Maria Travers de Paniagua

Energy Law

Professor: Alan Palmiter

Research Assignment.

December 21, 2012.



Nicaragua is strategically located in the heart of the Americas: it is located at the center of the Central American that forms a land bridge between North and South America. It is bordered on its eastern and western shores by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is the largest country in Central America with a territory of approximately 130,600 square kilometers.

Nicaragua offers a wide range of investment opportunities in the energy. Because of its richness of natural resources, the country has a potential of approximately 4,500 MW for renewable energy generation from geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, wind energy and biomass.

Nicaragua Government.

Nicaragua is a democratic republic made up of four branches of government and the government system is ruled by the 1987 Political Constitution. The current President is Daniel Ortega Saavedra, who was elected in November 2011. The Vice President is Omar Halleslevens Acevedo.

Government’s Branch.

  • Executive Branch.The President is the Head of State, elected for a 5 year period, and the Commander in Chief of the nation’s Defense and Security Forces.
  • Legislative Branch.Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly, composed of 92 representatives elected by universal suffrage or a five year period.
  • Electoral Branch.This power is constituted by the Supreme Electoral Council, composed of judges appointed by the National Assembly, through short lists proposed by the President of the Republic for a five year period. This is the organ responsible for organizing national, regional and municipal elections.
  • Judiciary Branch.The highest judiciary power is the Supreme Court, composed of sixteen judges nominated by the National Assembly.

In addition, Nicaragua has 3 state institutions, 13 ministries and 26 decentralized entities.

Administratively, Nicaragua is divided into 15 departments and two autonomous regions with 153 municipalities.


By the end of the year 1990, the Law of the Electric Industry (Law 272) was approved in Nicaragua. This Law segmented the electric industry into three activities:

  • The generation segment:Open to competition where more than 80 percent of the generating agents are private companies. The generation of energy has grown at an annual rate of 5 percent. The following chart lists all the companies that are currently generating energy in Nicaragua.
  • Transmission System:the State of Nicaragua through its National Electric Transmission Company (ENATREL), which manages the National Interconnection System (SIN) in conjunction with the National Center of Power Dispatch (CNDC), operates it. The National Transmission System contains approximately 1,923.64 kilometers of transmission lines that are property of the State and 90.78 kilometers of transmission lines that are owned by private generating companies.
  • Distribution System:Privatized in 2000, UNION FENOSA (of Spanish origin) obtained a distribution concession of the majority of the national territory. Union Fenosa was recently bought and is now named Gas Natural. Additionally, in 2008 the Government of Nicaragua acquired 16 percent of the company’s stock.

Ministry of Energy and Mines. We are an institution that has among other responsibilities to formulate, propose, coordinate and implement the Strategic Plan and Public Policy Energy Sector, Geological Resources, Mineral Resources, Geothermal Resources, Hydropower Resources and Hydrocarbons and manage the operation and administration of the state companies operating in the energy sector.

Mission.Develop, establish, conduct and promote energy and mining policy of the country, promoting their development with environmental sustainability criteria and sustainability, and to monitor and verify compliance in line with current legislation, legal certainty for all economic actors and establishment of strategies for the comprehensive utilization of resources for the generation of electricity for the benefit of society.

Vision.Consolidate leadership in the energy, mining and hydrocarbons, including electrification and promotion of investment in the rural sector, facilitating conditions towards promoting domestic and foreign investment to the country's development and improvement in the level of life of the population.

Investment Opportunities on Geothermal Energy.

Nicaragua offers a wide range of investment opportunities in the energy sector. Due to its richness in natural resources, the country has a potential of approximately 4,500 MW for energy generation from renewable sources distributed by geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, solar and biomass.

Geothermal Potential:The geothermal potential in Nicaragua, the largest in Central America, is linked to the regional geological context related to the Cocos and Caribbean tectonic plates. This has given rise to the volcanic mountain range “Los Maribios”, which run parallel to the Pacific Coast and is composed of volcanoes, crater-lakes and volcanic craters, composed of extensive areas of hydrothermal activity that indicate a strong presence of magma.

In total, these areas represent an approximate capacity of energy generation of almost 1,500 MW.

Geothermal Areas under concession and generating energy:

  • Momotombo Geothermal Field - 28.5 MW.
  • San Jacinto Tizate Geothermal Field - 9.2 MW (At this moment, exploration works are being developed to increase the generation capacity of the field to up to 72 MW).

Geothermal Areas in Exploration phase:

  • El Hoyo-Monte Galán – expected generation capacity of 200 MW.
  • Casita – San Cristóbal - expected generation capacity of 225 MW.

Geothermal Potential.

Name of the Geothermal Area / Potential (MW) / Level of Study
Managua Chiltepe / 150 / Prefeasibility
Mombacho / 111.5 / Prefeasibility
Caldera de Apoyo / 153 / Prefeasibility
Telica-El Ñajo / 78 / Prefeasibility
Caldera de Masaya / 99 / Prefeasibility
Tipitapa / 9 / Prefeasibility
VolcánCosigüina / 106 / Recognition
Isla de Ometepe / 146 / Recognition
TOTAL / 852.5 MW

Geothermal Energy in Nicaragua.

Legal Framework.

  • Law for the Exploration and Exploitation of Geothermal Resources and it’s Reforms (Law 443)

The Ministry of Energy and Mines is entitled to invite domestic or foreign investors, so that through direct negotiation they may be granted concessions for exploration and exploitation of geothermal resources.

Concession for Exploration.

The exploration contract has a duration of no more than three years, with extensions up to 2 years. The granted exploration area is 100 km2.

Concession for Exploitation.

The holder of an exploitation concession will own the electricity produced by the geothermal steam, while the exploitation contract is valid. Grants for exploitation activities cover an area of 20 km2 and has a duration of 25 years, renewable for a period of 10 years.

  • Law for the Promotion of Foreign Investment (Law 344).

Over the past years, Nicaragua has made important progress in its investment climate in efforts to continue attracting high-quality foreign direct investment. The main legislation governing foreign investment in the country is Law 344 for the Promotion of Foreign Investment and its bylaws, establishing a series of solid legal guarantees for foreign investors, such as:

  • Equitable treatment to foreign investors.
  • Free currency convertibility.
  • Freedom to repatriate all capital and profits,dividends or earnings generated in the nationalterritory, after paying pertinent taxes.
  • Full international ownership permitted.
  • There is no discrimination against foreign investors.
  • Access to local funding available at localbanks, according to their terms and conditions of approval.
  • Security and property protection.


  • DOIN BUSSINESS IN NICARAGUA. (Last Visited: December 21, 2012 at 8:50 am).
  • LAW No. 714 LAW REFORM ACT No. 443, LAW OF EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION OF GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES. (Last Visited: December 21, 2012 at11:52 am).
  • LAW FOR THE PROMOTION OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT (Law 344).(Last Visited: December 21, 2012 at 11:52 am).
  • RURAL ELECTRIFICATION POLICY OF NICARAGUA DECREE No. 61-2005. (Last Visited: December 21, 2012 at 10:22 am).
  • GLOBAL ENERGY NETWORK INSTITUTE. (Last Visited: December 20, 2012 at 10:22 am).
  • MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES.(Last Visited: December 21, 2012 at 11:25 am).