Targets / Product Targets
Competency Goal 1: The learner will read, write, model, and compute with whole numbers thru 999
1.01 Develop number sense for whole numbers through 999.
1.01a - I can match number model, number word, and number.
(1.01a - Connect model, number word, and number using a variety of representations.) / E1 /
  • Use base ten blocks to show a number.
  • Use number words
  • Identify place values to the ones, tens, and hundreds.
Vocabulary:place value, number words, tally marks, base ten blocks
1.01b - I can read and write numbers.
(1.01b - Read and write numbers) / E1 /
  • Identify numbers and number words.
Vocabulary: digit /
  • Determine the difference between suffixes -ty and –teen.
  • Read number words.
  • Write numbers (digits).

1.01c - I can compare and order numbers.
(1.01c - Compare and order)
In 1st grade: only orders 3 numbers at a time. / E1 /
  • Identify number values.
Vocabulary: greater than, less than, equal to, more than, least, greatest, before, after. /
  • Ordering numbers.

1.01d - I can expand numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones.
(1.01d - Rename) / E1 /
  • Know place values.
  • Know groups of hundreds, tens, ones.
Vocabulary: left over, groups of, expanded form, standard form /
  • Compose and decompose numbers into hundreds, tens, and ones.

1.01e - I can figure out about how many objects I need to solve a problem.
(1.01e - Estimate) / E1&2 /
  • Know place values.
  • Know how to round to the nearest ten.
  • Illustrate the problem.
Vocabulary: about, fewer than, between. /
  • Predict how many objects will fit in a given space.
  • Use rounding rules to estimate.

1.01f - I can use a variety of models to build an understanding of place value ones, tens, hundreds.
(1.01f - Use a variety of models to build understanding of place values for ones, tens, hundreds) / E1 /
  • Identify tally marks.
  • Grouping by ones, tens, hundreds.
Vocabulary: tally, hundreds, tens, ones, place value / Organize base-10 blocks to make a number.
  • Model a number using base ten blocks.

1.02 Use area or region models and set models of fractions to explore part-whole relationships in context / Basic vocabulary: denominator, numerator, halves, thirds, fourths ,one whole, fraction, equal parts, whole number /
  • (see indicators pgs 20-36 for examples)

1.02a - I can use pictures and objects to model fractions in thirds, halves, and fourths.
(1.02 a - Represent fractions halves, thirds, fourths concretely and symbolically) / E2 / Vocabulary:,set, group, equal group, object
See basic vocabulary above /
  • Classify fractions by giving examples of ½, 1/3, and ¼.
  • Use pictures or draw fractions in thirds, halves, and fourths.
  • Model fractions in thirds, halves, and fourths.
  • .

1.02b - I can compare fractions using models of halves, thirds, and fourths.
(1.02b - Compare fractions halves, thirds, fourths using models) / E2 / Vocabulary: compare, halves, thirds, fourths, equivalent, equal, greater, less than, equal to
See basic vocabulary above /
  • Compare greater/ less than, equal to.
  • Use models to compare fractions halves, thirds, and fourths.

1.02c - I can show fractions in different ways.
(1.02c - Make different representations of the same fractions) / E2 / Vocabulary: , equivalent, equal groups, divide, set, object
See basic vocabulary above /
  • Match fraction word, number and model
  • Divide a set of objects or a single object into a given fraction

1.02d - I can put together different fractions to show a whole/set.
(1.02d - Combine fractions to describe parts of a whole) / E2 / Vocabulary: equivalent, equal groups, divide, set, object
See basic vocabulary above /
  • Combine fractions with different denominators.
  • Combine given parts to make one whole.

(1.03 - Create, model, and solve problems that involve addition, subtraction, equal grouping, and division in halves, thirds, and fourths-record in fraction form) / E1&2 /
  • Know math facts.
  • Recognize key words.
  • Identify steps for solving problems.
  • Solve problems using identified steps.
  • Determine key words to identify operation of problem.
  • Determine important information needed to solve problem.
  • Model (show work) with pictures, numbers, or words to solve problems.
  • Write story problems in addition, subtraction, equal grouping, and division into halves, thirds, and fourths.

1.03a- I can make, model and solve problems that involve addition. / 1.03a- Vocabulary:
Key words for addition: altogether, in all, total, sum
1.03b- I can make, model and solve problems that involve subtraction. / 1.03b- Key words for subtraction:
how many more, difference,
how many left, less than, fewer than
1.03c- I can make, model and solve problems that involve equal grouping. / 1.03c- Key words for multiplication: groups of, rows of
1.03d- I can make, model and solve problems that involve division into halves, thirds, and fourths- record in fraction form. / 1.03d Key words for division:
equal sharing, left over,
equal groups/shares, remainder
1.04 Develop fluency with mult-digit addition and subtraction thru 999 using multiple strategies
1.04a - I can use strategies for adding and subtracting.
(1.04a - Strategies for adding and subtracting numbers) / E1 /
  • Know basic facts.
  • Identify strategies for adding and subtracting mulit-digit numbers.
Vocabulary: more than, less than, altogether, solve, digit, addends, sum, ones, tens, hundreds, greater than, regroup, carry, borrow, difference, vertical, horizontal
Third grade request: introduce commutative property /
  • Apply strategies to solve. addition/subtraction multi-digit numbers.

1.04b - I can estimate sums and differences.
(1.04b - Estimation of sums and differences in appropriate situations) / E1 /
  • Know how to round.
  • Know how to estimate to nearest ten and hundred.
Vocabulary: about, sum, difference, estimate, rounding, check answers. /
  • Use rounding rules to estimate.

1.04c - I can use fact families to check my work.
(1.04c - Relationships between operations) / E1 /
  • Know math facts.
  • Know what a fact family is.
  • Know how to reverse operations to check answers.
Vocabulary: reverse, opposite, fact family. /
  • Determine reverse operation.
  • Use addition to check subtraction and subtraction to check addition.

1.05 - I can make and solve multi-step problems using a variety of strategies:
(1.05 - Create and solve problems using strategies such as modeling, composing and decomposing quantities, using doubles, and making tens and hundreds) / E2 /
  • Vocabulary: Know math facts.
  • Recognize key words, identify steps for solving problems, altogether, in all, total, sum, how many more, difference,
how many left, less than, fewer than, groups of, rows of, equal sharing, left over,
equal groups/shares, remainder /
  • Solve problems using identified steps.
  • Determine key words to identify multiple operations needed to solve problems.
  • Determine important information to solve problems.
  • Model (show work) with pictures, numbers, or words to solve problems.

1.06 - I can identify and tell why a number is odd or even.
(1.06 - Define and recognize odd and even numbers) / E1 /
  • Know odd and even numbers.
  • Know place value.
  • Skip count by twos.
  • Pairs and left over.
Vocabulary: odd, even, ones.

Key: E – Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 12/7/2018

1 – First Semester 2 – Second Semester 1&2 – All Year

ISS Curriculum Guide

2nd Grade – Math

Top 10 EC / ISS Learning Targets
(NCSCOS) / Priority
E, M I, N / Knowledge Targets / Reasoning Targets / Performance/ Skill Targets / Product Targets
Competency Goal 2: The learner will recognize and use standard units of metric and customary measurement.
2.01a - I can estimate and measure length using centimeters, meters, inches, feet, and yards.
(2.01a - Length-meters, centimeters, feet, inches, yards)
In 1st grade: Only required to use non-standard units for length, capacity and mass. / E2 /
  • Know how to use a ruler
  • Identify centimeters, inches, meters, feet and yards.
Vocabulary: estimate, measure, yard stick, meter stick, tape measure,length,meters, centimeters,feet,yard,inches,width,height,units,distance /
  • Estimate lengths by using the appropriate unit of measure
  • Choose the appropriate unit of measure
  • Measure objects using appropriate tool and unit of measure

2.01b - I can read a thermometer to tell temperature (Fahrenheit)
(2.01b - Temperature-Fahrenheit) / E2 /
  • Know how to count by 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s
Vocabulary: degrees, Fahrenheit, thermometer, temperature, Celsius /
  • Determine temperature on scales of ones , twos and fives
  • Read thermometer

2.02 - I can tell time to the five minutes.
(2.02 - Tell time at five-minute intervals)
In 1st grade: First grade does elapsed time for one and two hours, before and after the given time. / E1 /
  • Identify hour, minute hands.
  • Count by fives.
  • Identify clockwise.
  • Know 60 minutes in an hour.
  • Write analogue time (hour:minute 2 digits)
Vocabulary: quarter till/after, half past, hour hand, minute hand, analog, digital, half hour, clockwise, counterclockwise, later, earlier.
Third grade tip: continue elapsed time. /
  • Determine the correct time to the nearest five minutes.

Key: E – Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 12/7/2018

1 – First Semester 2 – Second Semester 1&2 – All Year

ISS Curriculum Guide

2nd Grade – Math

Top 10 EC / ISS Learning Targets
(NCSCOS) / Priority
E, M I, N / Knowledge Targets / Reasoning Targets / Performance/ Skill Targets / Product Targets
Competency Goal 3: The learner will perform simple transformations.
3.01 – I can Combine shapes to create another shape.
(3.01 - Combine simple figures to create a given shape) / E2 /
  • Know names of shapes.
Vocabulary: pattern block, parallelogram, trapezoid, hexagon, rhombus, triangle, square, rectangle, vertices, sides, faces /
  • Determine which shapes to use to make a new shape.
  • Assemble shapes to create a new shape.

3.02 - I can tell how two- and three-D shapes are different when cut and rearranged.
(3.02 - Describe the change in attributes as two- and three- dimensional figures are cut and rearranged) / E2 /
  • Know 3-dimensional shapes.
Vocabulary: cube, cylinder, cone, rectangular prism, pyramid, sphere, solid shape, plane shape,2 dimensional, 3 dimensional, stack, roll, slide /
  • Distinguish similarities and differences in changes of shapes (after being cut and rearranged)

3.03a - I can identify and make a symmetric shape.
(3.03a - Identify and make symmetric figures) / E2 /
  • Recognize symmetrical shapes.
  • Identify shapes that have more than one line of symmetry.
Vocabulary:symmetry, line of symmetry, symmetric, symmetric figures. /
  • Sort symmetrical from nonsymmetrical shapes.
  • Dissect shape with the appropriate line of symmetry.

3.03b - I can identify and make a congruent shape.
(3.03b - Identify and make congruent figures) / E2 /
  • Recognize congruent figures.
  • Identify shapes that are congruent when rotated, flipped, or slid.
Vocabulary:congruent, “same size, same shape”,rotate, flip, slide, similar /
  • Sort congruent from non-congruent shapes.
  • Draw or make a congruent shape.

Key: E – Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 12/7/2018

1 – First Semester 2 – Second Semester 1&2 – All Year

ISS Curriculum Guide

2nd Grade – Math

Top 10 EC / ISS Learning Targets
(NCSCOS) / Priority
E, M I, N / Knowledge Targets / Reasoning Targets / Performance/ Skill Targets / Product Targets
Competency Goal 4: The learner will understand and use data and simple probability concepts.
(4.01 - Collect, organize, describe, and display data using Venn diagrams-three sets-and pictographs where symbols represent multiple units-2’s, 5’s, and 10’s) / E2
E1 /
  • Describe data.
  • Organize data.
  • Analyze data to answer questions.
  • Collect data.
  • Create:
  • Venn diagram
  • Pictograph

4.01a I can collect, organize, describe and show data using a v enn diagram (3 circles) / Vocabulary for Venn Diagram: venn diagram, attributes, compare and contrast, only, both, and
  • Know how to count by 2s, 5s, and 10s

4.01b I can collect, organize, describe and show data using pictographs (represents twos, fives, and tens) / Vocabulary for Pictograph:
Key, pictograph, represents, table, How many altogether?, How many more?
4.02 - I can conduct, make predictions, and describe the results on probability experiments.
(4.02 - Conduct simple probability experiments; describe the results and make predictions) / E2 /
  • Describe the results.
  • Understand chance.
Vocabulary: certain, random, chance, impossible, possible, most/least likely, probably, unlikely,probability /
  • Make predictions based on chance using spinners or objects on a bag.
  • Conduct probability experiments.

Key: E – Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 12/7/2018

1 – First Semester 2 – Second Semester 1&2 – All Year

ISS Curriculum Guide

2nd Grade – Math

Top 10 EC / ISS Learning Targets
(NCSCOS) / Priority
E, M I, N / Knowledge Targets / Reasoning Targets / Performance/ Skill Targets / Product Targets
Competency Goal 5: The learner will recognize and represent patterns and simple mathematical relationships.
5.01 - I can identify and continue repeating and growing patterns.
(5.01 - Identify, describe, translate, and extend repeating and growing patterns) / E1 /
  • Identify and describe the patterning unit.
Vocabulary: pattern, continue, repeating ,growing /
  • Continue pattern.
  • Discriminate the difference between repeating patterns and growing patterns.

5.02a - I can write addition and subtraction number sentences to show a story problem.
5.02b - I can use symbols to show unknown numbers.
(5.02 –Write addition and subtraction number sentences to show a story; use symbols to represent unknown quantities) / E2 /
  • Math facts
  • Strategies for problem solving.
  • Know fact families.
  • Review key words for problem solving (obj. 1.03)
Vocabulary: number sentence, unknown /
  • Determine the appropriate number sentence for a story problem.
  • Identify the missing piece of information.
  • Use a number model to represent a story problem.
  • Use symbols to represent unknown quantities

Tips from Curriculum Review Week:

~ Don’t forget to use the Indicators for examples of problems for each objective.

~ From the ISS webpage: ~Departments, ~Elementary Education, ~DPI Quick Links, ~Math Resources, ~Math Instructional Resources K-2 Resources, ~Second Grade Indicators.

~ The highlighted/italics are the results from vertical alignment with first and third grades.

Key: E – Essential M – Maintenance I – Important N – Nice to Know 12/7/2018

1 – First Semester 2 – Second Semester 1&2 – All Year