Hymns and Songs for consideration relating to disability themes
These are listed under the chapter headings from the book Enabling Church by Gordon Temple with Lin Ball, SPCK (2012) - available in print from Through the Roof and also from Torch Trust in braille, giant print and DAISY audio formats
'Health warning'
Selection of hymns and songs relating to disability themes or for use in disability focussed services is not easy. As has been vigorously articulated by Prof John Hull on many occasions, the hymnology can seem pretty unhelpful and unsympathetic to disabled people with its frequent use of blindness and deafness as metaphors for ignorance and sinfulness, sometimes patronising language and common linkages between sin and disease and healing and faith. Some of the hymns and songs listed here have language which to a greater or lesser degree is wanting in these respects, and they need to be selected thoughtfully and used in contexts where appropriate understanding and response are stimulated.
HTC = Hymns for Today’s Church; MP = Mission Praise; SoF = Songs of Fellowship; WT = Worship Today, HON = Hymns Old and New (++ alternatives have not been researched)
Chapter 1: Knowing we are made in God's image
All heaven declares (SoF 10; WT 7; HON 14)
I’m accepted (SoF 229; HON 239)
In Christ there is no east or west (HTC 322; HON 244)
Let there be love (MP 137; SoF 329; WT 260; HON 299)
The earth is the Lord’s (SoF 528; WT 396)
When I needed a neighbour (SoF 1604; WT 464; HON 548)
Chapter 2: Fearfully and wonderfully made
Change my heart, O God (MP 321, SoF 58; WT 55)
In my life, Lord (MP 105; SoF 242; WT 210)
Jesus, stand among us (HTC 364; WT 243; HON 275)
Father, hear the prayer we offer (MP 130, HON 120)
Because he lives (MP 52 ++)
At even. ere the sun was set (MP 43; HON 43)
Chapter 3: Standing up for justice
Blessed is your name (SoF 1193)
For the beauty of the earth (HTC 298; SoF 112; HON 137)
The King is among us (MP 222; SoF 532; WT 400; HON 483)
Hail to the Lord's anointed (MP 204; HON 193)
Make way, make way (MP 457; HON 329)
I'll praise my Maker (MP 320 ++)
Chapter 4: Experiencing God in togetherness
A new commandment (MP 283; SoF 22; WT 1; HON 4)
Bind us together (SoF 43; WT 40; HON 60)
Jesus put this song into our hearts (MO 457; SoF 299; HON 275)
There’s a quiet understanding (MP 233; SoF 546)
Father, I place into your hands (MP 133; HON 121)
Chapter 5: Entering the Gate called Beautiful
As we are gathered (MP 13; SoF 28; WT 24; HON 24)
Bind us together (HTC S4, WT 40)
For I’m building a people of power (MP 50; SoF111; WT 95; HON 135)
Jesus, stand among us (SoF 303; WT 243; HON 279)
Open our eyes, Lord (MP 545 ++)
Chapter 6: Living with diversity
Lord, make me an instrument ( MP 144; SoF 360; WT 276)
Make me a channel of your peace (MP 153; SoF 381; HON 328)
Brother, sister, let me serve you (SoF 54; WT 48; HON 73)
Beauty for brokenness (SoF 664; WT 37)
An army of ordinary people (MP 32 ++)
Chaper 7: Going to the great banquet
Blest be the tie (MP 311; SoF 49)
Filled with compassion (SoF 716)
Rejoice! (Christ is in you) (MP 572; SoF 480)
There’s place where the streets shine (SoF 1041)
Look also for songs/hymns written by John Bell and Geraldine Latty that have social justice themes.