SEPTEMBER 01, 2016

(Recorded for Transcription Purposes Only)

Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Roll Call – Chair Booth called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was said at the previous meeting. Those Present: Supervisors Roland Anderson, John Wulff, Arlene Schmit, Greg Booth, Yvette Adelman-Dullinger and Clerk/Treasurer, Faith Broberg. Sign-In Sheet Attached.

Agenda: Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.

Clerk/Treasurer’s Report:

Minutes Regular Board Meeting 08-18-2016 – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.

August 2016 Financial Balances – Supervisor Wulff moved to table the financials to the next Board meeting on September 15, 2016, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.

Public Input – None at this time.

Old Business/Reports


Bryan Drown Road Projects Report – 125th Street – Bituminous 2” Above the Shoulder. Bryan Drown has checked this with his inspector and there isn’t a full 2’ width where it is up against the bank. The shoulder got squeezed in a bit and with one of the rain events, there might be some erosion. It will probably need 1 (one) cubic yard of material. Bryan said the inspector feels that with the rains, it probably happened after the road was completed.

Dan Suma, of Tri-City Paving checked on the “wave” in the pavement and he thinks that it happened as the bituminous was laid down with just one swath. The Board discussed this issue that maybe the road would straighten out over time. The Board would like him to come to a meeting and give them his recommendation for this road.

Bryan also asked if the Board was planning on doing any paving next year. If they are, he would like to know so that the survey work could be done yet this year before the snow. Various roads were discussed. Barnett Road SW –the cul du sac would need some work – and surveyed. The Township would need an easement from MPL. The Township could do a hammerhead turnaround. We would also have to check with the neighbor to the south.

Supervisor Wulff moved to authorize Bryan to go ahead using our road specs, and come up with a turnaround and description to send to MPL to see if they would be agreeable to giving us an easement for Barnett Road SW, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried.

Bryan will survey where the existing road goes and get a description for a hammerhead turnaround and for the easement we would need from MPL.

43rd Avenue SW and Crow Wing Circle SW – Supervisor Anderson asked Bryan where we stand on the repair work needed for 43rd Avenue SW and Crow Wing Circle SW. Bryan explained that the agreement is in place with both Anderson Brothers signing and Chair Booth signing. Bryan hasn’t heard anything regarding a schedule.

Road Supervisors Report – Supervisor Anderson presented a list of roads (08-01-2016 thru 08-31-2016) where there was storm damage and roads that need work done.

Wild Parsnip – at the District 11 meeting Supervisor Anderson learned that we need to be aware of Wild Parsnip (a very bad weed) that we have in our road ditches. So we are mowing the full width of our road ditches and can usually get rid of it after 2 (two) years of mowing.

HSEM – Supervisor Anderson attended this meeting at Lake Shore and brought back the forms that will need to be filled out; Debris Removal, Road and Bridge System, and Water Control. We are working on Lower Sylvan and Sylvan Lane for water damage and we need $3,100.00 in damages to make a claim.

13th Avenue Repair Work – Estimate from Holmvig Excavating – Supervisor Anderson believes we should get our Class 5 for this work out of the Roth Pit which will probably save us a few thousand dollars as it is closer to 13th Avenue SW.

Shouldering Material – problem is that with the heavy rains the shouldering is washing out.

District 11 Meeting – Supervisors Anderson and Adelman-Dullinger attended this meeting and talked with the MAT Attorney. They found out that;

1.  A Supervisor cannot bid on a Township job and

2.  Also has to be an Engineered Project for re-building the Park pavilion.

45th Avenue SW – Shared Road with May Township. Supervisors Anderson and Adelman-Dullinger talked with Dave Horn, Chair of the May Township Board of Supervisors regarding vacating 45th Avenue SW. They also discussed compensation from the Railroad and that we should also ask for more money for closing the railroad crossing. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger had written up an agreement which included asking May Township for financial assistance for re-opening the causeway.

Spotted Knapweed – Chair Booth had talked with Kelly Condiff, Cass County Environmental Services- regarding Spotted Knapweed, another bad weed. It grows where the soil is compacted – like gravel pits, approaches, etc. The recommendation for this is to not mow it as that would spread it. On Kelly’s recommendation, Chair Booth used a biological control (beetles) which go down to the roots as a method of getting rid of the weed.

Hardy Lake Road – Mowing - Supervisor Anderson reported that there is Jack Pine trees in the Road Right-of-Way and they are still small enough that we can use a brush hog and cut them down, otherwise in a few years we will have to send out brushing letters. The Supervisors said to go ahead and get them cut now.

Road Pictures –

Showed different pictures of the storm damage.

Lower Sylvan – recycled asphalt washout. Vegetation holds the best on the shoulders.

Sylvan Lane – washout was 12’ long at the intersection going north.

Driveway installed on Lower Sylvan Road – the berm was 7’ high and the property owner drew up a plan and followed the Town Board’s conditions.

Turkey Farms – shows power pole that broke.

E. Gull Lake – Fire – heavy damage at home.

13th Avenue SW – Repair of this road –has been put on hold.

Barriers – the Township received a quote for 10 road barrier panel reflectors at $88.50/each for $885.00. Supervisor Wulff will continue do so some research.

Planning Commission (PC) –

PC Liaison – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger reported that there will be a variance site visit on Sept. 6, 2016. This is to expand a non-conforming residence on Iris Lane SW, located 35 feet from the river with a 12 feet x 16 feet addition/7 feet x 21 x 17 feet deck to be located no closer to the river than the existing residence.

District 11 Meeting – Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger reported on information that they received at this meeting regarding;

·  Grants – 218-454-4078

·  MAT – Legislative Research – Sept. 21,22

·  Annual Conference is Nov. 17-19

·  Social Vulnerability Index – website to check out.

Letters to Residents for Outdoor Sales – After discussion it was decided to hold these letters and put an article in the Newsletter.

Conditional Use Permit Fee – Amendment- Chad Knutson’s Application

The fees for an amendment to commercial permits is listed as $50.00. There isn’t an established fee for an amendment to an existing conditional use permit which would require a public hearing.

Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger suggested charging the cost of the Public Hearing.

There was discussion on charging $50 plus the cost of the Public Hearing.

After discussion on existing fees, Chair Booth suggested charging a flat fee this time of $250.00 and work on establishing amendment fees to a Conditional Use Permit at a future date. Another question was if the Township would be paying for ½ of the public hearing and then George and Chad split the cost of the other half of the public hearing.

Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger believes we should charge whatever the fee is and if we, as a Board, can get more done at a meeting, then that is to our benefit. Chair Booth agrees because some public hearings take longer and more residents are present for discussion.

There was discussion on public hearing costs and that they vary with different public hearings depending on the number of letters and postage that is needed, plus publishing costs and posting expenses, and for the Board to sit at the public hearing.

Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger feels we should charge $50 more than the actual public hearing costs. We charge $250 for a commercial permit and $500 for escrow that would go towards paying for the public hearing costs. The same fees are charged for a conditional use permit.

Chair Booth moved to wait to send a bill for the CUP amendment after the public hearing costs have been figured, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger. Each applicant will pay $250 flat fee plus the cost of the Public Hearing which will include the full Board. Both applicants will pay $750.00. The question was called and the motion carried.

Township’s Septic Inspection – the Septic Inspector, Aaron Kellerman could not find the drain field. A copy of the Township’s Septic System was found and the Clerk will email that to Mr. Kellerman and ask him to re-inspect.

New Business-

Newsletter – It was decided that the articles will be in by September 23, 2016 and the draft will be email out by the 5th of October and the Board will have the draft for proofreading at their meeting on October 6th. Some articles to be included are: Notice of Election, PC Update and “Not Lining up Merchandise Along State Hwy 210.”

45th Avenue – Shared Road with May Township - Public Information Meeting – discussion on meeting with May Township to discuss the closing of the railroad crossing at 45th Avenue SW. We should set up an information meeting with both Townships and the representative from the railroad.

In the letter to May Township, we can give a couple of dates for a Joint Meeting – October 27th with alternate date of October 24 at Sylvan Town Hall at 7:00 PM and invite BNSF. If we find out which date, we could put it in newsletter.

127th Street SW – Supervisor Anderson has been checking into 127th Street SW looking for a place to install the Township’s Welcome sign.

Other Township Business

Correspondence –

Century Line – working on the west side of Hardy Lake Road.

Sharon Anderson – Election Emergency Plan – Chair Booth would like his cell number added to the plan.

MNCORR – Open House Invite – Sept. 14, 2016 12:00 PM – 3 P.M.

MN Tap – Seminars available

Cass County ASSN of Townships Fall Conference- Thursday, October 6, 2016 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Hackensack, Bear Pause Theater. Supervisor Wulff moved to authorize the Board’s attendance and the Clerk will post this meeting, seconded by Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger and the motion carried.

Cass County Economic Development Corp – Annual Meeting, Thursday, October 13, 2016 5:00 PM – 8:15 PM at Chase on the Lake.

Public Input – None at this time.

Review Claims – Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the payroll checks #21939 thru #21948 for a total of $4,132.13 and the claims checks #21949 thru #21965 for $9,561.79 for a grand total of $13,693.92, seconded by Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.

Landscaping – Supervisor Schmit reported that Dave Johnson, PC Chair will be “fluffing up” the dirt that was added. Supervisor Schmit will then add the grass seed and the pavers. She would also like to get the tree planted now so that we don’t have to dig up the grass to plant it. They will wait and see when it is good for Dave and then notify everyone by email. There was discussion whether this work is volunteer or if the Board and PC members would get paid. Supervisor Adelman-Dullinger thought we were getting paid as the Township was going to pay to have someone do the landscaping but they had decided that they would do the work themselves.

It was also discussed that those who used their equipment should get reimbursed for gas used.

Minnesota State Flag – Supervisor Anderson won a Minnesota State Flag at the District 11 Meeting and our Maintenance Man, Lee Shade will purchase clips to add the flag below the American Flag.

Adjournment – Supervisor Anderson moved to adjourn, seconded by Supervisor Schmit and the motion carried with the meeting adjourning at 9:05 PM.

Minutes submitted by,


Faith C. Broberg, Clerk/Treasurer Chair, Greg Booth

Supervisor Wulff moved to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by

Supervisor Anderson and the motion carried.

Amendments: Page 3 Sylvan Lane – remove “with Lower Sylvan Road” and add going north.


09-01-2016 Regular Board of Supervisors Meeting Page 3