The questionnaire is divided into the following:
Part A: Contact and Company Details
Part B: Information Checklist
Part C is divided into 5 separate sections, those being:
· Energy
· Water
· Waste Management
· Local policies/Purchasing / Distribution / Packaging
· Production / Process/ Material Use
It should take less than 15 minutes to complete
Space has been provided at the end of each section for any comments or further information that you would like to provide.
Findings will be returned to each company and subsequent free on-site consultation may be available for interested companies.
All information will be treated as completely confidential.
Part A: Contact and Company Details
Tel: Fax: E-mail:
No. of Employees:
Shift Details:
Permits or Licenses
(e.g. waste, air, water):
Environmental Standards
(e.g. EMS, EMAS, ISO):
Site Specifics:
Number of buildings:
Area of buildings:
Age of buildings:
No. of fleet vehicles:
Part B: Information Checklist
Type of information
/ NotAvailable / Needs Updating
Process Information
Site MapProcess flow diagram
Equipment list & specifications
Annual Accounting Information (Costs & quantities)
EnergyWater & wastewater
Waste disposal
Operation & maintenance
Raw Material and Product Information
Product inventoriesMaterial safety data sheets (MSDS)
Other Useful Information
Benchmarking Data*Environmental policies/programmes
Internal Audits:
· Water
· Waste
· Energy
* Benchmarking data refers to business information which can be compared with similar information from other businesses in your sector. For example, sales per floor area.
Part C: Aspects Checklist
Yes / No / N/A*1. Can you identify the main points (areas, processes, machines) at which the majority of energy is consumed?
2. Are electricity bills analysed for unexplained peaks in use?
3. Have measures been identified to reduce energy consumption?
4. Has the possibility of using electricity generated from renewable energy sources been considered?
5. Have you a policy of buying high energy rated equipment only?
6. Are lighting and other fixtures turned off during periods of inactivity or fitted with timers?
7. Are energy and heating controls (thermostats, timers, etc.) checked regularly?
8. Is there a regular maintenance schedule for the main energy consuming points e.g. areas, machines, boilers (boiler efficiency check), motors, air compressors, etc?
9. Have buildings been analysed for increased energy/heat efficiency, e.g. insulation, leak sealing, improved lighting?
10. Has an energy awareness campaign been undertaken e.g. staff training?
* - Not Applicable
Additional comments:
Yes / No / N/A*1. Is water supply at the site metered?
2. Do you check the water readings for unexplained peaks in use?
3. Are control devices used on site to minimise water usage e.g. timers, water flow restrictors, solenoid valves, temperature regulators?
4. Can you identify water consumption according to usage i.e. volume used for processing, large users etc.?
5. Are water pumps and pipes checked on a regular basis for leaks, deterioration and efficiency?
6. Can water used for cleaning be reduced (e.g. by brushing an area before rinsing, using rainwater etc.)?
7. Has there been staff awareness training regarding water usage?
8. Have you identified measures that could be implemented to reduce water consumption?
9. Do polluting substances come into contact with water during use?
10. Have you considered reusing water, e.g. by using a cooling plant rather than once-through cooling?
* - Not Applicable
Additional comments:
Waste Management
Yes / No / N/A*1. Is the volume of waste generated measured and recorded regularly?
2. Have the main waste sources been identified?
3. Are the waste streams separated at source?
4. Are recyclable materials being sent for recycling?
5. Do you require validation from your waste contractor e.g. a waste license?
6. Have ways of avoiding or minimising waste at source been examined?
7. Can any of the waste streams, in their present or refined form, be reused internally e.g. Paper or cardboard?
8. Do you return any unused materials directly to the supplier?
9. Have waste streams been assessed for hazardous content?
10. Are common hazardous wastes (e.g. fluorescent bulbs, batteries) disposed of correctly i.e kept separately and disposed of through a proper channel?
* - Not Applicable
Additional comments:
Local Policies, Purchasing, Distribution & Packaging
Yes / No / N/A*1. Have you specific policies set out that promote the Dingle area with regard to the Irish language, culture, and local amenities?
2. Do you actively try to source supplies from your locality and are these given priority?
3. Are environmental matters considered when purchasing goods or services?
4. Are products that exhibit eco-labels, environmental labels or energy labels given priority over standard products when purchasing?
5. Are suppliers required to provide environmental information on their company and products?
6. Has the option to lease equipment as opposed to buying it been considered (e.g. photocopier)?
7. Would it be possible to purchase some equipment / stock with neighbouring/local companies which might cut down on packaging and costs?
8. Are suppliers encouraged to minimise packaging?
9. Is incoming packaging material reused or recycled?
10. Are any purchases provided in re-used, returned or refilled packaging?
11. Have you identified any measures for reducing the amount of packaging used for deliveries e.g. packing loose or in bulk?
12. Are packaging materials used for products and if so are they of a recyclable material or from sustainable or reused sources?
13. Can products be supplied in re-usable, returnable or refillable packaging?
* - Not Applicable
Additional comments:
Production / Process /Material Use
Yes / No / N/A*1. Has a prevention programme ever been developed to identify and eliminate sources of pollution and reduce costs? (Prevention is identifying the source of a waste and fixing it at the start rather than managing it afterwards (recycling))
2. Has the process been reviewed or changed since production began i.e. improved space efficiency, reduced internal transport, more efficient equipment?
3. Has an input-output balance ever been completed for the site?
4. Is there a regular maintenance schedule for leaks e.g. of compressed air or water?
5. Is any waste or by-product re-used within the facility e.g. paper, cardboard, plastic?
6. Do any material inputs come from renewable, recyclable or reused sources?
7. Are the number of material types minimised i.e. is the same material used at different stages in the process?
8. Has the concept of using waste generated from other businesses ever been considered or vice versa?
9. Is the use of hazardous materials avoided or minimised?
10. Are hazardous materials stored separately in designated areas?
* - Not Applicable
Additional comments: