CCE Team Meeting
HK 115 – 9 am
Present:Carolyn, Char, Dal. Dawn, Jane, Kacie, KathyPreshess, Michael, Wendy
Invitation for Agenda additions
Quick announcements
1)Greg Martin is on Perkins grant He will be sailing to Wake Island and returning sometime in March
2)Michael “Mike” Roth will start on January 26thas Food Service Coordinator for Char
3)Aziel will be placed back into Alu Like due to the decrease in student contact (the small amount of students seeking them) and the amount of time she spends here
4)On January 29th the DOL of the WIA ACT will do their Oahu presentation; coordinators, Carolynn, Kathy, and all of us are invited, if available, to go to McKinley High School from 9:30am to 4pm- DOE partners with them; Michael will forward the letter from John Morton’s ACT and how it will impact funding- the big change with ACDT is School for Adults and remedial help
5)February 12 & 13 approximately 27-35 people will be attending the UHCC Coordinators’ and DOCET meeting; 2/12- DOCET training in LLC with Allison Rossett training - KCC & Coordinators, course reviews; 2/13- UHCC coordinators only meeting in LCC; DOCET meeting in Kuhina 106. If you would like to volunteer your help, please see Jamie or Wendy
6)For CCE team meetings- it was decided to meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month starting on February 18th at 1pm, brown bag- frequency of meetings still to be determined; suggestions were to have potluck lessened; agenda will remain the same
7)For Coordinator meetings- is was decided to meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1pm
Front Office
1)Reminder to Coordinators and CCE staff – send in facility use forms, course and section forms early. Make sure you have a room before sending in the forms
2)Front office will work with Carolyn to discuss another solution in getting the information to both marketing and front office
3)Front office says work flow is still good, execution of getting these forms in a timely manner needs work
Note: Coordinators and staff need to get HR paperwork, travel requests, and requisitions to Wendy as requested 4-6 weeks prior to hiring/recruitment, travel, and purchases in order to process through the Business Office who requires 3-4 weeks lead time.
Carolynn will be helping Bonnie (WCC’s marketing and public relations director) due to the departure of Peter Owens, so please schedule your work ahead of time
Coordinator Programs
1)240 ServSafe students- they are scrambling to obtain parent signatures for Hakipu students; Alu Like with 10 students due to email blast
2)March 1st extra spending – free to students with Hawaiian ancestry – Alu Like will pick-up tuition for cost
3)1stWex student, Joseph – he’s also student assistant for Food Service; he is with Alu Like’s Work Experience - pays minimum wage; Alu Like is the employer, WCC is the vendor; he works up to 30 hours/week, his start date is January 30th
1)Hiring student help – 4 afternoons
2)Has 334 students for SNAP
1)2nd module at Waiawa – Electrical and Plumbing through DPS
2)Video taping coming up in the summer
3)New opportunity in Dogs and Soft skills for training dogs (if you can take care of yourself, you can train dogs), dogs as therapists
4)Intro of PV – class did not run
1)Halawa prison ends Friday; Waiawa ends February 4th; Women’s Correctional will start on February 2nd – 14 inmates registered
2)Times Supermarket to go in April
1)New class started yesterday with 10 students- Lehua is teaching the class
CCE calendar review
1)Online course delivery- video, video conference; canvas courses
Purpose for outreach
2)Hakuoh University Handbell Choir will be here for their annual concerts, Tuesday February 17th at 7pm, Paliku Theatre
Next meeting on February 18th
Meeting adjourned at 10:07am